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reporting_bugs [2016/04/15 08:49]
reporting_bugs [2017/03/08 02:24] (current)
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-If you find a bug in Deviation, please report it in the [[http://​​mantisbt/​bug_report_page.php|Bug Tracker]].+====== Reporting Bugs ======
-You must have an account at the forums to file a bug. If you do not have oneyou can [[​view=registration|register for one here]].+If you find a bug in Deviationplease report it in GitHub'​s ​[[|Bug Tracker]]
 +You must have an account at GitHub to file a bug.
 Please provide as much information as possible in your ticket. Please provide as much information as possible in your ticket.
reporting_bugs.1460735386.txt.gz (293997 views) · Last modified: 2016/04/15 08:49 by FDR