Im owning a Rc Eye One Xtreme (including One-Link) from RcLogger. As far as I know the Quad should work with the One-Link and Deviation. Unfortunately I'm still a noob in programming so I cant get it done. I hope there is somebody who tells me
exactly how to make this work. What I did so far with my Devo 10:
I select PPM as output signal. Then when I connect the One-Link, it shows that there is a signale. Next step is to "learn" the One-Link witch switches to use. So I try that. Throttel, rudder, elevator and aileron are no problem but after this the One-Link dosent react on any input (there are still channel 5,6,7 that need to be learned). I guess that I have to programm something more in the Deviation software but here my Noobism comes in and I dont know how
Hope you can help me.