How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)

31 Aug 2015 01:05 #37320 by Arnold
I don't own any Windows software and don't want to buy any. How can I install using a Mac?
I'm still shopping for a Devo tx.

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
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01 Sep 2015 00:01 - 01 Sep 2015 00:03 #37345 by mwm
PB's deviation USB installer is reported as working on the Mac, though I haven't tried it.

Download it from here:

Discussion here:

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My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
Last edit: 01 Sep 2015 00:03 by mwm.

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01 Sep 2015 23:27 #37365 by Arnold
Thanks! That's what I was looking for... aside from the tx.

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?

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20 Sep 2015 01:35 - 20 Sep 2015 01:41 #37904 by Arnold
My eBay Devo 10 arrived yesterday, so today I installed the Deviation firmware, 4.01 after a few moments of uncertainty.
First, the installer did not recognize the tx,with stock firmware even though I tried several different USB cables. Finally, I removed the USB hub and connected directly to the Mac's USB port and got a connection that way. Next, the user manual was apparently not updated to describe using the USB installer, but it made enough sense that I got thru that OK. The last wrinkle was how to format the tx's drive - I thought about initializing it as an Apple device, then thought it better to go as FAT32, which is what I did, Then, success! :cheer:
After installing the Deviation firmware and associated parts, I again tried mounting the tx thru the USB hub and this time it worked fine.
Since then, I've been getting acquainted with the navigation structure and digging deeper into the manual. So far, so good!

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?
Last edit: 20 Sep 2015 01:41 by Arnold.

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29 Dec 2015 12:55 - 29 Dec 2015 13:22 #41246 by macnoodle
Replied by macnoodle on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)
Any chance you can expand on this? I just ordered a DEVO 10 and only have Macs in this house and no access to a Windows machine. I'd like to install Deviation on the DEVO 10, using my Mac, but have no idea how to go about it. Had a look at the download page linked above, but have no idea what to do with the files when I get them. Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)
Last edit: 29 Dec 2015 13:22 by macnoodle.

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31 Dec 2015 00:16 #41266 by mwm
Two possibilites:

1) Install VirtualBox (free software) and a version of Windows in a VM. You can then use Walkera's Windows software in the VM. That's what I do on my Unix boxes.

2) Install the deviation uploader from . This is a Java program, and has been reported as working on the Mac. I haven't tried it, though. That's hwat Arnold is describing.

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31 Dec 2015 03:58 - 01 Jan 2016 21:44 #41272 by Arnold

macnoodle wrote: Any chance you can expand on this? ...

Sure :cheer:
- On the webpage MWM linked to, download the file "DeviationUploader-0.8.0.jar"
That is a Java application that runs natively on the Mac by double-clicking on it's icon.
But, it requires that you have the Java Runtime Environment installed on your Mac first, in order to run the application.
- You can obtain the Java Runtime Environment located at this link:
You'll see two versions for Mac OS X - either will work fine for your purpose. Download one of them and install it on your Mac. After it is installed you will be able to run the Java application.

- Make sure you have a fully charged set of batteries in your Devo. You DO NOT want to lose power while installing firmware.
- If you haven't already, download the Deviation 4.01 firmware for your Devo. It is a .zip file. There is no need to unzip the file - you will use the .zip file as it is. Stash the file somewhere on your Mac where you can easily find it. The "Downloads" folder is a good place.
- With the Java application running, connect your Devo directly to your Mac using the USB cable that comes with the Devo. You can use another USB cable as long as it has the appropriate connectors at each end.
- Press and hold the "EXT" button on the Devo while turning on the power switch. This puts the Devo in "Program Update" mode for modifying the firmware.
- In the Java app that is running on your Mac, look at the line at the top labeled, "Transmitter" where you should see "Devo 10". assuming the app has recognized your Devo. If not, you'll need to do some troubleshooting to discover why your Devo is not being recognized.
- In the Java app, see the line labeled, "Firmware" and click on the "..." button on the right side. A file-browsing dialog box will appear giving you the means to navigate to the location on your Mac where you have the firmware .zip file stored that you downloaded earlier. Highlight that zip file and click "Open". In the app, in the line labeled, "Filesystem" you'll see the path and filename of the file you've just chosen.
- In the app's window, if this is the first time installing Deviation, you'll see that most of the checkboxes are already checked and the Firmware and Library Version/Size boxes are filled in. That sets up the installer and will wipe clean the storage medium in the Devo in preparation for installing the new firmware and associated files. If not, you've probably installed Deviation before and can just move on to the next item here.
- Next, click the "Install/Upgrade" button that's near the bottom of the app's window to initiate the installation of Deviation on your Devo. You won't see any indication of activity other than the thermometer bar across the bottom of the app's window, filling in from left to right. Wait until your Mac reports it is done - Then power off the Devo, unplug the USB cable, quit the app and restart the Devo to see that Deviation has been properly installed.
- At this point it's a good idea to back up the contents of the Devo to your Mac. Turn off the Devo and restart while holding down the "ENT" key. Doing so will display a USB symbol on the Devo's display. Now, using the USB cable again, connect to the Mac. Shortly, you will see the icon for the Devo's storage media appear on your Mac's desktop. The name will be "NO NAME". Open it and see all at the Deviation folders and files that have been installed. Select everything and copy to a new folder somewhere conveniently located on you Mac. Back up done! :cheer: .

<Edit>: made some changes to correct some procedural errors. :oops: changes are in Red/Bold

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?
Last edit: 01 Jan 2016 21:44 by Arnold.

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31 Dec 2015 04:17 #41273 by macnoodle
Replied by macnoodle on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)

Arnold wrote:

macnoodle wrote: Any chance you can expand on this? ...

Sure :cheer:
- On the webpage WMW linked to, download the file "DeviationUploader-0.8.0.jar"
That is a Java application that runs natively on the Mac by double-clicking on it's icon.
But, it requires that you have the Java Runtime Environment installed on your Mac first, in order to run the application.
- You can obtain the Java Runtime Environment located at this link:
You'll see two versions for Mac OS X - either will work fine for your purpose. Download one of them and install it on your Mac. After it is installed you will be able to run the Java application.

- If you haven't already, download the Deviation 4.01 firmware for your Devo. It is a .zip file. There is no need to unzip the file - you will use the .zip file as it is. Stash the file somewhere on your Mac where you can easily find it. The "Downloads" folder is a good place.
- With the Java application running, connect your Devo directly to your Mac using the USB cable that comes with the Devo. You can use another USB cable as long as it has the appropriate connectors at each end.
- Press and hold the "ENT" button on the Devo while turning on the power switch. Doing this will display a large USB symbol on the Devo's display, indicating that the Devo is operating in USB mode meaning you will be working with the files stored on the Devo in a manner like working with the files on your Mac. You can copy, move and delete files as needed.
- In the Java app that is running on your Mac, look at the line at the top labeled, "Transmitter" where you should see "Devo 10". assuming the app has recognized your Devo. If not, you'll need to do some troubleshooting to discover why your Devo is not being recognized.
- In the Java app, see the line labeled, "Firmware" and click on the "..." button on the right side. A file-browsing dialog box will appear giving you the means to navigate to the location on your Mac where you have the firmware .zip file stored that you downloaded earlier. Highlight that zip file and click "Open". In the app, in the line labeled, "Filesystem" you'll see the path and filename of the file you've just chosen.
- In the app's window, click on the "Format" Checkbox. This will wipe clean the storage medium in the Devo in preparation for installing the new firmware. You should get a checkmark in the box adjacent to the word. "Format". If not, just move on to the next item here. If so, you will be asked how to format the device. Choose "Fat32" from the options available. and wait while the system performs the format.
- Next, click the "Install/Upgrade" button that's near the bottom of the app's window too initiate the installation of Deviation on your Devo. Wait until your Mac is done performing the installation.- Power off the Devo, unplug the USB cable and restart the Devo as normal. Then explore the new world of Deviation!

Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to write such detailed reply. I suspect this will become an often-used resource for Mac users who wish to use Deviation but would prefer not to have to deal with Windows. :)

Now all I have to do is wait patiently for my Devo 10 to arrive. :whistle: Thanks again!

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31 Dec 2015 06:20 #41275 by Arnold
Just to add an FYI -
Deviation 4.0.1 is the last released version of the firmware, but more current versions containing fixes and new protocols can be found in the Nightly builds. You can get to those by using the "Downloads" link in the sidebar here on the left. The installation procedure is exactly the same, using the .zip file and "Install/Upgrade" button.

... I don't know why the most recent Nightly build is October 25.
Maybe something's broken.
I dunno.

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?

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31 Dec 2015 06:36 #41276 by macnoodle
Replied by macnoodle on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)
I already found the nightly builds. :D Not much use to me right now... unless I start installing extra modules. Which is a real possibility (read inevitability), since I have a herd of toy quads that would be really nice to fly with a proper transmitter. :)

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31 Dec 2015 15:24 #41284 by mwm

Arnold wrote: ... I don't know why the most recent Nightly build is October 25.
Maybe something's broken.
I dunno.

The build is broken, but only a few people can fix it. New code has been committed that should trigger a build. It's the addition of the DynTrim option to the KN protocol, plus fixes for Belkin clones of the NRF module. If you need a nightly build of either, we can create a new test build that should be identical to what a nightly would be.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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01 Jan 2016 21:33 - 01 Jan 2016 21:36 #41293 by Arnold
I made some changes to correct errors in my previous post #41272 :oops: .

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?
Last edit: 01 Jan 2016 21:36 by Arnold.

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02 Jan 2016 00:23 #41294 by macnoodle
Replied by macnoodle on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)

Arnold wrote: I made some changes to correct errors in my previous post #41272 :oops: .

Thanks again! I'm still waiting for my Devo 10 to arrive, but I really appreciate all your help.

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02 Jan 2016 03:44 - 02 Jan 2016 03:44 #41295 by Arnold
Hey, I was a bit anxious that you might have received your new tx and found the info I initially provided didn't work. I'm relieved now that you are still waiting. Maybe tomorrow, eh?

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?
Last edit: 02 Jan 2016 03:44 by Arnold.

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02 Jan 2016 03:48 #41296 by macnoodle
Replied by macnoodle on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)

Arnold wrote: Hey, I was a bit anxious that you might have received your new tx and found the info I initially provided didn't work. I'm relieved now that you are still waiting. Maybe tomorrow, eh?

I think it's going to be a while longer. I like to plan ahead, so posted my question just after ordering. :)

Now I'm starting to wonder how many modules I will have to install in order to fly as many of my models as I possibly can. :side:

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06 Jan 2016 11:17 - 06 Jan 2016 11:22 #41431 by macnoodle
Replied by macnoodle on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)
Walkera Devo 10 arrived today and I managed to program my first model into it - the Blade Inductrix! :) Sort of, anyway. I figured out how to program the timer, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to switch into Agility Mode. So I'm probably just going to import a file. If I can figure how. This is very different from my Spektrum DX6... :D

Installing Deviation was a breeze - thanks to your brilliant step-by-step tutorial, Arnold, so THANKS!

One question: When I installed Deviation, the LCD screen on the radio became almost unreadable It seems that the Deviation install sets the contrast settings of the LCD screen to minimum, or close to it. Now I have to have the contrast on the screen turned up all the way to 10 for it to be similar to what the screen was like, with the original FW installed. Is that normal?
Last edit: 06 Jan 2016 11:22 by macnoodle.

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06 Jan 2016 19:52 #41444 by Arnold

macnoodle wrote: Walkera Devo 10 arrived today and I managed to program my first model into it - the Blade Inductrix! :) ... When I installed Deviation, the LCD screen on the radio became almost unreadable It seems that the Deviation install sets the contrast settings of the LCD screen to minimum, or close to it. Now I have to have the contrast on the screen turned up all the way to 10 for it to be similar to what the screen was like, with the original FW installed. Is that normal?

I've installed Deviation on three Devo 10's and a Devo 6S and have not experienced the issue you describe here. I haven't needed to adjust display values after making the installs, so I don't have any suggestions for you. Sure would like to know why it's happening, though.

Too many hobbies & too many Devos!
Who knows where the time goes?

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24 Feb 2016 04:17 - 24 Feb 2016 22:06 #43541 by wilks625
Replied by wilks625 on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)
Hello, so recently tried to update to deviation on my 7E and i followed the instructions Arnold provided, but when i unplugged my tx and tested to see if the install was successful, my screen on my 7E looks like it is glitched. One thing i did notice was that under "Version" the boxes "Firmware" and "Library" were empty. This was my first attempt installing deviation. if anyone could help, that would be amazing :)

Turns out i was able to fix it! by learning how other installed deviation on their tx's using windows, i tried the same method but using the Deviation Uploader. I first tried again installing it using the zip file like Arnold said, but then i tried going all the way back and formatting the tx in USB mode using the OS X native app "disk utility" to format the tx. I then used the uploader app and while my tx was connected, clicked on the "DFU" tab and selected the .dfu file and clicked "send" Then i copied all the files in the 4.0.1 download folder minus the .dfu and .zip file. Then ejected and turned off the tx. then when i turned it on, it worked!

thanks for everything guys. can't wait to install my modules!
Last edit: 24 Feb 2016 22:06 by wilks625.

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11 Jun 2020 22:43 #76454 by rcscale101
Replied by rcscale101 on topic How can I install without Windows? (Mac user)
Hi, just wanted to say a big thank you to you all and give a short update on how it works in 2020. I had to try a few times but here is what worked (Devo7e + Mac OS 10.15.5 + Deviation 5.0.0):
- Get and unzip it
- Get DeviationUpload-0.9.0.jar and launch it (see Security preferences to allow it)
- On Devo: EXT + Power ON to enter Program Update mode
- Using DeviationUpload-0.9.0.jar, send DFU file from folder deviation-devo7e-v5.0.0
- Switch off Devo
- ENT + Power ON to enter USB mode
- Copy/paste using your Finder all the content of the folder deviation-devo7e-v5.0.0 EXCEPT the .zip and .dfu files
- Eject, switch off then on. It should work!

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