Anyone successfully added the new iRangeX iRX4?

04 Jul 2017 00:35 #63273 by chase

I just received my Devo 12.
I saw in the thread a 4n1 was added.

Is reading about the new IRangeX iRX4 4n1 JR module and how it has more memory now. 128k versus 32k of the previous board due to a new STM32 chip. See below

And read more about it on the Bangood product page here:
Banggood IRangeX iRX4 4n1

I know it's designed for use with the FrSky TX's such as the Taranis and others that use OpenTX but I was curious if anyone has taken it out of its plastic case and tried installing it in a Devo TX?
If it can be...

And if it can, is it more robust memory wise than current 4n1 being installed in Deviation TX's?

I'm new to all this so... I'm curious. And want to know what's what before attempting a hardware mod.

Adding a 4n1 seems more efficient than adding individual chips and additional antennas.
Are there any cons to going with a 4n1 over individual chips etc?


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04 Jul 2017 03:50 #63274 by vlad_vy
For Deviation we don't need external module version. You need internal 4in1 designed for Devo Tx. It's direct replacement for original module and it use original Tx antenna. You will need to solder 3 wires only, for selecting additional RF chips.

About module connection and "hardware.ini" editing:

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04 Jul 2017 04:29 - 04 Jul 2017 04:29 #63275 by chase
Thanks for the response.
I would think the fact it's in a case wouldn't be relevant.
It can be removed from the plastic case easy enough.

I was familiar with the one you linked to, it's in the Devo 12e thread.
There's no additional memory onboard that one? Or is there?

The Devo 12e being limited to 30 models with the internal memory is in part why i looked at and was curious if someone had attempted to install it. I didn't realize it had to be specific for Devo radios since it's based on Opentx... And from what i had understood, OpenTX or whatever is in it, is based on Deviation firmware.I thought i read that.

Perhaps I'm too new to this and getting confused on what can go in what as far as open software and hardware.

Last edit: 04 Jul 2017 04:29 by chase.

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04 Jul 2017 04:58 #63276 by FDR
Deviation on Devo transmitters and OpenTX on for example Taranis use totally different architectures.
Deviation implements the protocols in the transmitter's firmware, while OpenTX lets that for the modules.
That's why Deviation commands the RF modules directly, while OpenTX only communicates through a standardized channel with the microcontroller in the module bay.

Deviation is not based on OpenTX and OpenTX isn't based on Deviation either. They are not related at all. Even that module isn't really based on Deviation, only uses it's protocol codes, but it happens the other way too, when Deviation developers look at the OpenTX code for solutions...

BTW the 12E can have about 200 models in Deviation...

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04 Jul 2017 09:03 - 04 Jul 2017 09:03 #63281 by Whatsinaname
Replied by Whatsinaname on topic Anyone successfully added the new iRangeX iRX4?
To add to what FDR said,

I own a devo7e with the 4in1 module made for the devo tx and I also own a taranis qx7 using the stm32 irangex irx4.

Between the two, the biggest difference (imo) is that the irangex module is not power adjustable like the devo module.

I suspect the irangex module is power limited but at what level I am not sure. I have been too busy (and lazy) lately to bind the module to my frsky receivers and do an rssi comparison.

Besides the power adjustment, the module for the devos is interfaced directly by deviation and the protocols are part of the deviation firmware.

In opentx the rf modules are not commanded as directly as deviation and so the protocols are stored on its board with the firmware simply turning off the internal module and enabling the external module.

If you want the 4in1 on your devo its best to just get the one made for it versus hacking one that isn't.
Last edit: 04 Jul 2017 09:03 by Whatsinaname.

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04 Jul 2017 14:10 - 04 Jul 2017 14:11 #63282 by chase
Thank you very much for expounding things for me.
It clears up a little.
The protocols are what's similar/ based on...
While the architecture for each firmware is different as well as how they handle the protocols.

Yes i did see the 4n1 has 160mw. I was wondering about that... And read you could switch/ boost your TX output.
Which I'll be honest, i like it. But don't get how DJI and the little Mavic TX can get ranges of 4.3 + miles and my full size F12E is limited to 1000 yards. That just stamps a huge WHY? and HOW?.. in my brain.

200 models in the 12E once Deviation is installed? Are they freeing up memory?

On a side note, I read a year or so back one of the Devo TX's had a lot more memory stock.... I can't find the reference to it. Was it the 12, 12S, F12E or 12E?

This is my first brand new radio... The 12E. Others are all hand me downs so to speak. Purchased with crashed vehicles. Lol. So I'm excited... but being cautious before making changes. Thinking it all through and seeing what options there are.

Now... Say i install the 4n1... The one you linked to. Are there any other hardware mods i need to do, like memory chips or what ever?

I'm not referring to antenna or gimbal mods... Just stuff related to the boards. Is that it? Just the 4n1 install and I'm done hardware wise... or is there more?

Last edit: 04 Jul 2017 14:11 by chase.

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04 Jul 2017 20:00 #63290 by Whatsinaname
Replied by Whatsinaname on topic Anyone successfully added the new iRangeX iRX4?
The DJI and other ap (aerial photography) rigs are built differently than the mini quadcopters we would fly on a regular basis.

The tx's for ap rigs can't be compared to the tx's we use for mini quadcopters because they are just built for different purposes.

As for the 4in1 module, you simply add the module to your 12e, flash the deviation firmware and enable the modules you want to use and that is it.

The module is controlled from within the deviation firmware.

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04 Jul 2017 20:30 #63291 by Deal57
The 12e is an excellent control platform for intro and basic aerial photography and has plenty of controls for the gimbals, landing gear, lights, flight and performance monitors, and so on. You don't need to make any mods except the 4-in-1 to get in the air with a decent DJI-type (I fly a CX-20) platform. The fact I can also use it for all my little ones makes it even better.

The radio characteristics of the long range flyers are more refined, but you can get a kilometer or further using some of the Deviation protocols. That's pretty far for us park flyers, and when you know you need the additional distances, I think you'll have asked enough questions, flown and crashed, and maybe even watched one fly back to china (I hope not!). So keep asking, flying and trying. You're off on the right foot; you have a good tx and you didn't spend money on a lot of stuff you can't use or don't need.

Happy flying.

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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05 Jul 2017 00:09 #63299 by chase
Thanks again to all that responded.

Okay then... The 4n1 you guys linked to is it.

No news or rumors flying around on a soon to be released bbd 4n1 is there? I know this one has been out a while.. I'd hate to order it, install it and find out two days later later..
Hey! They just released the latest greatest thing!! And it's ten times better!

(I've had it happen is why I'm asking)

As for range.. my Scout X4 is an AP platform. I only get 1000m. I say only... after seeing the range on some of the DJI stuff. And the Mavic Pro.. 4.3+ miles out of the box. That's pretty freaking good.
I get they run video on the 2.4ghz band. Forget video.. even just having full control at those ranges is.. well.. you got to wonder wtf!
The only thing i saw was they were pushing 125mw out of that little tx it comes with. As with their P4 Pro/Advanced etc.

I look at my full scale stuff.. i see 1/2 mile... To their 4.3 miles.
I realize those statements might be for another thread but.. dang. What the heck are they doing right that everyone else isn't doing?

You might not take your bird 400 yards.. but to have the confidence that you're not going to lose control till you get past 4 miles. That's a lot of confidence to have.
Me, i start sweating bullets at 700 yards.. lol.

Well at least with the 4n1 i can boost the mW a tad.

Again thanks.
I should have the 4n1 shortly. Just have to place the order. Unless.. there's a newer better one about to come out. Then I'll wait for it.
Let me know if there's any word on that.

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