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Flip FPV Quadcopter

This model was made by Rambosmurf which sent me the model.

I converted it to the V4 firmware and added my custom GUI.

Edit: 2-18-2014

The model has been updated. The new model name is Model1_FlipFPV_V2

The Quad is running the Crius AIOP V2 Board with GPS and MegapiratesNG software.

Flight Modes when using Mission Planner are:

FMode 0 = Stab - Self Correcting Flight

FMode 1 = Acro - Full 3D Controls

FMode 2 = Loiter - GPS Lock and Altitude Hold

Mix 0 = Nothing - Stab Mode Default

Mix 1 = Alt Hold - Non Gps Hold

Mix 2 = RTL - Return to Launch

Gear = Land - Lands at present location

Channel 6 is connected to Aux 5 which can be used to do tuning via Mission planner. Channel 7 is set-up for extra use of servo for camera gimbals or other options.

The model is for deviation firmware v4 and the DEVO 6/6S/8/8S/10/12/12S.

* The model will not work for deviation firmware v2.1 or v3.


Download the Configuration Settings File.

Right click the “model.ini ” and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” depending if you are using IE or Firefox.

Install the configuration settings file into your models folder (See my How to video below).

This will over-right the current file so make sure that model slot doesn’t

have a model being used in it. If it does rename the configuration settings file

to another number that you have free.

Example: The file you downloaded is named model5 so change the “5“ to another slot

number that you don’t have a model setup for. If you have model slot 6 open rename the file to model6

How to Import/Export Deviation Firmware Models


model_config/flip_fpv_quadcopter.txt (90176 views) · Last modified: 2014/02/17 22:15 by Tom Z