Independent trims for flight modes

10 Jan 2013 14:21 - 10 Jan 2013 19:36 #4897 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Well, now I don't really understand, what do you mean. I've got my language barrier as well... ;)

I think the difficulty lies in the two very distinct approach of the advanced and the standard UI. And now on the standard UI I mean all the other transmitters (aside with the er9x fw) and the original devo fw too.

In the standard approach every function depends on the hardcoded flight modes whether you want or not. AIL, ELE and RUD all have three/four different settings in their DR pages. So if I want to know, how the rudder behaves, I have to visit all the flight mode dependent DR pages of it (plus all the other rudder related pages, like program mix, etc), however I used to use one simple 1-to-1 rudder all the time. In our advanced UI it would be one simple mixer page, and I could be sure, that nothing else affects my rudder. So in such a case the advanced UI could be simpler...

About the 'virtual' switch assignment:
The standard UI has a switch assignment, and you don't have to (i.e. can't) assign switches on the function pages, because it is hardcoded (to the selected switch at least). For example if you would like the throttle hold to be reversed, i.e. to be on when RUD_DR=0, you can't do that.

However the virtual switch assignment, I'm talking about would assign concrete switch values, for example TH=RUD_DR, but it could be TH=!RUD_DR too. You could just use TH as the switch everywhere you want the throttle hold to be on, or !TH if you want to be it off...

EDIT: I think this post of mine caused the mixup. It was intended to show, what does a traditional flight mode configuration look like.
I don't like that approach, because it is limited, and is quite different from the advanced mixer UI we've got here, so my virtual (flight mode) switches would not be like that...
I hope it isn't confusing now...
Last edit: 10 Jan 2013 19:36 by FDR.

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10 Jan 2013 16:36 - 10 Jan 2013 16:37 #4901 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Hello FDR,
thank you for your patience. I have prepared a long answer, but before posting it I will sleep about this for a night.

Let me only say this:
I like the idea of the flight states. It looks as a still more general approach then we have now. But here are my concerns:
- more possibilities need more thinking for not running into trouble
- it should be fool proof as far as it can be (yes I know, it is for experienced users), maybe some checking of plausibilities should be made
- it should be compatible to the advanced ui, maybe transport mixers at least from advanced to flight state (back will be difficult as for advanced to standard)
I don't say: stop thinking about, there are too much problems (who am I to say something like this...). For every problem there will be a solution somewhere. But I say: thinking it to the end is inevitable. And I am offering my help.
Last edit: 10 Jan 2013 16:37 by rbe2012. Reason: too much typos

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10 Jan 2013 19:25 #4904 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes
I might not be clear enough, because I still feel misunderstanding here.

My version of flight modes/states would be absolutely compatible with the advanced mixer, since it is the advanced mixer itself. The only thing that would changed, that there would be some more options in the switch spinbox: the virtual switches.
Let's distinguish them with a special character, say '*'.
So in addition to the real switches, sticks and channel values, there would also be for example:
*FM0, *FM1, *FM2, ... for the flight modes;
*TH for the throttle hold;

They would have a page, where you could assign real switches to them, but they would have defaults too, like:
*FM0 = FMOD0
*FM1 = FMOD1
*FM2 = FMOD2

(Actually they could have custom names too, but not neccesarily...)

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11 Jan 2013 04:51 - 11 Jan 2013 12:51 #4915 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Last edit: 11 Jan 2013 12:51 by vlad_vy.

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11 Jan 2013 09:07 #4918 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Hello FDR,
maybe I got it now...
Still one question:
An example: TH should always have priority and it would be annoying (and can lead to errors) if I had to configure "and not TH" in every other flight state. IMO two ways: the prio list or dependency from more than one real switch.
Shall a virtual switch be a 1:1 mapping to a real switch or will you allow locigal combinations (and/or) of more than one? In the second case it should be clear which virtual switch will be active if the conditions for more than one are true (is this what vlad_vy means with priority?). It is similar to the complex mixer now; i think the last page wins.
And: it does not resolve the initial "independent trims" issue (or I still can't see this)...

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11 Jan 2013 09:50 - 11 Jan 2013 12:52 #4919 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Last edit: 11 Jan 2013 12:52 by vlad_vy.

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11 Jan 2013 10:56 #4920 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes
:( Ah, why do I feel, that we started it again...
I would appreciate some help from a native english speaker, who understand me, but could explain it better.

I'll try it again in a different way:

- There would be no such thing as flight mode/state/whatever.

- There would be only virtual switch state assignment, which you could use on the complex mixer pages (and on the Expo&DR template, etc) instead the real switch values, which would make it more generic, and easier to adopt to other user's needs, or to other transmitter types with different switches.

- The '*TH' example doesn't mean there would be a throttle hold flight mode at all, but only means, that you could use it as the safety switch instead RUD_DR, or if you implemented the throttle hold as a last plus page of a complex mixer, then '*TH' could be the switch of that mixer page.

- This debate went off-topic, sorry for that.
The last post about 'Independent trims for flight modes' was this:

- You should read that post again. It means, that not the flight modes would have their own trim value support, but the trims would have the 'flight mode' support, more precisely simply a generic switchable support, with which you could configure a 'flight mode' support if needed...

Both things could be implemented in various ways in my mind, but first we should debate the way it should work...

I would like to hear PB's opinion too.
After all, who's gonna implement it? ;)

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12 Jan 2013 13:58 #4941 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Before we go into the flight-mode discussion, can someone explain why this doesn't work:
set trim1 to fmode0 with up/down set to thr trims
set trim2 to fmode1 with up/down set to thr trims
set trim3 to fmode2 with up/down set to thr trims

now the thr up/down has 3 different variables. At the moment they all move together so you can't actually have 3 separate values. what you seem to want is for the trim to only be active when the channel is active. That isn't possible today, but I may be able to come up with something.

I need to spend some more time reading the flight-mode discussion in detail to understand exactly what it means before I respond to it.

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12 Jan 2013 14:46 #4944 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Yes, this is what I'm talking about.
Each trim setup would need only an optionally configurable switch, and then it would only count into it's variable if the switch is on.
This way we could configure as much different trims to a channel as we like. (Of course we should allow more trim configurations then...)

After that we could simply add that trim value (from those of which have the same channel) on a mixer page, the switch of which is currently true. Since there could be more than one such, there should be a simple priority decision, like the order they are configured...

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13 Jan 2013 09:30 #4960 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Independent trims for flight modes
This will only work if
  • one switch is sufficient to decide which trim should be active (because you have only one switch for mixer pager) and
  • the mixers are replaced, not added or multiplied.
Or you will have a trim configuration which is based on switches which have nothing to do with the switches used for the mixer pages.
Ok, the upper seems to be the normal case, but there might result some limitations in the use.

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13 Jan 2013 18:43 #4986 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes

rbe2012 wrote: Or you will have a trim configuration which is based on switches which have nothing to do with the switches used for the mixer pages.

Just think about it: the value of that trim config should be applied, which the trim button clicks would change, i.e. we should use the same rule to select the trim value, independently of the mixer switches.
In fact it would work on a simple mixer too, which has only one page and no switch...

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10 Jun 2013 07:27 - 10 Jun 2013 07:47 #10753 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Any news/ideas about independent trims?
Last edit: 10 Jun 2013 07:47 by vlad_vy.

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10 Jun 2013 13:10 #10758 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Independent trims for flight modes
No news, but it is good that you bumped the conversation, as I was trying to figure out what other features to add, and was running low on ideas.

I've re-read through the entire discussion now, and here are my thoughts:

There are 2 different issues being raised in this thread:
1) how do we conditionally assign a trim based on a switch (and how do we know which trim to assign if the mixer switch != the trim switch)

2) should we abstract the real switches into virtual switch names to make it easier to do switch assignments (like on the standard gui)

For 1) my thought is to add a 'switch' column to the trim page, and on the mixer page you could choose the proper trim if more than one apply. I need to think more about FDR's concern about how this works for the simple and expo d/r templates though.

For 2) I'm conflicted. We could do a few things:
a) do it like the standard gui: Create a set of (possibly nameable) switches on a new page, and either make hese exclusively available, or additionally available (If we make them exlusive, we'd need to deal with converting models to use them automatically). This solution more or less ends up meaning you can rename your switches
b) use the virtual channels for this. Now you can define complex interactions for each 'switch', but setup is more cumbersome, since you need to do Virt1 = FMODE0, Virt2 = FMODE1, .... You can do this today, but to meet the stated goals, I think we'd need to allow renaming the virtual switches, and we'd probably need to add more of them.

I'm not sure how I feel on (2). I see the value of (2a) but I think it would be confusing to have 'FMODE0' and 'FM0' both available. if we replace FMODE0 with FM0, then you have the issue that you MUST have properly setup the switches ahead of time, which adds an additional barrier.

Right now, I think I'll start with solving (1). The issues aren't really related, and (2) is really just an optimization and brings no new functionality.

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10 Jun 2013 13:40 - 10 Jun 2013 13:43 #10762 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Independent trims for flight modes
About 2a) - we can initially assign by default all virtual switches 1-to-1, ex. *RUDD DR = RUDD DR. Additionally, *FMODE virtual switch can has 2 options - common trims or independent trims.

And, replace at all selection lists all assigned switches by virtual switches.
Last edit: 10 Jun 2013 13:43 by vlad_vy.

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10 Jun 2013 14:14 #10763 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Ok, I gave the independent trims some more thought. Here's my new plan:
The trim config page will get a new 'switch' control. this will behave like the toggle control, in that you specify 'FMODE' not 'FMODE0'. this will result in the trim having either 2 or 3 variables.
The mixer page will be unchanged, so you can only have one trim per source as today, and will be unable to select the trim to use for a given mixer. Since the trim value is precisely defined, the switches used on the mixer are irrelevant to which trim is used (so you can use one switch on the trim and a different one on the mixer.
The benefit of this solution is that it doesn't complicate the main page display. All of the other solutions I've thought of would require more configuration at the main page.

This should not be too complicated to implement, so I'll give it a shot and we can see how it works.

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10 Jun 2013 14:15 #10764 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes

PhracturedBlue wrote: For 1) my thought is to add a 'switch' column to the trim page, and on the mixer page you could choose the proper trim if more than one apply. I need to think more about FDR's concern about how this works for the simple and expo d/r templates though.

I would avoid the need to select the trim to apply on the mixer pages.

If we can configure an optional switch to every trim config, then we can make 3 trim configs for the same input and trim buttons with exclusive switches (for example FMODE0, 1 and 2). Then the trim system would increment that trim config's value, the swich of which is true, and that same trim value would be added on those mixer pages, which have the same source whether they are complex mixer pages with the trim enabled, or simple or d/r mixers.

I wouldn't complicate it too much if there were more then one true switches, but would use the first...

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10 Jun 2013 14:18 #10765 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Independent trims for flight modes
I've just read your solution, and it will do fine too.
That will allow somewhat more limited options, but much easier to setup.

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11 Jun 2013 03:26 #10782 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Independent trims for flight modes
Ok, I've checked in the implementation I described above. It seems to work pretty well. Let me know if it doesn't meet your needs

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11 Jun 2013 21:02 - 11 Jun 2013 21:02 #10807 by domcars0
Replied by domcars0 on topic Independent trims for flight modes
I've just tested this new feature. Nice work PB ... as usual! :)

Devo 10 (+7e) owner. It's mine, please don't touch it with your big fingers :angry:
Last edit: 11 Jun 2013 21:02 by domcars0.

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13 Jul 2015 12:59 - 13 Jul 2015 16:04 #35410 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic Independent trims for flight modes
This thread got my attention when trying to rebuild Spektrum DX8 programming for PZ StrykerQ start/fly/land (speed-brakes) phases with different trims.

e.g start: trim up a bit of elevator when throwing by hand (throttle off) and activating throttle by Rudd (hold / cut) switch

Great feature!

Let's see what route you plan to go with gliders and individual trimming of ail / flaps for 5+ custom flight-modes on 2-3 f-mode switches :)
I noticed there is already a thread (poll) up for this...

DeviationTX really is a very great firmware which outperforms Spektrum DX8 airware features.

Thank you so much PhracturedBlue and all developers who contributed to this advanced programming stuff and your continuous efforts and invaluable ideas for stunning new features!


Last edit: 13 Jul 2015 16:04 by Thomas.Heiss.

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