Talk me into buying a Devo 10

24 May 2013 20:23 #10277 by Martian
Talk me into buying a Devo 10 was created by Martian
Hello All,

First post here. I bought my son a S107G clone for Christmas and we had so much fun that I bought myself an S107G so we could fly together. My son then used his Christmas money to buy a WL Toys v929 and we were hooked!

I've since acquired the mangled remains of an MCX2 from a friend and made it airworthy again and also got a great deal on an MSR off Craigslist. We've had a great time learning to fly for very little investment so far but after trying out a friends DX7 it's become obvious that in order to get to the next level in our flying we will need a better TX.

As you would expect the LHS only carries Spektrum and my friends who fly have bought into it. Obviously having two Blade models made Spektrum the obvious choice for me and I was trying to decide between the DX7s or the DX8 until I came across Deviation. The idea of being able to fly all the major brands with one TX and having virtually unlimited slots for models is just amazing. I'm pretty much ready to pull the trigger on a Devo 10 but would have a few questions before I take the plunge.

1) I know I will need to add an A7105 module in order to fly my v929, other than that I will be able to fly the three models I have with no issues correct? Are there any issues / problems with buying the transmitters from Ali Express?

2) I've played with the Phoenix simulator at my LHS and really like it. Once I have a programmable TX that will most likely be my next purchase. I've seen Phoenix discussed in the forums but want to confirm that a Deviation Devo 10 will work just fine with Phoenix 4?

3) Assuming I'm adding the A7105 is there any reason not to go ahead and add the CC2500 module at the same time and are there any other common mods that I should consider while the TX is open?

4) Can anyone recommend a good place to buy a Devo 10 and should I consider getting it in a packaged deal with a helicopter or RX? - I want to get a CP helicopter to learn on and it looks like I could save $40-$50 getting a bundle or should I just get an RX? I would prefer something here in the states with fairly fast shipping (I'm impatient).

Thanks in advance for the help!


HELIs: V929, MCX2, MSR, Nano CP X
TX: Devo 10 (Deviation 3.0.0)

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24 May 2013 20:53 #10278 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
I can only tell you a little bit:
(1): Take care to get a module with power amplifier (to get higher range; it will not harm if you only want to fly little birds now, the extra money is little). And be careful when choosing a module: the sellers often use all rf chip names in the headline; the really mounted is often only mentioned in the text.
(2): I have read somewhere here in the forum that it work quite well. >Please use the search function.
(3): The Devo10 has so much inputs - no real need to add something.
(4): Good idea to buy a set. So you can test the original firmware and the heli together before upgrading to deviation. And you can save real money.

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24 May 2013 23:23 - 24 May 2013 23:23 #10280 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Though I may be biased...
1) I usually recommend scavenging from a V911/V9x9 transmitter, but the Ali Express/Ebay modules are good too (as long as you get one with a power amp). Make sure to read the description carefully as they often use SEO, and advertise things like 'NRF24L01/A7105' which would very likely NOT be what you want.

2) Phoenix is great, and I recommend buying it. Deviation works well with it (though you need to set the protocol to 'PPM' to activate it)

3) The CC2500 module is only working with the Skyartec protocol at the moment. I probably wouldn't recommend this one until I can figure out why Frysky doesn't work as it should.

4) I definitely recommend one of the Walkera bundles. I got my Devo10 with a MiniCP I think (so many Tx, I can't actually be sure any more). The question of MiniCP vs GeniusCP vs SuperCP is one I can't address though. They are all pretty similar as far as I understand. I do not recommend Walkera's stand-alone receivers. Besides being expensive and not having telemetry, my RX1202 has been nothing but trouble. I personally have repeatedly bought from WowHobbies and can recommend them for fast shipping. I've never had an issue with them. I also have bought from China, and haven't had many issues there either, but to save money, you usually need to use slow-boat shipping, and if you use EMS, you wipe out the cost advantage.

One last thing. Walkera's weak spot in my mind is in quality assurance. Besides my own issues, I've seen several folks here have various issues with their Tx from failing screens to faulty switches. If you buy from the states, you chances of getting things fixed are a lot better. To be clear, I think the general build quality is good, I've thrown an awful lot of abuse at my Devo8 and am really impressed with how it has held up...It is more a question of consistency.
Last edit: 24 May 2013 23:23 by PhracturedBlue.

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24 May 2013 23:48 #10281 by 8987846
Replied by 8987846 on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
I just bought my devo 10 from banggood yesterday for ~$120. do not forget to get their $10 off by referencing yourself to buy it.XD
they do have free shipping, but according to my last purchase from them, it takes 27 days to my door. so i upgrade it to 2-3 days delivery by DHL for additonal 25 bucks.

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25 May 2013 23:51 #10308 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10

8987846 wrote: I just bought my devo 10 from banggood yesterday for ~$120. do not forget to get their $10 off by referencing yourself to buy it.

I just saw that and ordered it myself. Now that DeviationTx can handle the WLToys "extra" functionality, the 7E just doesn't cut it any more. I do wonder if the gimbals on the 10 are enough better that I'll ever want to fly the 7e again, or will it be restricted to being loaned to people and taken on trips?

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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26 May 2013 03:20 #10309 by Martian
Replied by Martian on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Thanks for the replies! I'm really tempted to order a Devo 10 from Banggood. You can't beat that price! That said I kinda want the Gun Metal finish and really don't want to wait weeks for it.

I think I can save nearly as much by ordering a TX & heli bundle, probably still won't get the Gun Metal finish but will hopefully get much faster shipping. I'm torn between the Super CP and Mini CP but leaning toward the Super since it is newer and has a 6 axis gyro. Just disappointing that the telemetry is disabled by default and you have to buy a cable to flash the RX to get it back.

Looks like I can get a Devo 10 + Super CP from Wow Hobbies for $240 - about $20 more than what it would cost to get both from Banggood but will have it way quicker and probably better customer service if I should need it. Hard to decide...

Any reason not to get the Super CP or try to find the Mini CP instead?

Going to sleep on it.

HELIs: V929, MCX2, MSR, Nano CP X
TX: Devo 10 (Deviation 3.0.0)

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26 May 2013 05:02 #10312 by 8987846
Replied by 8987846 on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
i heard that the gun metal finish wipe off its original colour in long term use. i do not think the super cp and mini cp are so different from each other in terms of flying characteristics unless you buy the brushless version of the super cp.

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26 May 2013 05:07 - 26 May 2013 05:08 #10313 by 8987846
Replied by 8987846 on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10

mwm wrote:

8987846 wrote: I just bought my devo 10 from banggood yesterday for ~$120. do not forget to get their $10 off by referencing yourself to buy it.

i think we will be least until walkera releases the newer generation radio.

Last edit: 26 May 2013 05:08 by 8987846.

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26 May 2013 11:38 - 26 May 2013 11:44 #10317 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Same price from Miracle-Mart, same free shipping only a lot faster. I just ordered one for a work colleague and it shipped the next day, and now 3 days later it already left Hong Kong. My last order from them was 8 days in my hands, which is a feat in itself.

They have the TX + RX combo but you can ask Kuen to remove the RX from the package.

Oh, and with MM you talk to real people not BG drones.

I've had only bad luck with Banggood. Ordered a micro quad as a gift for someone and after 45 days I filed a PayPal dispute only to have BG tell me that their customs opened the package and found a LiPO inside and that's a no-no. And they had the nerve to tell me like it was my fault. So that was the first and last Banggood order for me.

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire
Last edit: 26 May 2013 11:44 by sbstnp.

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26 May 2013 16:39 #10324 by Martian
Replied by Martian on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Good tip on Miracle Mart, unfortunately they are out of stock :(

Looks like has the Devo 10 + Super CP in stock and even cheaper than MM. I've never heard of The site says they are affiliated with which also has the same combo for the same price. Neither have any reviews on which makes me nervous.

Anybody heard of either of these places? You know what they say about things that seem to good to be true. Would be great if they are legit.

HELIs: V929, MCX2, MSR, Nano CP X
TX: Devo 10 (Deviation 3.0.0)

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26 May 2013 16:53 #10325 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
No idea on the other sites, sorry.

If you're not in a hurry you can wait on MM till they restock, I think once a month or so. Or, you can email them and ask as well.

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire

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26 May 2013 17:13 #10326 by stevecox
Replied by stevecox on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
MiraceMart has free shipping for orders over $100 they end up cheaper 99% of the time, stock seems to be bad this year but if you are patient you can score, I like dealing with them. Hobbywow is the other I use, for both of the above, or any online shop, always Google for coupons I always find something ;-)
Devo10 you wont look back, its nice.


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27 May 2013 01:59 - 27 May 2013 02:44 #10330 by Martian
Replied by Martian on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Pulled the trigger on a Devo 10 tonight. Paid a little more than I should have but will have it by the end of the week.

I don't feel too bad though - I will need something to fly the Nano CPx I picked up from A Main Hobbies for $117 shipped thanks to their Memorial Day sale!

I really wanted to give Walkera a try, the Mini CP and Super CP look great but that was too good of a deal to pass up on the Nano.

Thanks again to all who posted for your help! I will be joining the deviation family very soon and I can't wait!

EDIT: I went with the nano mainly due to the sale price but also because I can use the batteries and charger from my MCX2 & MSR.

HELIs: V929, MCX2, MSR, Nano CP X
TX: Devo 10 (Deviation 3.0.0)
Last edit: 27 May 2013 02:44 by Martian.

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28 May 2013 00:10 #10351 by RoGuE_StreaK
Replied by RoGuE_StreaK on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10

mwm wrote: Now that DeviationTx can handle the WLToys "extra" functionality, the 7E just doesn't cut it any more.

I must've missed something and can't find a reference; what is this extra functionality the 7E can't be used for?

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05 Jun 2013 01:02 #10573 by Martian
Replied by Martian on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Both my Devo 10 and my Blade Nano arrived today! I was able to install Deviation 3.0.0 with no issues and am slowly learning how to use it. Thus far I've been able to connect to Phoenix RC and I've breifly flown my MCX2 and my MSR. I'm still completely confused by all the mixer settings switches and knobs but I'll figure it out eventually.

In Phoenix I'm having trouble getting the collective pitch to work properly on CP birds. I have CP tied to throttle which kinda works but not really. With the MCX2 and the MSR they flew really well but it was obvious that they were in "trainer" mode. I still haven't figured out how to get them in "full" mode. I'm not going to take to the skys with the Nano until I understand how to properly set up the TX and get a little more CP practice in Phoenix.

HELIs: V929, MCX2, MSR, Nano CP X
TX: Devo 10 (Deviation 3.0.0)

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06 Jun 2013 07:26 #10634 by myxiplx
Replied by myxiplx on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
I had problems getting collective to work in Phoenix, on the default channel 6 it wouldn't work at all. For some reason that channel goes straight from 0 to 100%.

On my Phoenix setup I moved the collective to channel 7 and modified Phoenix to use that and it works fine now.

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06 Jun 2013 09:11 #10637 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
This might be the wrong thread for this subject, but it is here now.
We might help you if you show us your model config (best will be both: the one with collective at channel 6 and the actual working).

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06 Jun 2013 10:54 #10639 by Martian
Replied by Martian on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Thanks for the reply myxiplx. I did get Phoenix working and have been practicing a lot. I also have my Nano out for it's first flight last night. WOW, that thing is awesome! Managed to face plant into the sidewalk and crack the nose but that was inevitable. I need to set up my dual rates and expo better but I'm getting the hang of it. Still lots to learn about Deviation. The Simple GUI is making sense to me but I still haven't fully worked out the Advanced GUI.

HELIs: V929, MCX2, MSR, Nano CP X
TX: Devo 10 (Deviation 3.0.0)

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11 Jun 2013 02:16 #10781 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10

RoGuE_StreaK wrote:

mwm wrote: Now that DeviationTx can handle the WLToys "extra" functionality, the 7E just doesn't cut it any more.

I must've missed something and can't find a reference; what is this extra functionality the 7E can't be used for?

Sorry for the late reply. Been a bit tied up. With the v959, there are three extra functions over and above flying the copter available in 3.0.0: take a picture, start/stop the video camera, and turn the lights on/off. Those require a switch each. I could give up fmode on the 7e and do the two extra switches mod, but that's still short of optimal. At ~$140 or so, I kept going back and forth between modding the 7e (which is otherwise fine for most of my birds) and buying the 10. Being able to order a 10 for < $120 shipped made up my mind.

Unfortunately, none of my computers see a device when I plug in the 10 and turn it on in upgrade mode: I've tried multiple ports, cables and computers, and verified that the 7e works as expected. Seems that the trainer port isn't working either, but I'm not sure if I need to do something special to set up deVention for a flight sim. Anyone got any hints for either setting up deVention for a trainer, or what I might do to fix this thing?

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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27 Jun 2013 10:47 - 27 Jun 2013 10:49 #11446 by Damo
Replied by Damo on topic Talk me into buying a Devo 10
Oops, just bought a devo 10 from banggood, I now wait for it to turn up, be deviation'ifeid to learn how to program it.
I have a v911, a v222 and an FX059 (double horse 9116 clone). If the FX059 does not bind I can use a v912 PCB and bind the devo w/deviation with that.

I anticipate buying a CP heli (evetually FPV'ed) and RC plane in the near future, so the devo 10 will not be under utilised.

edit: I am planning to transplant the TX module from my Wltoys transmitter to the devo 10, this should get me flying with the v911. I assume no module for the v222?
Last edit: 27 Jun 2013 10:49 by Damo.

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