Wondering if there is any chance the XK X520 will some day be supported in Deviation..It uses the S-FHSS protocol which is possible with the cc2500 module..From all the videos this plane is going to be extremely popular but unfortunately if is not available as PNP and best i can tell has a built in rx in the flight controller. It comes as RTF with 2 different transmitters which again only support mode 1 and mode 2 stick modes which is the problem for me cause i fly stick mode 3 and i am sure it will also be a issue for other pilots flying on the same mode or perhaps mode 4 ...Not to mention it will fly much better on a higher quality tx like my 12s with the M9 gimbals installed.If anybody has any info please chime in as i would really like to own one of these but will not order until i am sure i can fly it with my 12s..