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Installing a module into a Devo8 Transmitter

Prepare Devo Transmitter

First Remove the screws from the back of the Devo8 Transmitter


2458117880-devo8back.jpg There are 5 screws on the back of the Devo8. It may be necessary to use a knife to cut through tamper-sticker on the bottom.

Once open, I recommend disconnecting the 2 connectors that go to the back panel to make things easier. This isn’t strictly necessary though. Also, remove the 2 screws securing the CYRF6936 module, and remove the module from the transmitter.


Module Installation

Follow the table and images on the Module List page to determine the necessary connections for your modules. See the Image below for the relevant connection points on the Devo8:

Pins MISO, MOSI, and SCK connect to the CYRF6936 Module:


Pins 3.3V(VDD), GND, and CSN connect to the 'CONN5' header. If one module is being installed, CSN should connect to the 'TMS' pin. If two modules are being installed,one module should connect to the 'TMS' pin, and the other to the 'TCK' pin. If the 'Universal Module' is being installed, 'CSN' should connect to the 'TMS' pin, and 'RESET' should connect to the 'TCK' pin


On my transmitter, I’ve used 30 AWG wire, and a wire-wrap tool to secure the new module to the transmitter. This is easily removable, but requires the use of a wire-wrap tool, and corresponding wire. I have also soldered standard 0.1” spacing headers into the debug port of the Devo8 (This is where the ‘TMS’, ‘TCK’, and ‘VDD’ pins are located).

As an alternative to wire-wrap, it is fine to solder wires between the 2 modules. If you are soldering, make sure to solder the top of the board, not the bottom. In the end you still need to be able to plug the CYRF module back into the Devo8.

Note: Be aware that the TMS and TCK pins are directly connected to the MCU. There is no buffering on these pins. As such you should probably discharge any ESD buildup first (ground yourself and your soldering iron). I didn’t do that myself, but you’ve been warned.

rf_module_installation/devo8.txt (104724 views) · Last modified: 2016/04/15 12:01 by FDR