I've just installed the latest nightly built on my Devo7e. I've assigned a shortcut button (quick menus) to reach the model setup menu. A long button press will bring me to this menu, but I still have to press a few DN buttons, an ENT key to initiate the bind process. Then, I will need to wait another 3 seconds to countdown before it actually performs the binding process. The best I can do all these is around 5 seconds.
The problem is that some of the Wltoys v2X2 suffer from signal dropout issues. When the dropout occurs and I need to perform the above rebinding process which take at least 5 seconds, the multicopter would have been crashed already. Is there anyway to make rebinding with a single shortcut key? With the original Wltoys transmitter, one can rebind by moving the throttle stick up & down, this has already saved my v222 a few times. Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.