Devo12 wallpaper

30 Aug 2013 20:05 - 30 Aug 2013 20:05 #13399 by Hexperience
Devo12 wallpaper was created by Hexperience
Deviation logo in the wallpaper.
You will need to build your own library to use this.

There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
Last edit: 30 Aug 2013 20:05 by Hexperience.

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03 Jan 2014 10:29 - 03 Jan 2014 10:33 #17823 by Олег
Replied by Олег on topic Devo12 обои
Привет, я здесь новенькая, с Walkera, на вопрос. Я не могу найти, где поменять обои в devo12s с его прошивки нет папке media. скажите, пожалуйста, как это можно сделать??? И, может быть, не по теме, но может вы знаете, как сделать карту газа от 0% вместо -100% за ранее спасибо за ответ.
Last edit: 03 Jan 2014 10:33 by Олег.

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03 Jan 2014 10:44 - 03 Jan 2014 13:23 #17824 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Devo12 wallpaper
Без установленной среды для самостоятельной сборки прошивки из исходного кода это невозможно. Папака 'media' в связи с некоторыми ограничениями Devo12 зашита в файл билиотеки.

По вопросу отображения газа от 0 до 100% можно посмотреть в этой теме

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P.S. Вы можете настроить визуальную тему (скин) как вы хотите в эмуляторе, потом переслать мне измененные файлы через форум, и я смогу собрать для вас библиотеку.
Last edit: 03 Jan 2014 13:23 by vlad_vy.

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03 Jan 2014 10:53 #17826 by Олег
Replied by Олег on topic Devo12 wallpaper
Thanks for the answer!

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07 Mar 2014 01:19 #21319 by rcbestmail
Replied by rcbestmail on topic Devo12 wallpaper
What program i need to convert bmp image to 16 bits and 72ppp? Thanks

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07 Mar 2014 05:37 #21326 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Devo12 wallpaper
You can use the free Gimp, and of course Photoshop, if you have.

See this:

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07 Mar 2014 11:01 #21339 by rcbestmail
Replied by rcbestmail on topic Devo12 wallpaper
Thanks very much

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24 May 2014 20:18 #23582 by sv650s
Replied by sv650s on topic Devo12 wallpaper
Somebody can explain me how to build a library for devo 12S ?

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25 May 2014 04:56 #23592 by vlad_vy

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25 May 2014 07:29 - 25 May 2014 07:33 #23595 by sv650s
Replied by sv650s on topic Devo12 wallpaper
but i see the wallpaper in "media" is name devo8.bmp and i have a devo 12S
so i must name my wallpaper devo8.bmp or devo12.bmp or devo12s.bmp
and on last thing, witch must be the size of wallpaper for deco 12S ? 320x240 or 480x272 ?
Last edit: 25 May 2014 07:33 by sv650s.

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25 May 2014 08:19 - 25 May 2014 08:21 #23597 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Devo12 wallpaper
You can use 'media' folder from devo12 or devo8 emulator. They contains all you need.
Last edit: 25 May 2014 08:21 by vlad_vy.

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25 May 2014 08:55 #23599 by sv650s
Replied by sv650s on topic Devo12 wallpaper
thanks but i don't know devo12 emulator ….
do you mean i put "media" folder into the library ? after i will see the "media" folder on my radio ?
or just take take what i need in the "media" folder and put it in my new library ?


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25 May 2014 09:31 #23601 by sv650s
Replied by sv650s on topic Devo12 wallpaper
it's ok for me now

i have download the emulator for devo 12S and it's great, i can emulate all i want for wallpaper, toggle
when it was ok, i have made my new library
and i have flashed my new library on my deco 12S
and it's work very well

thanks for your help

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25 May 2014 15:52 #23608 by sv650s
Replied by sv650s on topic Devo12 wallpaper
Another one question :
in deviationtx there is 2 icons models (plane and helicopter) can i change this 2 icons or can i add more icons models directly in the library.dfu ?
And can i extract files presents in a .dfu file ?

thanks again

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27 May 2014 02:05 #23647 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Devo12 wallpaper
you don't need to modify the dfu.
The model icons should be stored in the modelico dir on the flash drive. Just plug into the PC and turn on the Tx while holding 'Ent'. Then you can place your images in the modelico dir. Note that while you can make the images larger than 96x96 on the Devo12, they can quickly eat the very small amount of flash space.

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27 May 2014 06:39 #23665 by sv650s
Replied by sv650s on topic Devo12 wallpaper
I know, i have already put the icons models in the modelico dir
But i would like to know if i'ts possible tu put them directly in the dfu file ?
Witch size i can use for larger images for try ? Actually i'm with images size 96x96

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