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Walkera Quads - Standard Settings

This model will work on the following quads.

  • Walkera QR Ladybird V1/V2 * Walkera Hoten X * Walkera QR Infra X * Walkera QR Spacewalker * Walkera QR Scorpion * Walkera QR W100/100S * Walkera UFO MX400S * Walkera QR X400

Model 13 is for deviation firmware v4 and the DEVO 6/6S/8/8S/10/12/12S.

Model 11 is for deviation firmware v3 and the Devo 8/8S/12.

Model 24 is for deviation firmware v3 and the Devo 10.

I have test flown this model using deviation firmware v2.1, v3, v4 in my Devo 10.

Fixed ID

My model does not use a Fixed ID.

If you used a Fixed ID with the original Walkera firmware you must clear the Fixed ID in the Receiver with the Bind Plug.

If you don't clear the Fixed ID the model will not bind.

If you want to use a Fixed ID you can enter the same Fixed ID you had for the original Walkera firmware.

Example: Your original Walkera firmware Fixed ID was: 123456

Assign the Deviation Fixed ID: 123456

You can also assign any Fixed ID that you want to use. You don't have to use the original Walkera firmware Fixed ID. Clear the Fixed ID in the Receiver

with the Bind Plug then assign any Fixed ID that you want to use.

  • TX Power=100mW * Channels=7 * Protocol=DEVO * No Fixed ID * Throttle Hold is active on RUDD D/R switch. * RUD Scale is set to 150 for faster piros. * Stick Mode 2

If you need Stick Mode 1, 3, or 4 load the model into your transmitter then change the Stick Mode in the transmitter settings.

Flight Mode selects 3 axis mode and 6 axis mode.

Flight Mode 1 = 6 axis mode

Flight Mode 2 = 3 axis mode

Flight Mode 3 = 3 axis mode


Adjust D/R and EXPO to your personal preference.

Switch Position

0- ELEV D/R = 80% EXP +30%

0- AILE D/R = 80% EXP +30%


Switch Position

1- ELEV D/R = 100% EXP LIN

1- AILE D/R = 100% EXP LIN


Turn up RUD Scale -/+ to 150 if you want faster piros.


Download the Configuration Settings File.

Right click the “model.ini ” and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” depending if you are using IE or Firefox.

Install the configuration settings file into your models folder.

This will over-right the current file so make sure that model slot doesn’t

have a model being used in it. If it does rename the configuration settings file

to another number that you have free.

Example: The file you downloaded is named model5 so change the “5? to another slot

number that you don’t have a model setup for. If you have model slot 6 open rename the file to model6

See my video:

How to Import/Export Deviation Firmware Models





model_config/walkera_quads_-_standard_settings.txt (26257 views) · Last modified: 2013/04/09 20:11 by Tom Z