Before I get bombarded with the fact that the DEVO 7 is not supported here... I read that and understand that. I've been on countless other RC forums looking for answers with no result.
Hopefully since this is a DEVO forum, just maybe someone can help..
My setup request is Super simple. I have an airplane. Ailerons were set up as Flapperons. It worked perfectly and decided to make life difficult and make separated dedicated flaps and ailerons.
I have each Aileron in its own channel. Right Aileron in channel Aileron on Rx. Left Aileron is Aux 1. Two servos connected to "Y" harness for FLAPS in GEAR channel.
Elevator in Elevator channel etc...
Right now, I have ailerons working and can adjust them individually by Tx and they work, but do not have any control over using them as additional flap.
As for the FLAPS I have them connected to FMD and they go from -62.4% to 0 to +62.4% making it look like they are working with the switch but are not adjustable for each position.
Should I be using the Aux 1 for second aileron or should I be using Aux for Flaps only.
Should I be using MATE for having left aileron work with right aileron? or some other way to have the left and right aileron still function as a flapperon?
What I would like to have is Ailerons to work as Fapperons on FMD or MIX switch and my dedicated inboard FLAPS to work off the FMD or MIX switch and be able for me to customize how much flap down for each position be adjustable.
Is this possible? who knows how to do it?