Allowing only 4ch in 2401 mode

13 Sep 2012 08:28 #1573 by blackmoon
Allowing only 4ch in 2401 mode was created by blackmoon

I just saw that a request was made to :

It shouldn't allow more channels as the selected protocol allows

Issue #37 created 22 hours ago by FDR

The number of channels should be 4 for the WK2401 protocol, 6 for the WK2601, and 8 for the WK2801. While they do not send more channels as they can, I think it would be more clear if the number of channels would reflect the selected protocol. The rest of the channels could be virtual...

I don't know if you are aware that some of the 2401 proto 4in1 needed more than just the 4 channels (thr/rud/ail/ele), if you would bind them to another TX than the wk2401.

Cf. these post on the 4#3 thread :

quote from that post :

When setting up the radio I had to set channels 5 through 8 to the minimum pulse length. Channels 3 and 4 needed the ATV turned up to 140% to get the ESCs to arm. The aileron and elevator servos had to be physically swapped at the receiver but thankfully the throttle and rudder were correct. Aileron, elevator and throttle had to be reversed, rudder was left normal.

The ppm protocol used with the 5#6/4#3 receiver is not that special. I visiulaized the signal on scope and these are the results:

The first four channels are nick, roll, throttle and yaw. The middle position of the channels is a little bit different from the standard but that doesn't matter. After the four channels 7 additional channels are transmitted with an constant value of -40%. The seven additional channels are no good but preventing the use of any of the shelf ppm transmitter. The rx will initialize only when the seven extra channels are present. There is no way around this without addition of hardware or change of the software.

I'm using my MPX profi mc 4000 which provides a 12 channel ppm mode. All you need is a fat tx with a minimum of 11 channels and the programmbility to dial in the above mentioned data.

I think limiting the number of channels to only 4 would put off some who like me still own 4#3 and 4#3B 4#3Q etc...

Am I right here or just worrying for nothing ?

Sorry for the long post and thank you for your work.


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13 Sep 2012 08:38 - 13 Sep 2012 08:44 #1575 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Allowing only 4ch in 2401 mode
Those posts are about the old FM versions, not about the 2.4GHz one we are talking about.
The prococol has changed, it is no more simple PPM, and please believe, it doesn't transmit more then 4 channels (plus 4 trim values)...
Last edit: 13 Sep 2012 08:44 by FDR. Reason: typo

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13 Sep 2012 09:00 #1577 by blackmoon
Replied by blackmoon on topic Allowing only 4ch in 2401 mode
Sorry for the noise.

I had this on the back of my mind and jumped on the wagon without even reading those posts again.

Feel free to wipe this nonsense off :D

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13 Sep 2012 10:18 #1581 by kcornels
Replied by kcornels on topic Allowing only 4ch in 2401 mode
my 4#3b works great with just 4 channels... . :cheer:

Just add a model in 2401 mode, reverse the nick channel and start it up... ;-)

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