21 Jul 2012 16:11 #651 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI
Nice. they are now enabled

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21 Jul 2012 16:21 #652 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI
Wait a minute!
Do they supposed to have a pressed state?
I haven't done one for them, but if it is needed, we could simply use the btn96_16.bmp (etc) instead...

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21 Jul 2012 16:24 #653 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI

FDR wrote: Wait a minute!
Do they supposed to have a pressed state?
I haven't done one for them, but if it is needed, we could simply use the btn96_16.bmp (etc) instead...

No they don't currently support a pressed state

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21 Jul 2012 19:07 #654 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: I also fixed it so you can change mixer-type without resetting the selection.

That one caused serious trouble:
If you open the curve editor from the complex mixer, when you close it the header won't be redrawn, so there will be no mixer type nor cancel and ok buttons!

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21 Jul 2012 19:12 #655 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI
Another new bug:
On the Expo & D/R screen (could we name it shorter?) if you enable the Switch1 or Switch2, then clicking on the Mid-Rate/Low-Rate buttons show the curve selector, but clicking on them again doesn't hide those selectors, but writes throw them the Linked text...

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21 Jul 2012 20:21 #656 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI
I guess, now there are more important things happening, then correcting bugs...
I hope you haven't lost anybody!

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21 Jul 2012 21:01 #657 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI

FDR wrote: I guess, now there are more important things happening, then correcting bugs...
I hope you haven't lost anybody!

Nah, but I do need to spend some time with family on the weekends.

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22 Jul 2012 03:50 #658 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI

FDR wrote: That one caused serious trouble:
If you open the curve editor from the complex mixer, when you close it the header won't be redrawn, so there will be no mixer type nor cancel and ok buttons!


Another new bug:
On the Expo & D/R screen (could we name it shorter?) if you enable the Switch1 or Switch2, then clicking on the Mid-Rate/Low-Rate buttons show the curve selector, but clicking on them again doesn't hide those selectors, but writes throw them the Linked text...

Fixed...sort of. Currently if you use the buttons to navigate, your selection will be preserved on the Expo/DR screen wherever you are, but the order in which right/left move will vary each time you switch the Mid/Low rates on or off or press the link button. I am not sure how to address this yet. the widgets are built in a linked list, and when I remove or add them, they are always put at the end, so the order changes depending on how you select them.

Also, on the Complex page, changing 'pages' will reset the selection. This one will be quite difficult to fix as well.

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22 Jul 2012 13:34 #659 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: Fixed...sort of. Currently if you use the buttons to navigate, your selection will be preserved on the Expo/DR screen wherever you are, but the order in which right/left move will vary each time you switch the Mid/Low rates on or off or press the link button. I am not sure how to address this yet. the widgets are built in a linked list, and when I remove or add them, they are always put at the end, so the order changes depending on how you select them.

Also, on the Complex page, changing 'pages' will reset the selection. This one will be quite difficult to fix as well.

I've properly fixed both of these. The buttons will switch widgets as expected, and the selection won't disappear on thecomplex widget when switching pages

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22 Jul 2012 16:08 #660 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI
Cool, but now on the complex page the graph click always open the 13 point curve instead of the selected one. On the simple and expo pages it works well.

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22 Jul 2012 18:22 #661 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI

FDR wrote: Cool, but now on the complex page the graph click always open the 13 point curve instead of the selected one. On the simple and expo pages it works well.

I added a timer page too. It isn't fully connected yet though.

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22 Jul 2012 18:27 #662 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: I added a timer page too. It isn't fully connected yet though.

Yes, I've seen and already added a title for it...

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22 Jul 2012 19:11 #663 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI
I've added two icons: menu and exit.
Sorry, but they are from the original fw, because I'm not good at drawing.
I have put it on the main page to see how it looks, but it doesn't do anyting so far, because there is no menu list page to open.
Should I check in, or should I drop?
Next, I would add the exit button to the mixer, trim, timer, model and channel pages, but I will let you to make them work, and do a list page with those buttons... ;)

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22 Jul 2012 19:50 #664 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI

FDR wrote: I've added two icons: menu and exit.
Sorry, but they are from the original fw, because I'm not good at drawing.
I have put it on the main page to see how it looks, but it doesn't do anyting so far, because there is no menu list page to open.
Should I check in, or should I drop?
Next, I would add the exit button to the mixer, trim, timer, model and channel pages, but I will let you to make them work, and do a list page with those buttons... ;)

I'm not yet convinced I want to use a menu system like the Deviation firmware. To be honest, I've constantly found their system confusing, and I often end up clicking the wrong place to get where I want to go.

Instead, I'm thinking of keeping the system I have where right/left page through the configurations. However, my plan is to partition the pages into 'tx config' and 'model config' so if you click on the model icon, you get the model config pages (which you can left/right scroll through) and if you click the setup icon, you get the tx config pages (Today that is only the usb page and scanner page)

So all existing pages only need an 'Exit' button to get back to the main page. ok/cancel make no sense for them.

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22 Jul 2012 20:02 #665 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: I'm not yet convinced I want to use a menu system like the Deviation firmware. To be honest, I've constantly found their system confusing, and I often end up clicking the wrong place to get where I want to go.

Instead, I'm thinking of keeping the system I have where right/left page through the configurations. However, my plan is to partition the pages into 'tx config' and 'model config' so if you click on the model icon, you get the model config pages (which you can left/right scroll through) and if you click the setup icon, you get the tx config pages (Today that is only the usb page and scanner page)

So all existing pages only need an 'Exit' button to get back to the main page. ok/cancel make no sense for them.

So it means I have to revert...

No I don't like their 3 menus either (model, function and system), because they put functions to a wrong menu, but I like the idea to implement one menu to hold all things together. It would be a fix point, from where users could find everything.
If you keep the left/right thing, you should put next/prev buttons to it anyway to help navigating with the pencil.

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22 Jul 2012 20:13 #666 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: So all existing pages only need an 'Exit' button to get back to the main page. ok/cancel make no sense for them.

I have to disagree here...

You already have list pages (like the mixers, trims) and modifying pages (like mixer setup, curve editor, trim setup) which open from those lists, and can have ok/cancel to give the option to save or not. The list pages however do not modify data (except the trim steps, but they are not necessary on the list), and can have only an exit button to return to the main page (or menu list).

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23 Jul 2012 04:38 - 23 Jul 2012 05:28 #667 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI
Ok. Give the latest code a try.
I changed the menu system to match my original plan
Note that it isn't actually possible to get to the Model page using only buttons and that down-arrow now enables selection on the main page. I need to fix both of those. My plan is that long-press-enter will select the model page, and long-press exit will select the config page, but I need to try it and see how it works.

Edit: I've also started the timer implementation. You can't trigger them with a switch/throttle yet, and can only start/stop via pressing the screen, but they're basically working now.
Last edit: 23 Jul 2012 05:28 by PhracturedBlue.

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23 Jul 2012 11:57 #668 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: Ok. Give the latest code a try.
I changed the menu system to match my original plan
Note that it isn't actually possible to get to the Model page using only buttons and that down-arrow now enables selection on the main page. I need to fix both of those. My plan is that long-press-enter will select the model page, and long-press exit will select the config page, but I need to try it and see how it works.

Wow, a lot of changes! (Which means a long reflection... ;) )

I like that the clickable bitmaps react on clicking! The inverting not as nice as a clicked image, but at least you see it was clicked.
If the menus will get the long presses, I wouldn't mind to do the button selection (i.e. up/down button).

IMO the model setup menu's first page should be the most often used one, which is the mixer page. I know this is not the logical order of setting up a model from strech, but that is only needed once, while the mixer tuning will be a much frequent task...
By the way I like the merging of the load/save functions on a clickable textselect on the model page!

With this separated model and tx "menu" you took a step in the Walera direction, I think... ;)
For example I thought that the stick mode option belongs to the tx settings, but as I see, it is on the model page...
My main complaint against the paging method is that one don't know what page is next, and is the function there at all, for which he is looking for. He can't see what functions are there...
It doesn't teach the usage.

I didn't like Walkera's way of splitting functions into separate menus, because only 4 of the 12 functions of the model menu was model independent, the rest should be in the function (=model setup) menu instead. That way to change someting in a function you had to exit it way up to the main screen, then dive into the other menu, change an option of which that was dependent, then back again up to the main screen, back to the function menu to finish the setting...
Other example was to test the changes you've made on the monitor page. It was in the same menu, but down at the end. Change the mix, back, back, down, down, down, open monitor and test, not good enough, exit monitor, up, up, up, open mixes, select mix, change the value, do it again... It would be better, if it was accessible from there.
Sorry that I went a bit offtopic...

I think I will continue later.
I haven't yet done anything about my job today... (As a matter of fact I haven't done too much since the project started! I hope I won't be fired... ;) )

PhracturedBlue wrote: Edit: I've also started the timer implementation. You can't trigger them with a switch/throttle yet, and can only start/stop via pressing the screen, but they're basically working now.

Good! Do we need the hours? May be for gliders or ships... :unsure:
I hoped for an easy way to reset the timers with the buttons, which could be the long esc... :(

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23 Jul 2012 15:21 #669 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Re: GUI
Today there really aren't any transmitter configuration options. the 'options' screen allows you to select interesting but not commonly used 'main' pages. there is no configuration available in any of those pages.. Im not sure of the value of seeing the chantest data with the Deviation firmware. The graph shows the current position on the graph. But if you think it would be useful, we could have a shortcut from the main mixer page. I did just add additional graphs to the expo/DR config page that may make this easier. The only additional thing I can think of is that maybe having a bargraph showing the channel-output would be useful on the complex mixer page, since the xy-graph doesn't show the full extend of the stacked mixers.

I understand about needing to page through many options, but I think
that Walkera just split their firmware up into too many pieces. If there are only a few pages, then it is much harder to get lost, and except for the current 'model' page, all of the other pages are one per function.

As for the pressable icons, they work just like other buttons. the 'press' image is embedded in the icon files. I just created them as invert as a quick&dirty place-holder. Invert may make sense for the pressable-image (like the model icon) though, where keeping 2 copies of the image isn't valuable.
Note that the icons I made are 32x31 instead of 32x32. Removing one line allows me to fit an icon plus its pressed state into one 4k page which wastes less space, and loads faster.

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23 Jul 2012 15:56 #670 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Re: GUI

PhracturedBlue wrote: Today there really aren't any transmitter configuration options. the 'options' screen allows you to select interesting but not commonly used 'main' pages. there is no configuration available in any of those pages.. Im not sure of the value of seeing the chantest data with the Deviation firmware. The graph shows the current position on the graph. But if you think it would be useful, we could have a shortcut from the main mixer page.

Do you mean it shows the stick position?
What I meant is a page which shows all the output values. There you can test all your mixer configs, expos, dual rates, value mixes, switch changes by watching the channel outputs as a function of stick and switch changes...
And yes it would be wery useful to see or at least access from where it is edited!

PhracturedBlue wrote: I did just add additional graphs to the expo/DR config page that may make this easier.

Yessss, awesome!!! :woohoo:

PhracturedBlue wrote: The only additional thing I can think of is that maybe having a bargraph showing the channel-output would be useful on the complex mixer page, since the xy-graph doesn't show the full extend of the stacked mixers.

Yes, it would be very nice! Or at least a label with the output value...

PhracturedBlue wrote: I understand about needing to page through many options, but I think that Walkera just split their firmware up into too many pieces.

I agree absolutely! But that is the conventional way of configuring a tx, it have to have a lot of settings.
However the mixers do simplify it, so we will have much less function to reach...

PhracturedBlue wrote: If there are only a few pages, then it is much harder to get lost, and except for the current 'model' page, all of the other pages are one per function.

Yep, but one of the design weaknesses of the original fw was, that you don't know what is clickable on the main page, and you can't reach them otherwise. In the beginning even I forgot once where can I configure the model. Found only the D/R and the throttle curve, because they have own icons on the main page...

PhracturedBlue wrote: As for the pressable icons, they work just like other buttons. the 'press' image is embedded in the icon files. I just created them as invert as a quick&dirty place-holder. Invert may make sense for the pressable-image (like the model icon) though, where keeping 2 copies of the image isn't valuable.

Cool! I didn't check the bitmaps... :blush:

PhracturedBlue wrote: Note that the icons I made are 32x31 instead of 32x32. Removing one line allows me to fit an icon plus its pressed state into one 4k page which wastes less space, and loads faster.

I think they would fit the header nicer in 24x24 size anyway...

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