Devo10 ESky protocol draft

21 May 2014 16:16 #23462 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
I see your point about ESky. We need to think what is more confusing for the user - two different protocols or one protocol with option. The problem with option is that it's not apparent, so there will be a stream of questions as it always does when somewhat obscure UI element is used.

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30 May 2014 20:49 #23766 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft

Do you plan to realease the ESKY protocols ? :)

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30 May 2014 21:22 #23767 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
ESky150 - I need to do one more modification to verify behavior and you need to check it. This weekend hopefully - last weekend I was sick and was unable to do anything besides sleeping and TV watching ;-)

ESky original - eventually. No demand at all currently, so in spare time ;-)

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31 May 2014 03:26 #23773 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft

victzh wrote: ESky150 - I need to do one more modification to verify behavior and you need to check it. This weekend hopefully - last weekend I was sick and was unable to do anything besides sleeping and TV watching ;-)

ESky original - eventually. No demand at all currently, so in spare time ;-)

Ok, hope you recovered well :) That's the more important

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01 Jun 2014 05:01 #23803 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
SeByDocKy, I need to ask you to do more testing for Esky150.

The attached build uses TX id to set two channels for the protocol to use. We need to figure out:
1. Boundaries for these channels - 2.4GHz ISM is 2400-2483.5 MHz, so channels 0 to 83 inclusive. Some protocols may use subset of this, so you need to check several combinations starting 0 and ending with 83 to figure out exact boundaries.
2. Channels for your original TX are exactly 40 channels from each other. We need to figure is it necessary, will it work with arbitrary distances.

TX id's 4 lower digits set the channels, 123456 will set one channel to 34 another to 56. So try some combinations - 8300, 0083, 2060 etc. to figure out the above points.

This build is with debug output, so better don't use it for other helis, V977 is known to be very time sensitive so the debug is influencing it.

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01 Jun 2014 05:57 #23806 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft

victzh wrote: SeByDocKy, I need to ask you to do more testing for Esky150.

The attached build uses TX id to set two channels for the protocol to use. We need to figure out:
1. Boundaries for these channels - 2.4GHz ISM is 2400-2483.5 MHz, so channels 0 to 83 inclusive. Some protocols may use subset of this, so you need to check several combinations starting 0 and ending with 83 to figure out exact boundaries.
2. Channels for your original TX are exactly 40 channels from each other. We need to figure is it necessary, will it work with arbitrary distances.

TX id's 4 lower digits set the channels, 123456 will set one channel to 34 another to 56. So try some combinations - 8300, 0083, 2060 etc. to figure out the above points.

This build is with debug output, so better don't use it for other helis, V977 is known to be very time sensitive so the debug is influencing it.

Ok I will try. Do I need to enter a 6 Digit Id or only the 4 is enough ?

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01 Jun 2014 08:02 - 01 Jun 2014 08:03 #23810 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
Ok .... I did some test with your debug version.

So first ... I am not sure of following results. Each time, I entered id = [12 id1 id2]

I observed two scenerii

i) Heli starts led fast flashing then led off
ii) Heli starts led fast flashing then slow flashing but heli not responding. I think this step is first one of the normal booting sequence.

So here are the results

So as you expected ANY combinaison such as id2 = id1 + 40 is working
from id1 in [00-43]. If the offset is different of 40 is not worling (I tried 37,38,39,41,42)
Last edit: 01 Jun 2014 08:03 by SeByDocKy.

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01 Jun 2014 08:22 #23812 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
I returned to the former DFU and it's no more working :( (binding but helicopter not answering :( ....) I have to investigate that ....

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01 Jun 2014 08:43 - 01 Jun 2014 08:44 #23814 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
I checked with the original TX, the Helo is working well ....

I checked other nRF24L01 protocols with my Devo 10 + MM, and it's working .... :(

Strange .....

I can't remember with the working version ESK1Y50(from 16-05) what was my ID... :(.

Can you build a version for my Devo 7E too ?
Last edit: 01 Jun 2014 08:44 by SeByDocKy.

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01 Jun 2014 09:35 #23815 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft

It's reworking ..... probably some problem in my config file ... :)
I will restart the tests you asked but I guess will be the same results

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01 Jun 2014 09:49 #23816 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
So final results with your last build....

if Id = [12 Id1 Id2] ... working for

Id2 = Id1 + offset with Id1 \in [00-59] and offset = 40.

Not working for any other combinaison.

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07 Jun 2014 05:44 #23948 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
OK, that's final test before pull request. Can you check that this release works with several arbitrary ids? Consecutive is OK as they randomized anyways.

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07 Jun 2014 06:14 #23949 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft

victzh wrote: OK, that's final test before pull request. Can you check that this release works with several arbitrary ids? Consecutive is OK as they randomized anyways.

Yes it's working with any arbitrary Ids .... now

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08 Jun 2014 10:08 #23963 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
Great Job Vic :)

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11 Jun 2014 21:47 #24042 by dremaer
Replied by dremaer on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
hi there

first of all, sorry for my english... it's not 100%...

i've a Belt CP v2 with 2.4ghz rx (EK2-0424 000731 6-Channel 2.4G Receiver)and no tx, but i have a devo 7e radio and i follow this post since a while.
i'm not an expert on software development and i'm a newbie in hardare management, but i've have made the long range and A7105 mood on my Devo succesfully,thanks to yours tuttorials, and i've ordered a NRF24L01 module on Ebay to install it.

i'm proposing to test your protocol of Esky to 7E, if you decide to step forward with, because i wanna make him fly with...

Thanks for your great job. ;)

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11 Jun 2014 21:58 #24043 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft

dremaer wrote: hi there

first of all, sorry for my english... it's not 100%...

i've a Belt CP v2 with 2.4ghz rx (EK2-0424 000731 6-Channel 2.4G Receiver)and no tx, but i have a devo 7e radio and i follow this post since a while.
i'm not an expert on software development and i'm a newbie in hardare management, but i've have made the long range and A7105 mood on my Devo succesfully,thanks to yours tuttorials, and i've ordered a NRF24L01 module on Ebay to install it.

i'm proposing to test your protocol of Esky to 7E, if you decide to step forward with, because i wanna make him fly with...

Thanks for your great job. ;)

Be aware that is the new ESKY protocol so-called "ESKY 150". The old one is net yet fully tested and Victzh don't want to release it before full testing ....

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11 Jun 2014 23:00 #24044 by dremaer
Replied by dremaer on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
ok... got it.
thanks for advertising.
going to bed
good night

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12 Jun 2014 04:48 #24047 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
OK, seems at least one interested person in original ESky. I will take a look. Strange, seems ESky is gone, despite you still can buy ESky helis.

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12 Jun 2014 14:18 #24051 by dremaer
Replied by dremaer on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
Thanks Victzh

I agree with you. Maybe Esky's had experienced a bad reputation on the past, or the other brands have evoluted more, who knows? :huh:
However in my case i'm satisfied with.

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12 Jun 2014 21:20 #24060 by Arakon
Replied by Arakon on topic Devo10 ESky protocol draft
I actually may use my old Lama heli again if esky support is included for the old receivers.

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