JD 395 cx-10

15 May 2015 10:29 - 15 May 2015 10:30 #32612 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
I'm making some progress , I'm fairly confident it's almost there :)
Last edit: 15 May 2015 10:30 by goebish.

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15 May 2015 10:30 #32613 by Durete
Replied by Durete on topic JD 395 cx-10
Yeahhh!!! :woohoo:

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15 May 2015 10:40 - 16 May 2015 21:27 #32614 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
I think I got it:

so, packet[1~4] seems to be the TX ID, but only [1~2] has something to do with frequencies:

rf channel 1 = (packet[1] & 0x0F) + 0x03
rf channel 2 = ((u8)packet[1] >> 4) + 0x16
rf channel 3 = (packet[2] & 0x0F) + 0x2D
rf channel 4 = ((u8)packet[2] >> 4) + 0x40

Seems to work with the 6 captures I have.

Victzh could you try to implement that in your code ? (or I can add it to my test firmwares later)
Also I think packet [2] must be clamped to some low values... (0x00~0x2F ?) this has to be checked against an actual RX but in the stock TXs captures the maximum value I've seen is 0x10 (so rf channel 4 = 0x41), and when I was experimenting with the eachine 3d x4 I noticed weird results when rf channel is greater than 0x42, it still binds, but only works a few inches away before losing connection. Looks like this is a xn297 limitation because I've seen captures of a few different models and it seems none is using any rf channel greater than 0x42 ever (2466 MHz ?) despite the datasheet states 频率范围2400~2483MHz.
Last edit: 16 May 2015 21:27 by goebish.

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16 May 2015 19:33 #32654 by closedsink
Replied by closedsink on topic JD 395 cx-10
Very impressed that you figured this out. :-P

Other than the limitation you mentioned for packet[2], are you assuming the data packet sequence is just randomly generated?

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16 May 2015 20:04 - 16 May 2015 20:05 #32657 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
Yes, but it has to be confirmed, I haven't tried against an actual RX yet :)
Not sure if packet[2] should be limited to 0x1F or 0x2F
Last edit: 16 May 2015 20:05 by goebish.

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16 May 2015 20:57 - 16 May 2015 21:27 #32662 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
Just modified the code for PPM/xn297 module for the blue pcb CX10 to use a random tx id and matching rf channels, it works, don't even need to limit packet[2] actually, it works even with 0xFF.

edit: well, it works but maybe the rx drops 1/4 of the packets... I'll constrain packet[2] to 0x2F just to be safe ...
Last edit: 16 May 2015 21:27 by goebish.

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16 May 2015 22:35 - 19 May 2015 02:24 #32663 by closedsink
Replied by closedsink on topic JD 395 cx-10
I just coded it for Taranis XN297 module, for my green CX10, and it seems like it works. I constrained TXID[1] to be less than < 0x30 as you suggested.

I should verify the values are getting generated as expected, and then I'll update the code on my blog on rcgroups. :woohoo:

(edit - DONE!)
Last edit: 19 May 2015 02:24 by closedsink.

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20 May 2015 04:21 #32785 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic JD 395 cx-10
@goebish, I added a pull request with my XN297 emulation code (still one directional, didn't have time to tackle reading yet) and CX-10 green board code. After it is accepted, feel free to modify CX-10 to add arbitrary TX id.

As PB suggested, I moved XN297 emulation code to nRF24L01 module, so it should be available for any other XN297 based protocol.

I'll try to approach reading next week, time permitting.

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20 May 2015 12:27 #32795 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10

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22 May 2015 13:07 - 22 May 2015 13:36 #32864 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10

victzh wrote: BTW, answering your question about scrambling sequence - it's fixed, it covers both address, no matter the size (from 3 to 5 bytes) and then the message. The code in the emulation layer (as you probably figured by now) handles all of this for you. You just need to call some functions instead of calling native nRF24 ones. Also, note that the main body of message is bit-reversed - it gave me extra headache decoding it :-)

Looks like everything is working well with a 15 bytes payload (cx10 green, cg023 ...), but I can't get it to work with a 19 bytes payload (cx10 blue from which I know the aircraft ID). I know my code works because I can bind to a blue cx10 with it and a xn297 chip, but doesn't work with nrf24 + emulation layer.

From what I understand, a 19 bytes payload should be fine as the size of preamble+sync+address+payload+crc is still less than 32 bytes long.
Last edit: 22 May 2015 13:36 by goebish.

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23 May 2015 04:43 #32888 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic JD 395 cx-10
I had a suspicion, or more precisely, a sign that my CRC algorithm is defective.
I have an idea what to do and to verify it I need to build approximately the same setup as for implementation of reading. I will try next week.

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24 May 2015 01:17 - 24 May 2015 01:19 #32905 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
I confirm, if I disable CRC on an actual xn297 in RX mode it can receive emulated packets of arbitrary length, but only 15 bytes with CRC enabled, not more, not less.
I guess xorout is good for this payload size only, at least scramble table seems ok for longer packets.

Thanks again for your work, I understand and learn a lot by following your steps, this is not the 1st time ! (Bradwii on Mini54...)
Last edit: 24 May 2015 01:19 by goebish.

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24 May 2015 01:53 - 24 May 2015 02:25 #32907 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
hey hey, that's it, I brute forced xorout for a 19 bytes payload:
0x61B1 :evil:

So worst case is we have to store a table with values for every payload length we need.
Last edit: 24 May 2015 02:25 by goebish.

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24 May 2015 03:07 - 24 May 2015 18:43 #32909 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
I fixed the CRC algorithm, for reference:

Payload size / xor out crc16:
for 5 bytes address:
00:  0x9BA7
01:  0x8BBB 
02:  0x85E1
03:  0x3E8C
04:  0x451E
05:  0x18E6
06:  0x6B24
07:  0xE7AB
08:  0x3828
09:  0x8148
10:  0xD461
11:  0xF494
12:  0x2503
13:  0x691D
14:  0xFE8B
15:  0x9BA7
16:  0x8B17
17:  0x2920
18:  0x8B5F
19:  0x61B1
20:  0xD391
21:  0x7401
22:  0x2138
23:  0x129F
24:  0xB3A0
25:  0x2988 -> maximum payload size for 5 bytes address with CRC enabled.
**:  0x3448 -> for 4 bytes address w/ 0 byte payload, or 3 bytes address w/ 1 byte payload
static const u16 xn297_crc_xorout[] = {
    0x0000, 0x3448, 0x9BA7, 0x8BBB, 0x85E1, 0x3E8C, 0x451E, 0x18E6, 
    0x6B24, 0xE7AB, 0x3828, 0x8148, 0xD461, 0xF494, 0x2503, 0x691D, 
    0xFE8B, 0x9BA7, 0x8B17, 0x2920, 0x8B5F, 0x61B1, 0xD391, 0x7401, 
    0x2138, 0x129F, 0xB3A0, 0x2988};


    if (xn297_crc) {
        int offset = xn297_addr_len < 4 ? 1 : 0;
        u16 crc = initial;
        for (int i = offset; i < last; ++i) {
            crc = crc16_update(crc, buf[i]);
        crc ^= xn297_crc_xorout[xn297_addr_len - 3 + len];  
        buf[last++] = crc >> 8;
       	buf[last++] = crc & 0xff;
The first value of this table (0x0000) is missing, it is for 3 bytes address w/ 0 bytes payload, more code is required to crack it, I'm lazy and we'll probably never need it.

I have brute forced all the values (~550 tries per second, so an average of 1 minute for one 16 bit value) because I'm using a nrf24 as TX + a xn297 as RX (+2 arduino). It would have been easier with 2x xn297, by disabling crc on rx side and listening for 2 more bytes ;)

These toys are a lot of fun B)
Last edit: 24 May 2015 18:43 by goebish.

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25 May 2015 00:43 - 25 May 2015 14:26 #32946 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
Yeah, I got emulated RX mode to work :woohoo:

Not sure it's OK for anything else than 5 bytes address length, but who cares ?
(edit: tested with every address length, no problem !)
XN297_SetTXAddr(tx_addr, 5); // must do before SetRXAddr, even for RX only
XN297_SetRXAddr(tx_addr, 5);
NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_11_RX_PW_P0, PAYLOAD_SIZE+2); // 15-byte payload + 2 bytes CRC
NRF24L01_SetTxRxMode(RX_EN); // must be called BEFORE XN297_Configure
// Power on, RX mode, 
//NRF24L01_00_EN_CRC tells the emulation layer to emulate crc checking, tbd
XN297_Configure( BV(NRF24L01_00_EN_CRC) | BV(NRF24L01_00_CRCO) 
	       | BV(NRF24L01_00_PWR_UP) | BV(NRF24L01_00_PRIM_RX)); 

while(!(NRF24L01_ReadReg(0x07) & 0x40)) {} // wait for RX FIFO data ready
XN297_ReadPayload(test_packet, PAYLOAD_SIZE+2);

u8 XN297_ReadPayload(u8 *msg, int len)
    u8 res = NRF24L01_ReadPayload(msg, len);
    for(u8 i=0; i<len; i++)
      msg[i] = bit_reverse(msg[i]) ^ bit_reverse(xn297_scramble[i+xn297_addr_len]);
    return res;

nRF24l01 receiving packets from my stock Eachine 3D X4 transmitter while I move throttle stick:

15 bytes packet + 2 bytes crc.

It still needs to be implemented properly with CRC checking (well, not mandatory for what we need...) and all, but it works.

This paves the road for implementing the CX10-A (blue pcb) protocol !

victzh wrote: Also, note that the main body of message is bit-reversed - it gave me extra headache decoding it :-)

I admit that it cost me 1500mg of aspirin to get the crc + read mode working ;)
Last edit: 25 May 2015 14:26 by goebish.

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25 May 2015 02:34 #32947 by hexfet
Replied by hexfet on topic JD 395 cx-10
Very nice work :) Look forward to flying my cx10 :)

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25 May 2015 07:09 #32952 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic JD 395 cx-10
That's how it works - you get distracted for a second, they'll complete your work for you ;-)
Nice work, goebish. I'm traveling now, can only watch, and I expect you'll have blue board working when I'm back by Wednesday.

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25 May 2015 14:35 - 26 May 2015 13:28 #32958 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
I hope you do not mind , I only wanted to fix crc for 19 bytes payload at first, just to try my blue CX10 with hardcoded aircraft id.
Then you know how it is, one thing leads to another, I cracked the CRC thing, while doing so I figured out how the whole process works then I had a quick try at read mode and it worked almost instantly (thanks to all the hard work you did before).

In the end, I still have not tested the blue cx10, but that's the easy part :p
Last edit: 26 May 2015 13:28 by goebish.

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25 May 2015 16:05 #32964 by Stavross118
Replied by Stavross118 on topic JD 395 cx-10

goebish wrote: I hope you do not mind

, I only wanted to fix crc for 19 bytes payload at first, just to try my blue CX10 with hardcoded aircraft id.
Then you know how it is, one thing leads to another, I cracked the CRC thing completely, while doing so I understood how the whole process works then I had a quick try at read mode and it worked almost instantly (thanks to all the hard work you did before).

In the end, I still have not tested the blue cx10, but that's the easy part :p

Excuse my ignorance but does this mean soon I will be able to fly my cx10 and 11 both blue PCb,s on my devo 10 (already modded of course) very soon top guys both victzh and goebish

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25 May 2015 16:08 #32965 by goebish
Replied by goebish on topic JD 395 cx-10
Yes, I should be able to upload test builds in a few hours if everything goes well.

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