If you find a bug in Deviation, please report it in GitHub's Bug Tracker.
You must have an account at GitHub to file a bug.
Please provide as much information as possible in your ticket.
Build version (you can find this on the 'USB' page of the transmitter)
Did you compile yourself, or download the dfu?
Type of Tx (Devo8, Devo7e, Devo8-emulator, …)
Have you tried reproducing this on the emulator?
Is this easily reproducible? If so, please provide step-by-step instructions
What protocol are you using?
If your transmitter rebooted, please provide the errors.txt on the root filesystem of the transmitter along with the 'debug-devo???.zip file that came with the dfu
The more detail you can provide, the faster we'll be able to fix the issue