Which rx are supported?

16 May 2015 18:43 #32652 by chat2000
Which rx are supported? was created by chat2000
i just bought a devo 10. I have read about deviation but i dont understand it fully.
In the suported Model list i can see special Helicopters like v977 are suported.
But my Question is which other rx are working with the devo 10?
I read that DSM2 (so spektrum) rx should be comtapible right?
Can you tell which others are also compatible with the devo 10?
For example can i use this rx www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/208553/Reely...tecksystem-JR-Futaba
With best regards

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16 May 2015 22:40 #32664 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Which rx are supported?
No, none of the Futaba's protocols are supported.

Well known protocols with external RXs which are supported by Deviation firmware (not the original firmware) are:
DEVO, DSM2/DSMX, Skyartec, Flysky, FrSky, Tactic SLT, ESky.

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16 May 2015 22:54 #32667 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic Which rx are supported?
Any chance of getting a more complete list, and maybe a comparison?

In particular, what are the settings for ESky? They aren't listed in the the "Supported Models" spreadsheet. Maybe we can get a "Supported Receivers" spreadsheet, or sheet in the "Supported Models" spreadsheet?

I know about the older Walkera protocols, though "available receivers" is arguable given walkera's current attitude, but that applies to Devo as well as them.

You can also find receivers for the J6Pro protocol, though they still don't seem to have a protocol name, so you have to be careful of those, since Nine Eagles has multiple protocols not all of which are supported.

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17 May 2015 20:39 #32706 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic Which rx are supported?

welcome to the Devo 10 club and forum :-)

The above Reely RX seems to have JR/Futaba style plugs, but is of course N O T a (T-)FHSS/FASST(Test) Rx??!??
HFSS is another / different protocol?!

If you are looking for cheap (including) telemetry receivers, you should go for Frsky.
But of course you are required to solder a HF module into.
FrSky also support RSSI signal quality check (something like Spektrum FlightLog Fades/FrameLosses does).

Alternatively you can use Spektrum DSMx receivers (AR600, AR610, AR6210 and above) + TM1000/TM1100 telemetry modules.

I personally would NOT go with old DSM2 receivers, as many of these (e.g 5CH AR500, 6CH ARxxx) do not have the FlightLog DataPort. The upper >=7CH DSM2 rx seem to have a DataPort. There is more than one thread with problems (crashes) because of Non-Spektrum receivers (one guy had this with DX10T even). So with a missing FlightLog you will not be really one the safer side!

You better not buy this Conrad / Reely beginner RC stuff or you might want to at least sell the BNF receivers if you like to keep the plane :-)

Personally I would not go with Walkera Devo receivers in Germany either, as you are not allowed to fly them on 100mw output power (without a proper declaration of conformity (KE) it is e.g not allowed to use 100mw output power - Devo protocol is 3 fixed channels DSSS only protocol).

Despite the fact that you will not have a KE for DSMx / 100mw, that protocol is at least a frequency hopping system, so you might personally be A BIT more relaxed using it with >10mw/>30mw output power.

Even HH / Spektrum is NOT allowed to sell starting 2015 (according to ETSI V1.8.1) anymore NEW Spektrum transmitters which supports DSM2 as this protocol is NOT a true frequency hopping system but only sends on two channels.
So you better !!!NOT!!! use DSM2 in Germany with Non-genuine Spektrum transmitters, which have not been sold in <= 2014 (KE with right of continuance for DSM2) and you hold a legit KE for DSM2.

DSM2 has been replaced a long time ago with DSMx - my first RXs where already DSMx receivers in 2012. I sold all Parkzone AR500 DSM2 receivers because of missing FlightLog support.

The Devo 10 you have bought seems to be (legally) limited according to CE/KE for Devo DSSS protocol and <=10mw in Germany.

Because of only 10mw and missing hopping system I would not try to fly something bigger (plane, glider), in more distance or more dangerous (450er helis).



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17 May 2015 21:00 #32709 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic Which rx are supported?
I just swapped a FrSky out for an old DSM2 Rx for the reasons stated.

My range went to pot. The DSM2 Rx worked fine out to 300 feet or more. The FrSky one failed miserably at 80 feet. Do you ever see such issues?

I have no idea what the RSSI values were, because my request for "what do they mean" on the FrSky thread went unanswered.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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17 May 2015 21:09 - 17 May 2015 21:11 #32711 by RedSleds
Replied by RedSleds on topic Which rx are supported?

chat2000 wrote: Hello,
....Can you tell which others are also compatible with the devo 10?

With best regards

The second sheet of the Supported Models data base has a list of supported protocols.
Click Here >>> Protocols <<<

Is that what you are looking for?

....of course, it does not say what each specific Rx is though. :-/

DEVO 10 - Multi-module with nRF24L01 +PA +LNA, A7105 +PA, & CC2500 +PA +LNA transceivers.
Nightly Build: v4.0.1-548bbf5 (6/9/2015)
Last edit: 17 May 2015 21:11 by RedSleds.

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17 May 2015 22:08 #32712 by chat2000
Replied by chat2000 on topic Which rx are supported?
1) What is a HF Module? Are FrSky receivers save to use?
2) DSM2 is old and DSMX is new? Is it safe to fly a DSMX receiver with the devo 10?
3) What are the differences in 10mw and 100mw use? What is KE?
4) Can i fly Helis or Planes with a devo receiver safely? Does Devo receivers do spektrum hopping?
i plan to fly a 450 heli with the devo 10 what ist the safest set up for that?

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18 May 2015 00:03 - 18 May 2015 00:23 #32714 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic Which rx are supported?

chat2000 wrote: 1) What is a HF Module? Are FrSky receivers save to use?


FrSky receivers are used together with the FrSky Taranis transmitter.

Unfortunately I can not tell you how save it is to use FrSky receivers with one of the compatible HF modules which you have to solder into the Devo 10. Those modules (e.g with amplifier) are not 1:1 the modules the Taranis transmitter uses.

Probably I would not test them with 450er helis or far distance first :-)

Sorry Mike, I do not own one of these (CC2500 & Co.) yet.

chat2000 wrote: 2) DSM2 is old and DSMX is new? Is it safe to fly a DSMX receiver with the devo 10?

Yes, DSMx is "new" (FHSS in general as well as DSmx is not that really new).

I already flew a Blade 200QX with DSMx and Devo 10 (100mw setting) on a nightly build.
Lots of code improvements lately (and still going), especially for DSMx FlightLog telemetry.

chat2000 wrote: 3) What are the differences in 10mw and 100mw use? What is KE?

Output power. 10mw is not meant for far distance. More power = more range.
Spektrum has their transmitters working at full power (EU=100mw) (might apply to DSM2 for their genuine senders as well as).

KE = Konformitätserklärung (see RC-Network Forum about some deeper details) = declaration of conformity

chat2000 wrote: 4) Can i fly Helis or Planes with a devo receiver safely? Does Devo receivers do spektrum hopping?

Devo protocol seem to have 3 channels. So no, that is not a true FHSS system. But that means nothing really...

Hopefully you get some more feedback from people who fly Devo receivers what DeviationTX version they use and their experience with it. I do not use them.

chat2000 wrote: i plan to fly a 450 heli with the devo 10 what ist the safest set up for that?

Probably the built-in Devo HF module, which lets you choose DSMX (FHSS) and 100mw output power setting.

With a TM1100 (smaller range, suitable for 450er helis) / TM1000 (I use this personally) telemetry module you can plug that into the DataPort of a 6CH Spektrum DSMx receiver and even monitor quality of connection (FlightLog Fades, FrameLosses, Holds), just like with DX8 & Co.

You can use AR6210 / AR8000 with one Spektrum satellite too (two receivers in parallel).

Please check the other threads about V4.0.1 vs nightly-build protocol changes / improvements and user experiences.
I recently switched to Devo 10 (from DX8). Personally I have not flown with V4.0.1 or nightly build something bigger over a longer time yet.

As far as I know there is yet a thread about reliability and people flying lots of Devo and DSMx stuff and helis on V4.0.1 with success?!?

If you do not really need S-Bus (e.g LemonRX), I would not go with 3rd party Non-Spektrum.
Different threads, different experiences over multiple forums.

Do you also own some smaller quads / helis / planes which you could fly before you let your 450er into the air?

I have not worked thru all threads on this forum myself.
So sometimes I am a bit confused about some particular statements or given previous feedback myself :)

I just know that there is some current work between multiple developers to further improve the Devo and DSMx protocol handling and ongoing tests.
Not sure if that is really required comparing the upcoming changes with 2-3 previous DeviationTX versions.
Last edit: 18 May 2015 00:23 by Thomas.Heiss.

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18 May 2015 01:05 #32715 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic DSM2 vs. DSMX
.Spektrum recommended that people with DSM2 Tx's not bother upgrading them to DSMX unless they were going to fly in areas with lots of radio traffic.

DSMX and DSM2 are different protocols, with different sets of options in the protocol. There have been reports that DSM2 gets MUCH better range than DSMX with Deviation, though this is an area of active development.

Personally, I use either DSM2 or DSMX, whichever happens to be more convenient. The Blade RTF & BNF helis are all DSMX, but are as likely to be bound DSM2 as not. My stand-alone DSM Rx's are all old, off-brand DSM2's with no dataport. This means I only get battery voltages - which is still better than I get when flying the HH BNF/RTF aircraft, as none of their have any useful flight telemetry.

I can't speak to the legal issues in Germany. In the US, it's all legal, as the FCC has basically said that 2.4GHz is up for grabs, though you are responsible for making sure that your gear doesn't interfere with other users.

As for safety - no, none of them are safe. Then again, you aren't safe using the latest & greatest from Spektrum, or FrSky, or anyone else. The important question is "How much less safe is it to fly with Deviation?". I'd say not at a;;. so long as you are taking proper safety precautions. Range test your gear. Don't fly over anything you wouldn't want to drop your aircraft on. Be careful the first few flights, and make sure everything is working.

There are people flying larger (I'm pretty sure at least 450s, and I think I saw one comment about a 700) heli's with deviation.

As for what's safest, right now I'd say go with Spektrum Rx's running on 4.0.1. The nightly builds may well break something; not recommended if safety is a priority. The off-brand DSM Rx's have reverse engineered the protocol, just like DeviationTx. We (and presumably they) generally test against Spektrum, with the other off-brand stuff being less importance. As a result, you find that the off-brand stuff tends to have more problems with other off-brand stuff than it does with Spektrum gear. Of course, you're going to spend a factor of 10 more on your Rx if you do that. But an extra $40 on a $400 aircraft is minor if it makes it less likely to crash.

Telemetry is crucial if you're flying FPV or long range. Not so much for smaller aircraft (and yes, a 450-size heli is a "smaller" aircraft) that don't fly at long range. A good 30-meter range test at 100uW indicates that your radio should be good out to 900 meters or more. I can't see a 450-size heli well enough to fly at anywhere near that range.

One last thought: I actually trust Deviation more than Spektrum radios. The bug reports are publicly available, and may well include fixes. If there's a problem with Spektrum gear, they generally won't admit it without being shamed into it. On the other hand, if something goes wrong and they decide it was their gear failing, they tend to help cover your out-of-pocket costs. That won't happen with deviation.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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