===== Trim button as toggle mode for gyro gain ===== Hi, I'm using my devo7e for mini cp, but since it doesn't have enough switches, I'm scratching my head to find alternatives for different functions/modes. I want to make my trim button to make my **gyro gain toggle between 50 or 75** I know that trim button can be used as toggle mode (i.e. -100/+100), I've sent up a virtual channel (Virt3) for it to take effect BUT my gyro gain channel (ch7) either has no effect or simply also toggles between -100 and +100 how can I make use of trim button, virtual channel and other complex mixer to make ch7 toggles between 50 and 75? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: [[ .:trim_button_as_toggle_mode_for_gyro_gain:model3 ]]