MinGW DeviationTX build environment

21 Jun 2013 17:29 #11208 by adabman
Replied by adabman on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Was able to finish the download today :) Quick and easy building. Thanks! :)

Deviation :) 1 TX to rule them all...

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21 Jun 2013 23:15 #11231 by RugWarrior
Replied by RugWarrior on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Hi adabman,

sorry for the problems!

I will upload it also to Cloudzer :)

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24 Aug 2013 10:15 #13200 by sllewji
Replied by sllewji on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Hi RugWarrior,

Although I can run the emu from within the MinGW shell window, When I try to run from Windows Explorer I get an error dialog saying "The Program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer"

Any ideas what I need to do to overcome this issue?


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24 Aug 2013 10:28 #13201 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Copy the following dll-s beside the exe:

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24 Aug 2013 10:59 - 24 Aug 2013 11:05 #13203 by sllewji
Replied by sllewji on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Thanks FDR,

That works perfectly.

I'm just interested - can you tell me what is different in how the release / nightly build of the emu is made as the pre-built emu doesn't issue this error.

Is it related to post #4857 where rbe2012 reported he had to add linker options?
(and if so could you point me in the direction of where I might need to add them?)

Last edit: 24 Aug 2013 11:05 by sllewji.

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24 Aug 2013 11:05 #13204 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
No, I haven't looked into it.
I guess the release compilation embeds those functions into the exe of the emulator, but I don't know what switches it uses to achieve that...

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24 Aug 2013 11:07 #13205 by sllewji
Replied by sllewji on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
No problem - I'll have a poke around the make files :)

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24 Aug 2013 11:26 - 26 Aug 2013 21:15 #13206 by sllewji
Replied by sllewji on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Found it - thanks to rbe2012

~/deviation/src/target/common_emu/Makefile.inc :-

-LFLAGS = -lfltk
+LFLAGS = -lfltk -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

I also needed to add libportaudio-2.dll into the ~/deviation/src folder.

In the MinGW shell, I then I used:-
make TARGET=emu_devo7e WINDOWS=1 zip

Edit: I ended up taking FDR's advice and removing the linker options and adding the two missing dlls to the src folder and changing the make file to add them to the emu zipfile.

Last edit: 26 Aug 2013 21:15 by sllewji.

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24 Aug 2013 12:57 #13210 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Hi Ian,
I actually use the original Makefile.inc and have no error messages. I don't remember what was the point to get rid of them, but they are history.
I confess I always start the emulator via MinGW and did never have those issues since then.

But I recommend not to change the linker flags - for the emulator this might do no harm, but the resulting .exe is different when you include different libraries. Don't do that when you want to build dfu files.

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24 Aug 2013 13:23 #13211 by sllewji
Replied by sllewji on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Hi rbe,

Point noted - thanks.

I have a couple of workarounds, so it's no big issue really but, if possible, I would like to understand why we are seeing this difference between our home-built exes and the release ones.

I have tried building MinGW environments using the methods in this thread as well as in the "Development on Windows" article.
Both emu exe files have the same issue when run directly from the Windows explorer - I wonder whether these MinGW environments are subtly different from the one(s) used to build the release and nightly versions?


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24 Aug 2013 17:25 #13227 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
I never build in MingW, which is why occasionally bugs creep in there.
When I build the Windows exe files, I do it using a cross-compiler on linux. This is why I do not need the static libstdc++ or libgcc dlls.

I'll look into updating the Makefile to work both in MingW without needing those as well (without breaking my cross-compile build)

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24 Aug 2013 17:33 #13228 by sllewji
Replied by sllewji on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Hi PB,

Thanks for the explanation - this is really not a big issue - and I wouldn't want you to waste time on something so minor.


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24 Jan 2014 10:19 #19019 by MatCat
Replied by MatCat on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Ok I setup using this method on Win 7, it seems to compile actual firmwares just fine, but whenever I tell it to do make TAGET=emu_devo8 WINDOWS=1 it just gives me a full devo 8 output and no emu_devo8.exe, no errors either.

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24 Jan 2014 12:24 #19022 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Is this just a typo here or have you missed an "R" in TARGET? If so, devo8 is the standard if no other is given.

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24 Jan 2014 19:50 #19036 by MatCat
Replied by MatCat on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Oh no I am typing it in right, it even compiles the emu stuff, just never produces emu_devo8.exe

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24 Jan 2014 19:50 #19037 by MatCat
Replied by MatCat on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
WTF, I just tried to re-compile it and it worked, go figure.

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21 Oct 2015 00:22 #39079 by gdenton
Replied by gdenton on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
I set up a MinGW DeviationTX build environment on a Windows 7 machine exactly as described on PB's BitBucket page, I can successfully build for individual TX's but when I try "make release clean" I get the following error:

target/common/emu/fltk.cpp:28:19: fatal error: FL/Fl.H: No such file or directory
#include <FL/Fl.H>
compilation terminated.

I see that directory\file exists at 'C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\Owner\src\fltk-1.3.0\' but I can't figure out how to make the compiler look there, any help would be appreciated.

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21 Oct 2015 02:29 #39083 by richardclli
Replied by richardclli on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
you need to download, build and install fltk first.

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21 Oct 2015 02:50 #39084 by gdenton
Replied by gdenton on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment

richardclli wrote: you need to download, build and install fltk first.

I did - as I said I followed PB's instructions exactly per his BitBucket page.

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11 Nov 2015 01:51 - 11 Nov 2015 01:52 #39888 by Cereal_Killer
Replied by Cereal_Killer on topic MinGW DeviationTX build environment
Hi guys, I decided to put my big boy britches on today and learn how to build, not only to be able to build devo but to get a start learning cause of a need to build other project's stuff too... Quick note, tho I'm quite familiar with building arduino, Atmel and PIC code (C++ and PIC assembly) I do so in their respective IDE's, this is the first time since high school (12 years ago now) that I've needed to use CMD for anything other than AVRDUDE and ssh'ing into my RasPi's that dont have monitors (and back then all I really used it for was basic navigation and telnet). As such I'm definitely a totally green n00b here....

Running win 8 (in the vista-like desktop) 64b
started out downloading MinGW and TourtoiseHg, got those installed. Cloned the official repo and just for s'&g's tried to make and I got "Error 1 and Error 2"

A few minutes of research here and I found I needed something else called fltk. I followed PB's link to get that, I typed the next commend in his how-to " Untar fltk: tar -xzf c/users/dan/downloads" (yes that's there the file I just downloaded is lol) and I get "sh: Untar:command not found"

Again I am a total noob at this so please answer in the most simple terms possible what I need to do next. I assume I havent actually gotten that last file (fltk or whatever that is) installed and that's why it's an unknown command.
Also note I opened MinGW DeviationTX home and I notice a few libraries have red X's next to them, is this a related issue or something else I haven't ran into yet?


Taranis X9E | DEVO 10 | Devo U7E | Taranis Q7

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Last edit: 11 Nov 2015 01:52 by Cereal_Killer.

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