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i need elevon model config
- cox
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not that it is relevant but am using an orange receiver with the elevons in the ail and ele channels but if you have one that has elevons at all i can rearrange the channels so it will work.
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- sbstnp
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FMODE (3 positions) controls dual rates
GEAR is throttle cut.
Devo 10 + 4in1
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire
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- cox
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- EArHog
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How can I reorient the right stick so the right stick up/ down = pitch?
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- RoGuE_StreaK
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- mwm
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Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- EArHog
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Question - reordering things this way won't adversely affect other models... will it?
Edit - I can get to the mixer page, and I know where the 'R' button is, but what about the '+'? Right/+?
Also, reordering things - can you suggest how I should reorder things to straighten out the right stick function? (or I can change something and test it, etc.)
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- mwm
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And the Right/+ button is the R button. It's also used to add to values, so is named "Right/+" in the docs.
You need to swap the channels that get input from the AIL and ELE sticks. I can't really say what those are without knowing what the mixes are.
Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- RoGuE_StreaK
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Ail Left only: should be left servo up, right servo down. Currently looking like ele, so left servo down (opposite), right servo down
Ail Right only: should be left servo down, right servo up. Currently looking like ele, so left servo up (opposite), right servo up
Ele Down (climb) only: should be left servo up, right servo up. Currently looking like ail, so left servo down (opposite), right servo up
Ele Up (dive) only: should be left servo down, right servo down. Currently looking like ail, so left servo up (opposite), right servo down
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- EArHog
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- Posts: 61
It's good to know that I can only screw up the model.ini file, and not my whole Tx

Thank you very much.
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- EArHog
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I am trying to use a flight controller, and that presents another layer of confusion for me. (as if one complete 'dose' of confusion wasn't already enough). e.g. I don't know how to get the motors to arm. But that's for another day, and another forum.
You guys are great.
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- stevecox
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- Keep swinging
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- EArHog
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Steve, Off-topic Question (can't resist) - does your Toro 900 have a flight controller? Or do you fly with receiver only? (my only fixed wing experience is RTF beginner Delta Ray)
EDIT - Yikes! My sticks are all jumbled up with this model. I like the design, but I am not clever enough to get my radio sorted out. (I lack basic understanding. Can't everybody be smart, I 'spose)
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- stevecox
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- Keep swinging
My Toro is just rx only but then I have been flying a long time

For a wing, pay HEAVY attention to the C.G. get it right, they can be very nasty if it's off and you are still gaining experience. Get it right and they can be extremely docile and aerobatic. With the right CG you shouldn't need a FC unless perhaps for some FPV etc
Don't give up on the model config's, experiment, eventually it will all fall into place. Maybe start by just having the rx and two servo's on the table in front of you and start experimenting, simple at first and then as slowly move to the more advanced things. To be honest I still do this from time to time

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- EArHog
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And while I was messing with my FC just now I must have overheated something 'cause now my spare FC is dead. damm... (rolls eyes)
I have had my Delta Ray airborne with just Rx previously. I will do it again if I can't figure out how to do it with the FC.
Weather's too crappy to fly anyhow.
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- EArHog
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I went back to plain old Spektrum Rx - no gyros - just me and the ESC's. I cobbled together a model.ini (thanks again for all your help) and then copy/pasted something from a tutorial regarding "sticky throttle". It worked just a treat.

This afternoon I went back out for another round and the weirdest thing was happening with my radio (Devo10). When I raised throttle the motors spun up like normal until throttle hit 50%. Then the throttle snapped back to the "sticky hold" value of (-) 108%. I couldn't get past 50% throttle.
I looked at the throttle channel in Channel Monitor, and it shows exactly what is happening when I try to fly. The bar slides along the throttle graph until it gets to 50% and then snaps down to (-) 108.
How could that happen??? I didn't even look at the airplane from last weekend when it worked great until today when this weirdness happened. How can the model.ini go from working to not working when ... grrrr!!!
How does one recover from a thing such a this? I tried reloading the model.ini file - ...nope - didn't help.
Attached is the model.ini file that I came up with. (I am not actually knowledgeable about such matters - I am just a scrounger)
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- Deal57
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Also in the second mixer, it may be useful to use the Src=ch1 rather than THR. IIUC this ensures that the mixer sees the throttle output rather than just the input.
I don't have my emulator with me to test the differences... Hope this helps.
Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!
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- EArHog
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- Posts: 61
I made the changes you suggested. It still jumps back to -108% as soon as the throttle hits exactly 3% - just a smidgen past half throttle.

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- Deal57
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- Posts: 857
Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!
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- EArHog
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- Posts: 61
Deal57 wrote: I think any other type model I would suggest starting over with a new model and create it in the GUI on the TX. Keep it simple and see if the throttle issue is still there. If no throttle problem, bring in the mixes, then other customization. It's probably more difficult with this type of model, but let us know how it goes.
You have over-estimated me, sir.
It was the likely the sticky throttle feature that I copied from one of the Deviation tutorials. I'll dump that.
I appreciate your time. Truly.
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Model Configs, Templates, Skins
Model Configs
- i need elevon model config