Table of Contents

Setting Up the Deviation Build Environment

NOTE: It is now strongly recommended that you use Docker images to build Deviation. Instructions for building can be found here

Building for ARM (on Linux)

  1. download and install the pre-compiled Linux compiler from here:
  2. Add the path to the 'bin' directory to your PATH

Building for ARM (on Windows)

  1. Download and install the precompiled windows compiler from here:
  2. Add path to 'bin' directory to your PATH (I like to put this into ~/.profile so it is there each time I start msys): export PATH=/mingw/stm32/bin:$PATH
  3. Ensure python is installed. If not install it from here:
  4. Add python to your msys path: export PATH=“/c/<path to python>”:$PATH
    • For example: export PATH=“/c/Program Files/Python27”:$PATH)

Building the Windows binary on Linux

First install fltk:

apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime
<Download and unpack fltk source code>
./configure --disable-largefile --enable-localjpeg \
         --enable-localzlib --enable-localpng \
         --disable-gl --host=i586-mingw32msvc \
sudo make install

Next install portaudio:

<Download and unpack portaudio source code>
./configure --prefix=/opt/portaudio-w32
sudo make install

Building the Windows binary on Windows

First install MingW:

Next, install fltk:

Then, install portaudio:

Finally, install Deviation:

Building Deviation