I gave up...

27 Aug 2016 15:24 - 27 Aug 2016 16:17 #53138 by LITE
I gave up... was created by LITE
I gave up with setup on Deviation Software...
How to setup this software to work with 450 size, 6CH heli on Devo 10?
I need:
throttle (3 points)
pitch (3points)
gyro sensitivity
throttle hold
please, help...
Last edit: 27 Aug 2016 16:17 by LITE.

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27 Aug 2016 16:30 #53142 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic I gave up...
Load the 6CH advanced heli template and use the advanced mixer GUI.

For FBL use CCPM setting NONE, for CCPM choose the corresponding one (e.g CCPM 120).
You may have to swap Cyclic1<->Cyclic2 inputs on output channels AIL and ELEV.

The template does some basic stuff like adding D/R and expo mixers to RUDD and Virtual1-2 (AIL, ELEV) channels.
Virtual3 "CYC_COL" is your pitch channel with some pre setup curves.
Or you use the standard gui mode, do your basic setup and then swap to advanced GUI.
All your settings will be there and you can learn from it.
The Cyclic1<->2 swapping can only occur in the advanced mixer GUI because you have the channel / mixer list there.

So you can really simply setup f-mode, throttle hold, gyro with the standard GUI.
Advanced mixer model.ini is still written but hidden. So once you swap you can just view your created "advanced setup".

If you use FBL you can of course setup all by hand in the advanced mixer gui without the 6ch advanced heli template.

I will link you a thread - every week a new thread pops up asking for help and some guys / devs are discussions over and over again about the possibilities.

Yes heli setup is a little bit more advanced then with Spektrum Airware, but it does not have it's limitations.

I posted at least to about 3-5 heli / fbl / AIL<->ELEV channel swapped threads, e.g: www.deviationtx.com/forum/3-feedback-que...-mistake-ail-and-ele
Almost all linked in my opened Mantis bug tracker id - but it is down for the moment.

If you may have more concrete questions you are welcome.
For FBL there are Heli/FBL howto guides you could find in google by "site:deviationtx.com (heli OR FBL) and Howto Or guide"


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28 Aug 2016 12:27 #53191 by LITE
Replied by LITE on topic I gave up...
Thanks for reply!
Another questions:
- where I can find throttle hold in Advanced GUI?
- where I can find ccpm in Advanced GUI?

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28 Aug 2016 12:37 - 28 Aug 2016 12:38 #53193 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic I gave up...
You go to the THR channel and use safety -100 and assign e.g the RUDD D/R switch
Manual 9.2.2 channel configuration: www.deviationtx.com/manuals/html-devo10/...hannel-configuration

CCPM is in the heli menu where you choose NONE/CCPM
9.8.5 swash configuration for standard GUI: www.deviationtx.com/manuals/html-devo10/...#swash-configuration
Model type of 9.1 model setup screen - you click on heli and then you get to the CCPM menu popup: www.deviationtx.com/manuals/html-devo10/pdfindex.html#id70
Last edit: 28 Aug 2016 12:38 by Thomas.Heiss.

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28 Aug 2016 12:49 #53195 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic I gave up...
Oh btw. Sometimes it helps others (and future searchers) to use in the topic some hard facts what you are trying to do and what exactly fails :-)

e.g heli - standard gui, heli - advanced gui
heli CCPM120, heli FBL - problems x y z

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28 Aug 2016 21:35 #53221 by LITE
Replied by LITE on topic I gave up...
Thank for a fast reply:)
Tomorrow, I will try to set it up
Best Regards

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31 Aug 2016 21:56 #53345 by LITE
Replied by LITE on topic I gave up...
Next question:
How to/where setup gyro sensitivity in advanced gui?

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01 Sep 2016 02:35 #53351 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic I gave up...
Gyro sensitivity is adjusted by setting up a mix on the flight controllers gyro sensitivity channel.

The standard GUI (and most proprietary GUI's) is all about your craft. Makes things the author provided for you easy, but other things impossible or close to it.. The standard GUI is all about the transmitter. Anything you can describe in those terms (i.e. - you don't "set the gyro sensitivity", you "set the value of the gyro channel") is possible. It's much of a muchness, except you get no guidance to go from one to the other, so you have to get used to thinking in those terms.

This does make the advanced GUI something of a pain, and people rightly complain about that. On the other hand, it makes the distinction of "model types" sort of superflous - you can set up any model type. I use it for a 3-channel yacht, which wants a single stick for the jib and mainsail sheets, but different trims on them. The howto for doing that with proprietary firmware starts with making a "transmitter board" that restricts one of the sticks to diagonal movement so you can use the two trims on it. Not needed for the advanced GUI.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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01 Sep 2016 15:15 #53379 by LITE
Replied by LITE on topic I gave up...
If I set up heli in Advanced GUI and change to Standard GUI, my settings are lost. Additionally, in Standard GUI channels for elevator and aileron are swapped and I can't to change it.
I bought Devo believing Deviation Software is the most universal software for Devo transmitters. I was wrong...
Still can't fly my heli...

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01 Sep 2016 16:33 #53380 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic I gave up...
As mwm wrote - Standard GUI in Deviation is similar to other proprietary GUIs of all other TXs. It is limited by definition. Advanced GUI describes model not in terms of most popular features already implemented by the industry, but in terms of transformation of inputs into channels. It is harder but much more versatile - it allows you to implement almost every control imaginable.

These two styles don't have an equivalent transform between them - while you can switch from Standard GUI to Advanced one without loss of parameters the opposite is not true - Standard GUI just can't represent what is set in Advanced one. So don't do this. Start with Thomas.Heiss recommended setup and modify it until done.

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01 Sep 2016 21:47 - 02 Sep 2016 07:34 #53387 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic I gave up...

LITE wrote: If I set up heli in Advanced GUI and change to Standard GUI, my settings are lost.

Of course.
You can do ANYTHING in the advanced mixer GUI - so it can NOT be migrated to standard mixer GUI.

I told you to do the vice versa:
You would be able to do your first basic setup in the standard GUI (just like Spektrum Airware - if you can not handle it - read a Spektrum DX8G1 manual or DeviationTX manual first).

Once finished you set the mixer to advanced.
It won't erase anything of your model settings, because standard GUI is translated / mapped to some advanced template / mixer stuff.
But you can view all your mixes in the advanced GUI and also do the ELEV<->AIL Cyclic1<->Cyclic2 channel change (if working wrong).

Of course you can then laters NOT!!! change back anymore to standard GUI!!!

LITE wrote: Additionally, in Standard GUI channels for elevator and aileron are swapped and I can't to change it.

Yes, see the linked threads - all explained why and background details / written there how you might work around it - I have not tested if it's possible.

If you do not want to manually edit C code, manually change model.ini cyclic channels and stuff you MUST stick to advanced mixer GUI if it is not working for you and the provided informations in the other threads could not help you.

LITE wrote: I bought Devo believing Deviation Software is the most universal software for Devo transmitters. I was wrong...
Still can't fly my heli...

Advanced mixer GUI it is, not standard GUI!

We can not tell you anything different than that there is some known weird behavior around the standard GUI code which can not be easily fixed (right now).

So go read Deviation manual, play with it, and do the standard heli GUI setup -> convert advanced mixer GUI (just setting).

More clear?

Last edit: 02 Sep 2016 07:34 by Thomas.Heiss.

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02 Sep 2016 06:19 #53400 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic I gave up...

LITE wrote: I bought Devo believing Deviation Software is the most universal software for Devo transmitters. I was wrong...

Well, if what you want is a GUI that talks in terms of your aircraft like the proprietary GUIs, you are right. The Devo standard GUI doesn't work for anything but heli's, and predates flybarless helis. It's not very universal at all.

If you can deal with talking in terms of the transmitter instead of the aircraft, then the deviation firmware is far more universal than the Devo firmware, or pretty much anything shipped by a hardware manufacturer except OpenTx on the Taranis. You can use it to set up craft that they have never dreamed of.

Do what TH suggests; get your Basic heli set up in the Standard GUI, then convert to the Advanced GUI to use it. I don't do that, so can't advise you on it, but it's a good way to start.

Or read my tutorial on writing deviationTx models to learn to deal with the advanced GUI from scratch. Or do both.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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17 Sep 2016 07:31 - 17 Sep 2016 08:34 #53945 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic I gave up...
Standard GUI - not so easy:

Deviation 5.0 as been released: www.deviationtx.com/forum/6-general-disc...eased?start=60#53953

Heli problem / workaround description including link to new "heli summary analysis developer" thread.
Developer thread includes updated heli templates (working for advanced GUI NONE/FBL+CCPM120, standard GUI NONE/FBL on my side - not or only partly CCPM120)

Last edit: 17 Sep 2016 08:34 by Thomas.Heiss.

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