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DJI Naza + GPS with R710 or R910 RX on DBUS output

Attached is my profile (Devo 10), don't forget you'll still have to calibrate sticks and other channels in the assistant before you can use it! That's better to do it with a blank profile, don't worry if aileron & elevator channels are swapped, that's normal (weird channels order on DBUS), calibrate like that, it is fixed in my profile.

Everything works, GPS / ATTI / Manual / IOC / RTH (on switch and on signal loss) and last but not least it uses the DBUS port of the R710, requiring only 1 servo cable going from the RX to the Naza for the 7 channels :)

If you want the failsafe/RTH at signal loss to work you'll have to bind the RX in Preset Failsafe mode (read the OrangeRX documentation) while the TX is set to more than 10% throttle and failsafe/RTH is enabled (AILE D/R 1).

This profile is for Devo 10 / OrangeRX DSM2 R710 or R910 on DBUS / Naza M v1 or v2 + GPS (DBUS input is on X2 connector):

Elevator & Rudder channels need to be reversed in Naza assistant.

RUDD D/R 1: throttle cut



FMODE 2: Manual

AILE D/R 1: Failsafe / Return To Home (overrides FMODE, to regain control reset the AILE D/R switch to 0 then switch to any FMODE other than the one you were using when you entered RTH mode…. that's weird but that's how the Naza works. Make sure your home position has been correctly set before using this mode !!!)

MIX 0: IOC Off

MIX 1: IOC Course Lock

MIX 2: IOC Home Lock

AUX4: X1 channel, can be assigned to various functions in the assistant: gimball pitch manual control speed, gains…

8mn countdown timer on throttle.


model_config/dji_naza_gps_with_r710_or_r910_rx_on_dbus_output.txt (45071 views) · Last modified: 2013/08/23 03:09 by goebish