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Voice alerts test build
- Fernandez
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- magic_marty
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- magic_marty
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- magic_marty
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- magic_marty
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Another thing is i can no longer select load template on the main page config not sure if it is related to the build or not..I tend to use pretty much the same template and when i set up a new model i just load it from the template
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- Morlacus
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As concerns timers the prealarm does not say time remaining zero but says timer 1 alarm.
the Timer 1; 2,3,4 alarm which are time up alarms. Could they be treated as pre alarm giving the time in seconds.(and minutes) as time up seems to have no limit.
For inactivity alarm is it possible to increase the interval between 2 alarms. Say 20 or 30 seconds as a message is longer than a bip.
The question of priority of messages is important : a switch moved during a timer alarm does not trigger a message.
What is the use of volume, keypress and maximum length messages ?
Finished binding could induce that binding is effectevely done. As I understand it is just the 10 seconds binding time which is finished.
I have never heard saving but is it really usefull?
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- Moeder
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The volume message should be played when changing volume in the transmitter configuration, does it not? Maybe there has to be little delay between volume setting and message playing...
Max len has to be removed, and keypress I haven't looked into yet. Those were all predefined and I just moved them into music. Map for compatibility reasons. But as this all seems to be getting pretty usable, we will have to do all the fine tuning, bugfixing and optimization which is rather time consuming.
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- Moeder
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magic_marty wrote: .one thing i noticed is once a sound is selected we can not disable it back to none..
Yes you can, but you currently have to go all the way down to zero. Someone suggested that we should be able to select not only custom alerts but all entries in music.map. As this seems to be a bit confusing and useless for most entries, I would suggest we go back to only having entries 138+ available, which will internally be renumbered to 1+. It already is possible right now to have any mp3 ID in music.map, as long as it is above 0137. The only problem is that model.inis will only have the internal numbering (relative to first custom entry), so any additional music map entry could mess up the models mapping if it is not appended but inserted somewhere in the custom alerts in music.map. If have no better solution for this right now.
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- Morlacus
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I agree to have only the custom entries in the box.
As concerns numbering it seems normal to add the new messages at the end of the list ( as for toggle icons). This is the easy way and does not make changes for the existing modeil.inis
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- Moeder
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What do you mean by time up alarms have no limit?Morlacus wrote: the Timer 1; 2,3,4 alarm which are time up alarms. Could they be treated as pre alarm giving the time in seconds.(and minutes) as time up seems to have no limit
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- Morlacus
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When the timer has expired , (arrived to 0) it continues in negative. There is an alarm defined by time up interval. Each time this interval is reached there is a "timer x alarm" and this can continue as long as the timer is not stopped. So this could be if the interval is set to 30 seconds "time up 30 seconds" time up 1 minute" time up 1 minute 30 seconds" and so on...
I hope it is more understandable:)
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- Moeder
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Lots of changes in the new builds uploaded to the link above:
-Repetition of inactivity alerts set to 10 secs (compromise between beeps and voice alert)
-custom alarms now numbered 1+ in music config (in music map they can have any mp3 id above 0137)
-switching to "None" works again
-expired timers will announce expiration time value
-new voice alerts are appended to a running voice alert queue (I cannot test this in emulator, please tell me if it works; the whole queue thing is not perfect yet, as long as we still want to have buzzer and voice at the same time...too much things to do yet )
Builds can be found here . I also added an updated sample mp3 set and map file with some more custom alerts and also this time generated by the nicer sounding Apple TTS.
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- Morlacus
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Renumbering and back to none work perfectly
When time is expired on timer I have a "timer x alarm" without number after. ( Why not an alarm Timer x time expired ?)
For each interval on time up there is a timer 1 alarm with correct time annouce . Good numbering but a zero added to round hudred figures (ex three hundred zero) (Would be nice to have minutes too)
I wonder if it is necessary to have 4 different numberings for timers. I agree there a 4 . But I do not imagin to have more than one with a voice alert.
Voice alert queue does not work properly on my tests. The inactivity message during a timer time up jams all and a welcome message appears and is repeated many many times.
As concerns inactivity it should not appear in normal use (flight) and should be set may be to a minimum of 5 minutes delay to prevent problems...
Also for inactivity would it be possible to increase the repeating time to say 1 or 1 1/2 minute. I intend to use not a message but a mp3 song which could take for example 30 seconds and would be a good reminder...
The welcome message does not work yet. I thought I heard sometimes the 138 message but in fact it seems that is is the rudder DR position which is sometimes announced on welcome. Good byes works very well.
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- Moeder
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I will look into the queue and the number bug again, it was just a quick hack and I'm kind of annoyed this can only be tested on the TX...
A long song on inactivity is not a good solution, as this would either prevent other alarms or be disrupted by other alarms.
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- Morlacus
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For me the aim of Inactivity alarm is to remind a TX not switch off and left alone after a flight.In normal use (flying) there is no risk of trigerring this one. So no risk of interference with other alarms...Excepts on test when a TX is switched on just ot wait for this alarm...Moeder wrote: The message announced on timer X alarm can of course be changed to anything you like, for example timer X expired. That is just a matter of having the right mp3.
I will look into the queue and the number bug again, it was just a quick hack and I'm kind of annoyed this can only be tested on the TX...
A long song on inactivity is not a good solution, as this would either prevent other alarms or be disrupted by other alarms.
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- Morlacus
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There are three types of timers Stop watch (prop or not) Count down (prop or not) and permanent.
On all these possible time count there are voice messages only on the count down during the pre alert in count down, set in the on the duration defined in the model page on the interval set in the tx pages and time up in the interval set in TX page.
Voice messages could enhance stop watch and count down during the normal course of the chrono, but a new type of message would be necessary: a count of time elapsed from the start of the chrono, set in an interval to be defined for each chrono. This interval would be defined in the timer page if possible or in the TX page, but a definition in the model page would enable a definition for each model. This count could be made in seconds but would be better in minutes and seconds for longer flights.
As concerns permanent timer, no messages would be good as this information is not interesting during flight.
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- Moeder
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Another benefit of all this is, that I can now much easier test everything in the emulator, so I'm pretty confident it all should work pretty smooth so far
New builds can be found here.
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- Morlacus
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The new build is very good. Here is what I found testing it on my Devo 8s
The audio queue works very well.
I have finally understood the Rudd DR position heard in place of the welcome message ( and always without delay on switching the TX). It happens each time the TX is switched on with the throtle stick showing a value between -42 and +45 or so (hard to say the exact limits) and a safety warning is displayed. Strange.
As concerns the welcome message it is delayed by the safety ch3 message and is triggered when pressed on Ok on this safety warning.
May be this safety warning Throtle could be given a voice message.
Anyway very good progress. Congratulations !
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- Moeder
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I also added a feature enabling the emulators to play the mp3 files. To use this, you need to:
1.) place the mp3 folder in the same folder as the emulator executable
3.) Don't forget to copy music.map to the filesystem\devoX folder (same as hardware.ini and tx.ini).
I could not reproduce the safety warning issue on the emulator unfortunately...
Link to test builds
edit: I just had the chance to test the windows emulator and noticed one of the paths isn't set correct. Also you should use the statically linked version of mpg123.exe, I updated the instructions above. Since the executable is really small and LGPL licensed, I will try to include it automatically in emulator builds for Windows, so there is no need for a separate download.
edit2: I included mpg123.exe in the emulator builds. You still need to place mp3 folder in the same folder as executables and music.map in the same folder as hardware.ini/tx.ini. And don't forget to enable extended-audio in hardware.ini!
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- Moeder
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