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Devo 7E Hardware Connections
The following documents the hardware inside the Devo-7e transmitter
- MCU: STM32F103RBT6 128kB Flash, 20kB RAM 64pin package
- SPI Flash: SST25VF016B 2MB SPI NOR Flash
- Radio: CYRF6936 2.4GHz
STM32 Connections
Pin | Desription |
BOOT0 | CON2 |
NRST | Debugger (NRESET) |
Pin | Desription |
1 | Piezo speaker |
2 | output to 0 to shut off Tx |
3 | power-switch in 'off' position (goes high on 'off') |
5 (SPI1_SCK) | SPI Flash, LCD |
6 (SPI1_MISO) | SPI Flash, LCD |
7 (SPI1_MOSI) | SPI Flash, LCD |
9 (USART1_TX) | Trainer Rx? |
10 (USART1_RX) | Trainer Tx? |
11 (USBDM) | USB+ |
12 (USBDP) | USB- |
13 (SWDIO) | Debugger SWDIO (TMS) |
14 (SWCLK) | Debugger SWCLK (TCK) |
Pin | Desription |
0 | LCD Chip Enable |
1 | LCD Backlight |
2 (BOOT1) | SPI Flash Chip-Enable |
5 | Button Matrix Col 1 |
6 | Button Matrix Col 2 |
7 | Button Matrix Col 3 |
8 | Button Matrix Col 4 |
10 | USB Enable (enable Low) |
11 | TxModule pin 10 - CYRF6936 Reset |
12 (SPI2_NSS) | TxModule pin 1 |
13 (SPI2_SCK) | TxModule pin 2 |
14 (SPI2_MISO) | TxModule pin 4 |
15 (SPI2_MOSI) | TxModule pin 3 |
Pin | Desription |
0 (ADC_IN_10) | Right Vertical Stick |
1 (ADC_IN_11) | Left Vertical Stick |
2 (ADC_IN_12) | Left Horizontal stick |
3 (ADC_IN_13) | Right Horizontal Stick |
4 (ADC_IN_14) | Battery Voltage |
5 | LCD Data/Command mode |
6 | Button Matrix Row 1 |
7 | Button Matrix Row 2 |
8 | Button Matrix Row 3 |
9 | Button Matrix Row 4 |
10 | FMode Switch |
11 | Hold Switch |
Pin | Desription |
2 | Haptic vibration motor |
The battery voltage (ADC1_14) is calculated by the formula:
V = 0.0021x + 0.3026
Button Matrix
B.5 | B.6 | B.7 | B.8 | |
C.6 | Aileron TR | NC | Throttle TU | NC |
C.7 | Aileron TL | Ent | Throttle TD | DN- |
C.8 | Elevator TU | R+ | Rudder TL | UP+ |
C.9 | Elevator TD | L- | Rudder TR | Ext |
TL: Trim Left TR: Trim Right TU: Trim Up TD: Trim down
FCC Report
hardware/devo7e.txt (12372 views) · Last modified: 2016/06/01 04:02 by silpstream