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The MultiModule is a circuit-board + ATTiny AVR chip which can be used to control up to 4 modules on a Deviation Transmitter.

The MultiModule is only supported by the nightly-builds at the moment, and will not work with Deviation 4.0.1 or earlier.

*If installing a 'DEVO' CYRF6936 module into the MultiMod, the 5.0V pin must be connected between the MultiMod and the Transmitter, otherwise it can be left floating*

*The Reset pin only needs to be connected if you plan to program the AVR via your transmitter. In this case, connect the 'Reset' pin to the 'TCK' pin of the Devo transmitter*

MultiMod v1.2/v1.3

Link: ###

*NOTE: Pin ordering is reversed on this module compared to all other transceiver modules*


MultiMod v1.4

*NOTE: Pin ordering is reversed on this module compared to all other transceiver modules*


modulelist/multimod.1460685980.txt.gz (93703 views) · Last modified: 2016/04/14 19:06 by PhracturedBlue