Multi Module with ArduinoNano instead Attiny24?

27 Aug 2015 08:12 #37234 by Fernandez
I open a new topic for it.

I beleive it would make sence, if we could adapt the Multi Module to an Widely available Arduino Nano instead of using the specific Attiny24 and associated PCB.
Could this be done, is it difficult, what needs to be adapted?

As for now there is no otther way to put 3 additional modules into the devo, without the MultiMod

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27 Aug 2015 12:25 #37241 by mwm
I don't think it makes much sense. Instead of needing the PCB + ATTiny and modules, you'd need the Arduino (or whatever) plus the wiring hardware plus the modules. It would cost more, be bigger, and there would be more ways to screw it up, as you'd have to wire in all the modules properly rather than just plugging them into the PCB.

Of course, if you've already got all the hardware, the code is already running on the pro mini (see the rcgroups DIY multiprotocol Tx module thread ). Having the modules spread out like that might make it easier to fit in the small form factor Tx's, but otherwise, it's probably not worth the effort. Especially with the Universal module in the works.

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28 Aug 2015 08:01 #37258 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic Multi Module with ArduinoNano instead Attiny24?
I only look for a quick way to get the 4 Tx/Rx chipsets up and running in my 7e. Connecting to the arduiono nano instead of atiny24+ dedicated pcb , shouldn't be too much hassle? Just wondering if has been done. and someone has the hex and wiring pinout.

I am not looking for a PPM input universal module, as build in the RC Groups threat. Indeed the PB Deviation Single antenna universal module design, will be the way to go!

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