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Jumper T12 Hardware Connections
The following documents the hardware inside the Jumper T12 transmitter
- MCU: STM32F205VET6 512kB Flash, 128kB RAM 100pin package
- LCD Display: 128×64 B&W display
- Radio: Jumper 4-in-1 module plugged into the back of the transmitter
- 256kbit EEPROM: ST M24256
STM32 Connections
Pin | Description |
0 | Stick RV |
1 | Stick RH |
2 | Stick LV |
3 | Stick LH |
4 | Audio Out |
5 | Switch B_H |
6 | POT1 |
7 | Ext Module TX |
8 | Trainer plug detect |
9 | USB Vin |
10 | Int Module TX |
11 | USB Data- |
12 | USB Data+ |
13 | SWDIO (???) |
14 | PCBREV |
15 (SPI3 CS) | LCD C/S |
Pin | Description |
0 | POT2 |
1 | LED Blue |
2 | S.Port Update PWR |
3 | ??? |
4 | ??? |
5 | ??? |
8 | Haptic |
9 (I2C WP) | EEPROM WP |
10 | Bluetooth Tx |
11 | Bluetooth Rx |
12 (SPI2 CS) | SD Card Enable |
13 (SPI2 SCK) | SD Card SCK |
14 (SPI2 MISO) | SD Card MISO |
15 (SPI2 MOSI) | SD Card MOSI |
Pin | Description |
0 | Voltage detect |
1 | Button 'Trim LHR' |
2 | Buttom 'Trim RVU' |
3 | Buttom 'Trim RVD' |
4 | LED Green |
5 | LED Red |
6 | Int Module PWR |
7 | Heartbeat |
8 | Trainer PPM In |
9 | Trainer PPM Out |
10 (SPI3 SCK) | LCD SCK |
11 | LCD A0 |
12 (SPI3 SD) | LCD MOSI |
13 | ??? |
14 | XTAL |
15 | XTAL |
Pin | Description |
0 | Power button press |
1 | Power on |
2 | Button 'Exit' |
3 | Button 'Page' |
4 | Telemetry Dir |
5 | Telemetry TX |
6 | Telemetry RX |
7 | Button 'Menu' |
8 | Ext Module Pwr |
9 | SD Card Detect |
10 | ??? |
11 | Switch: C_11 |
12 | LCD RST |
13 | LCD Backlight |
14 | Switch H |
15 | Trim LHL |
Pin | Description |
0 | Switch C_H |
1 | Switch D_L |
2 | Switch D_H |
3 | Button 'Trim RHL' |
4 | Button 'Trim RHR' |
5 | Button 'Trim LVU' |
6 | Button 'Trim LVD' |
7 | Switch A_L |
8 | ??? |
9 | Button 'Plus' |
10 | Button 'Enter' |
11 | Button 'Minus' |
12 | Bluetooth Enable |
13 | Switch A_H |
14 | Switch F |
15 | Switch B_L |
Externaml PPM Module (Pin 1 at bottom)
Pin | Description |
1 | SPORT |
2 | GND |
3 | ??? |
4 | Heartbeat |
5 | ??? |
FCC Report
hardware/jumper_t12.1548509750.txt.gz (160761 views) · Last modified: 2019/01/26 05:35 by PhracturedBlue