Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

09 Apr 2015 10:51 - 09 Apr 2015 13:18 #30928 by panosnl

I am trying to set up a Devo8 in buddybox fed by the PPM from the Devo 7E

My goal is to have 3 different modes:
1- Trainer mode off
2- Student + master mixed together (for small corrections only)
3 Full student.

Option 1 and 3 are the options that are already available in FW 4.0. Either by stick or channel assignment.

For option 2 my plan was to
- Assign PPM in to a virtual channel
-Mix this channel with the sticks depending on the swicth

Wel this turns out not to work because:
- It seems not possible to assign PPM to a virtual channel. Only real channel. I don't understand this restriction. I will make a request to change this.

Then I tried the following:
I assigned PPM 1 to 4 to channels 5-8 and assigned nothing to channel 1-4
In the mixer I assigned eg channel 1 as ELE + mixed with channel 5.

In the channel monitor I see nicely channel 1-4 respond to my master sticks and channel 5-8 respond to my student sticks.
However the mixing on channel 1-4 does not happen as defined by the mixer. Channels 5-8 are not added to channel 1-4 at all.
When for debuggingI choose channel 4 to be added to channel 1 then I do see correct mixing. It just does not happen with the channels assinged to PPM in.

is this a bug?
Last edit: 09 Apr 2015 13:18 by panosnl.

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09 Apr 2015 14:56 #30935 by mwm
Please verify that you're using 4.0.1, not 4.0.0.

Could you upload the model.ini file you're having problems with? Trying to recreate it from your description is liable to introduce errors.

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09 Apr 2015 16:05 #30938 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
I do not understand how you would mix a PPM channel with tx input and get a safe result. The trainer mode already has the ability to replace the PPM input with Tx input based on a switch so that the instructor can take control as needed. As mwm said, an example would likely be really helpful.

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09 Apr 2015 17:18 #30940 by SadSack
Replied by SadSack on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

panosnl wrote: Hi

I am trying to set up a Devo8 in buddybox fed by the PPM from the Devo 7E

My goal is to have 3 different modes:
1- Trainer mode off
2- Student + master mixed together (for small corrections only)
3 Full student.

All three should be do able but option 2 should be Master control of some channels.
Example throttle/rudder ( one half of mode 2 TX)
Personally take control to make corrections. Student does as asked not what works for him/her.

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09 Apr 2015 18:10 - 09 Apr 2015 18:13 #30942 by Wene001
Replied by Wene001 on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
Dont use the 4.01 for this
There is a bug
This is fixed in the actual nighlies
Example (for one Function):
Set Devo 7 Protokol PPM e.g. 6 Channels
Set Devo 8
Mixer GUI Advanced
PPMIN set to Extend
click on extend and set 6 Channels - OK
on the mixer page change to complex
set page to 3
on Page 1 set SRC to your preferred stick (e.g. AIL) - MUX:replace
on Page 2 set SRC to PPM input (e.g. PPM1) - MUX:add - assign a switch of your choice
on Page 3 set SRC to PPM input (e.g. PPM1) - MUX:replace - assign a switch of your choice

Hope this helps

i am using this with an Orange R615X (PPM SUM) wired to my 12s trainer port. (=Wireless Trainer :-)
Last edit: 09 Apr 2015 18:13 by Wene001.

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09 Apr 2015 18:21 #30943 by Wene001
Replied by Wene001 on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
I use this config on my Devo12s :
Throttle controlled by the trainer if the Ail switch is not in position2
Other Channels mixed with student (student 50%) if the Ail switch is not in position 0

switch=AIL DR2

switch=!AIL DR0

switch=!AIL DR0

switch=!AIL DR0


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09 Apr 2015 19:43 #30952 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

Wene001 wrote: i am using this with an Orange R615X (PPM SUM) wired to my 12s trainer port. (=Wireless Trainer :-)

Not really on topic, but is there an interest in a wireless trainer function? It is tricky to implement with multiple protocols, but with some thought, it is likely possible to do. I always assumed the number of buddy-box folks was small enough for it not to be worth the effort

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09 Apr 2015 20:01 #30954 by panosnl
Replied by panosnl on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

Wene001 wrote:
PPMIN set to extend

I did not try the extend option since I did not know what it did (it is not descibed in the manual)

For the rest, what you did is exactly what I had in mind. I want to correct the student, not I shit him off. I am testing now with a cable and the channel monitor now shows what I expected.
I have a 615X on my way for wireless buddybox as you did.

Thanks for the warning on 4.0.1. During my playing with buddybox settings on v401 I have experienced several crashes of the software.

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09 Apr 2015 20:11 #30955 by SadSack
Replied by SadSack on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
midelic has done USBflysky , unsure if it works with phoenix rc. Well if use the pirate interface it will work. I have real one which has very short lead, which i was lucky and could get too PPM line in the box and have old futaba rx. Never tried it lazy and what i had works well.

Still as i type this you mean devo to devo......well Yes :-) Please.

Ps would be sweet trick easy way to add Pots/switch's to Devo7e.

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09 Apr 2015 20:22 #30958 by SadSack
Replied by SadSack on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
I've no wish to inflame your temper but this hobby can at times be harmful or worse.

Reason i was Hard about 'flying in fixed area' Club site was tiny, houses on two sides and noise was an issue. But on flip side once you learned to fly you could fly anywhere safely and take off /land in a cross wind. And go home model intact.

Sorry if I came across badly in my comments.

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09 Apr 2015 20:52 - 09 Apr 2015 21:02 #30959 by Wene001
Replied by Wene001 on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

PhracturedBlue wrote:

Wene001 wrote: i am using this with an Orange R615X (PPM SUM) wired to my 12s trainer port. (=Wireless Trainer :-)

Not really on topic, but is there an interest in a wireless trainer function? It is tricky to implement with multiple protocols, but with some thought, it is likely possible to do. I always assumed the number of buddy-box folks was small enough for it not to be worth the effort

a Wireless Trainer Mode would be perfekt and is of course interestingly for lots of People
Wireless headtracking for the fpv Fans would be great, too
Last edit: 09 Apr 2015 21:02 by Wene001.

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31 Jan 2016 16:11 #42460 by FrankV
Replied by FrankV on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
Hi all,
For me it would be perfect is a wireless trainer option will be available. Would save me a lot of costs (read: crashed planes) :)

As I remember well, the original Walkera software has the option. So with this in mind, I bought me recently a second Devo10.
After installing: I find out that there is no wireless option in the deviationtx software. My fault (should have read before), but if the option is added would make me very pleased.

And the amount of users? I don't know, but mostly counts: if the option is there, it will be used more often :)

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31 Jan 2016 22:26 #42471 by mwm
There's not a "wireless trainer" option per se, but you can fake it using a CPPM capable Rx. You wire the Rx CPPM output to the trainer port on the master, and configure the master as if it were buddy boxed. You then bind the slave to that Rx, and you're done. People do this for simulators, since they can get power for the Rx from the USB<->CPPM dongle. Not sure where if anyone has done it as a proper trainer, as the power is an issue.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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02 Feb 2016 21:22 #42527 by FrankV
Replied by FrankV on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
Thanks for your reply mwm.
I understand the alternative. But the original way is perfect :)
Maybe a future function? Now we do some training (not often) in the wired way, but that is far from ideal - the cable is often too short since people move around while flying :)

Anyway, I'll check the other option with an extra receiver.

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02 Feb 2016 21:40 #42528 by Cereal_Killer
Replied by Cereal_Killer on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
I do the "wireless" method using a micro flysky 8ch ppm receiver. I'm using the trainer port of my 7E for something else tying up the ability to get ppm out threw a wire so I had to go this route.

Note flysky uses the A7105 module which is installed in my 7E. There is also a wireless USB adapter for wireless simulator built with another A7105 module and an arduino for a couple bucks if you care for another related project in the future!

Taranis X9E | DEVO 10 | Devo U7E | Taranis Q7

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02 Feb 2016 23:49 #42535 by RoGuE_StreaK
Replied by RoGuE_StreaK on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
As a side note, from how I understand it the "wireless" thing for stock devo is a wireless model config transfer, NOT the actual trainer/trainee connection for flying; you wirelessly transfer the config so both are running the same model, then have to physically connect the two TXs with a cable for the actual flying part (source: devo 7E manual)

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03 Feb 2016 11:37 - 03 Feb 2016 11:38 #42542 by FrankV
Replied by FrankV on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
Thanks for replies. I thought I read in the Devo 10 manual that wireless trainer option is an option. But I misread - it says you have to copy the setup first by the wireless connection. Then you have to connect them both by wire. Yeah, right... :(
Sorry for the miscommunication guys!

I think I'll try the ppm receiver option first. Thanks for the info.
Last edit: 03 Feb 2016 11:38 by FrankV.

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31 Aug 2016 21:04 - 31 Aug 2016 21:08 #53343 by FrankV
Replied by FrankV on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student
I small update: I bought an orange 6ch rx with ppmout. Works perfect!
TrainerTX with OrangeRX uses whatever protocol/plane, with full control, less or full student.
StudentTX has Deventiontx set to DSMX -> connecting the RX on the TrainerTX.

Powering the rx with one 1S lipo and the PPM port on the receiver straight into the Devo10 rx.... Cheap and good and reliable solution I think!
Last edit: 31 Aug 2016 21:08 by FrankV.

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13 Apr 2017 03:33 - 16 Apr 2017 07:05 #61413 by Judderbar
Replied by Judderbar on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

FrankV wrote: I small update: I bought an orange 6ch rx with ppmout. Works perfect!
TrainerTX with OrangeRX uses whatever protocol/plane, with full control, less or full student.
StudentTX has Deventiontx set to DSMX -> connecting the RX on the TrainerTX.

Powering the rx with one 1S lipo and the PPM port on the receiver straight into the Devo10 rx.... Cheap and good and reliable solution I think!

Will there be any compatibility problems using surplus/added switches to enable the orange 6ch rx to be fitted inside the devo tx using the tx battery?
Last edit: 16 Apr 2017 07:05 by Judderbar.

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15 Apr 2017 22:10 #61494 by FrankV
Replied by FrankV on topic Trainer mode: Mixing trainer and student

Judderbar wrote: Will there be any compatibility problems using surplus/added switches to enable the orange 6ch rx to be fitted inside the devo tx using the tx battery?

Well, I did decide not to mount it within the TX. The main reason is that it uses an extra switch to power the RX (or is always on...) - and I would like to keep the existing switches available for my planes :)
I don't use the trainer port often and the Orange RX will run for hours on a single 1S small lipo so I dont bother about it.


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