Hello there ,
My name is Carlos and I'm new here.
I have my DevoF12E for 5 days and would like to install the software deviation.
So far I have managed to get the "deviation-devof12e-v4.0.1-26a4a53"
to install.
(With my Windows 8.1 laptop it does not go, I had my old Windows 7 computer rausholen to the driver to install.)
The problem is that I can not bind with the DSM2 receivers me and after turning off the transmitter will lose all settings.
Is there a manual for the proper install a functioning Sofware of deviation?
I like the Devo F12E and I'd like to keep it, but if it is not possible to install the software Deviation I give the Devo F12E back.
For any help, I am grateful