V202 protocol

30 May 2013 23:52 #10450 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic V202 protocol
Thanks victzh. I will solder up and report back the result. Been busy modding...cuz it won't just be you and I with the nRF24L01 module.

I can't keep a good thing to myself. The other radios for two other RCGroup guys I befriended and lives locally. Just finished installing the FlySky module. I will do the nRF* module next.

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31 May 2013 15:04 #10464 by dc59
Replied by dc59 on topic V202 protocol

victzh wrote: I am not an expert in Devo 7E, so can't vouch for your coloring, but your module should have one more important wire - CE, which should be connected to Vcc. Otherwise the module's radio would not work. Judging by the module I have it is the one between 1.GND and 5.SCK - that is 3.CE.

Please, tell us whether it worked or not. You're probably the first after myself is trying to use this code.

Hi Victzh,

Thanks for your great job.
I have finished XL24L01-D03 module installation on my DEVO8S,
it works great with V202 ~ :woohoo:

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31 May 2013 16:50 #10465 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
Glad to hear!

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02 Jun 2013 15:04 #10501 by kingiggy
Replied by kingiggy on topic V202 protocol
Just soldered up my module, could you guys post your model config for the v202?

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03 Jun 2013 00:08 #10509 by dc59
Replied by dc59 on topic V202 protocol

kingiggy wrote: Just soldered up my module, could you guys post your model config for the v202?

I have just uploaded it here :
Have fun ~~

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03 Jun 2013 18:27 #10527 by kingiggy
Replied by kingiggy on topic V202 protocol
Thanks for all the help guys, I was able to successfully solder up the module and fly the v202 with my Devo 7e!

I ended up using the module without power amplifier and built in antenna (link below) and have no range problems for as far as I can see this little quads orientation. At only $3.69 for the module I am extremely happy with it.


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03 Jun 2013 18:40 #10528 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic V202 protocol
I used a j antenna like those found in laptops for the wifi.

I have drop out issues just like I did with the stock antenna.

I will do the mod on two other Devo7e. Each one will take a different antenna solution. And I'll be able to test to see which antenna is best for the v202.

It could be that this v202 has issues. One other gent on the v202 thread said that the signal drop out turns out to be his v202 flight controller, not the TX after all. Because when he installed a new v202 FC, all the drop issues was no longer present.

Beyond the signal problem I have, the mod has worked great in flying the v202.

I noticed that if I hit the reinit/binding options too many times, the Devo7e's screen gets all garbled. I thin it's a bug in the Devo7e nightly build.

Will see if I can consistently recreate the steps to invoke the bug and take a photo.

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03 Jun 2013 19:36 #10530 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
I don't have Devo7E myself, I just made sure that the modular version builds OK. But I can try on my Devo 10. What exactly do you mean under tooo many times - do you wait for the previous binding end before pressing it again?

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03 Jun 2013 20:34 #10531 by debianmaster
Replied by debianmaster on topic V202 protocol
Hi Are you aware on which protocol mini beetle v929 runs?

my intension is to create transmitter device using Nrf24L01 chip and arduino.

is this possible?

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03 Jun 2013 20:50 #10532 by debianmaster
Replied by debianmaster on topic V202 protocol
Hi All,
Does this library V202 (for arduino) work for v929 mini beetle quad ?
is this library only for receiving signals? or transmitting too ? how do we connect the pins on arduino boards to run this program?

im a newbie to RC world Please help

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03 Jun 2013 20:51 - 03 Jun 2013 21:07 #10533 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic V202 protocol

Ok, here's a video capturing the bug.

First, I demonstrated that on another model...i.e. v949, I can not invoke the bug. I am running the DeviationX nightly btw: v3.0.0fd346b

Then I switch to the v202 protocol. And you'll see me attempt to get the bug to appear. Of course in normal operation, I never press the keys in that manner. Just regular operation of trying to get the v202 to bind. So maybe twice, three attempts sometimes. Also, I usually let the timer run out. I don't interrupt it like I do in the video.

Most of the time, when the issue occurs...it's just a screen of junk characters. Which I can clear by pressing the EXT button to step back. However, as you can see during the second occurrence, if I get a blank screen. I must turn the radio off and back on in order to clear it.

Finally, at about 1:45s, you'll see the bug occurring during the first press of the bind button:

Jump to 1m 45s

Hope that helps. Thanks so much again for all that you add to the community. Chasing down bugs are never the fun part of developing.

Last edit: 03 Jun 2013 21:07 by Daryoon.

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03 Jun 2013 21:01 #10534 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
@Daryoon I see. OK, I take a look at binding code. It seems it overwrites someone else's piece of memory.

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03 Jun 2013 21:16 #10537 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
@debianmaster V929 uses different protocol (FlySky) and different radio chip - A7105. Unfortunately, 2.4GHz RF chips are all more or less incompatible with each other. There are 4 most popular chips - Cypress CYRF6936, Amiccom A7105, TI CC2500, and Nordic nRF24L01 (and predecessor nRF2401, and clones Beken BK2421/BK2423 and Si24R1).

I wrote a code for nRF24 line, and my bitbucket repo bitbucket.org/rivig/v202 contains some Arduino-base transmitter which I use to debug the code. Then I move it to Deviation.

Other people made Arduino-based FlySky transmitter which you are probably most interested in if you insist on V929.

If you can switch to V212, which has the same frame, but more advanced flight control board, you can use my code to control it.

If you need some help to understand or modify this code, don't hesitate to ask.

If by this point you still want V929, it means my persuasive power failed ;-), check this: code.google.com/p/rc-ppm-2-spi/

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03 Jun 2013 22:05 - 03 Jun 2013 22:08 #10538 by debianmaster
Replied by debianmaster on topic V202 protocol
Thanks @victzh
i didnt want your persuasive power to fail :) but cannot help it coz i have already purchased a v929 mini beetle.

"Arduino-based FlySky transmitter" do you know any libraries names (arduino based) ?

" code.google.com/p/rc-ppm-2-spi/ " can you please point me to arduino code here? is this compitable with NRF24L01 ?? the curcuit is not using NRF24L01 here.

I'am computer science student and newbie to RC's
All that i have is Arduino board and NRF24L01 2.5ghz chip is it possible build a transmitter using these two to control mini beetle?

it would be of great help if you can point me to some arduino library.
Last edit: 03 Jun 2013 22:08 by debianmaster.

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04 Jun 2013 06:36 #10545 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
Yea, I understand that student's budget is quite limited, but here you faced with forces not of nature, but rather chaos - all the mentioned RF chips are incompatible with each other. And your helicopter uses A7105, which is incompatible with nRF24L01 board you have. You need to either buy an A7105 transmitter board, or, as an option, desolder it from your transmitter which came with V929. Another way is to buy V212 (or V202, it can control larger heli as well) board and install it to your heli. The cost is minimal, $15 or so. And there are US-based shops carrying it (if you're in US).

Hope this helps.

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10 Jun 2013 10:59 #10756 by debianmaster
Replied by debianmaster on topic V202 protocol
Hi victzh,
i have ordered for suitable transmitter chip.
Waiting now :)

Thankx for the patient answers

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13 Jun 2013 19:36 #10933 by debianmaster
Replied by debianmaster on topic V202 protocol
Hello Victzh,

from the above arduino library code i understood that
CE_PIN should be connected to pin 9
and CSN_PIN to pin 10

are there any other connections that i need to make??
if possible can you please post a circuit diagram for arduino ???

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14 Jun 2013 16:53 #10964 by debianmaster
Replied by debianmaster on topic V202 protocol
Hi Victzh,
i purchased www.electrodragon.com/?product=2-4g-wireless-module-a7105
and shud arrive in couple of days.
mean while i would like to get the arduino library which support A7105
Do you know any ??
As per my understanding this library V202 from deviation bitbucket.org/rivig/v202/src/c2142a790c4...2_arduino?at=default

does not work for A7105 (iam i correct)

Can you please point me to correct library and circuit diagram.


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14 Jun 2013 18:55 #10968 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
My code at bitbucket.org/rivig/V202 (rivig is me) is a small and easy to deal with TX code using V202 protocol and nRF24L01 chip (and brethren).

There are many samples, but not pure Arduino libraries for A7105. One of such samples, working on ATMega328 on which Arduino is built is mentioned code.google.com/p/rc-ppm-2-spi/ As a basis this code uses original Deviation code by our generous host, PhracturedBlue, and adapts it minimally to run on ATMega.

There is also Arduino RX code, it is in www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=25235255 , in file RC.ino it has a section for FlySky protocol starting with
#if defined(FLYSKYRC)

I still don't understand what are you trying to accomplish? Make a V929 transmitter with Arduino? Why this forum then, it's basically devoted to Deviation firmware which is totally unrelated to this.

I would gladly answer your questions about protocols, transmitters, Arduino etc. but there is wonderful place for this - rcgroups.com, DIY section. There is even a thread on DIY FlySky transmitter www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1631369 , which is 447 messages long and probably contains all the necessary info.

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14 Jun 2013 22:15 - 15 Jun 2013 09:28 #10974 by SadSack
Replied by SadSack on topic V202 protocol
There's code for Atemga/Pic and Silicon labs F330 TX and Atmega/Pic Rx. There is some Arduino RX code but for some reason it's been removed, i have asked why and sure to find out later.

Heres new RX code www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=25275349&postcount=2267
Last edit: 15 Jun 2013 09:28 by SadSack.

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