devo7e tx.ini issue

21 Jul 2013 06:07 #12389 by wdiabc
devo7e tx.ini issue was created by wdiabc
Hi All,

I am the guy who messed up with a devo10(using deviation 3.0.0 FW). Now I got a new devo7e and I flashed it with the 3.0.0 for 7e. Its been flawless for a few days, hope it continue that way.

There is an issue that I want to ask about:
For the tx.ini file, when I downloaded it from this website, in the first few lines, where we can enable/disable the RF modules, there are ; in front of all the command lines.
Like this:

; enable-cyrf6936 = B12
has_pa-cyrf6936 = 0
; enable-a7105 = A13
; has_pa-a7105 = 1
; enable-cc2500 = A14
; has_pa-cc2500 = 1

After I ran the filesystem in the Tx for 2 days, I want to create a copy, then I copied all the files from the TX to my PC. Now I opened the tx.ini up using the Notepad++(I always opeing the ini file with this app, afraid to mess this important file up)
and now I saw this:


I realized all the ; are gone, also the A13 and A14 disappeared. Is it Normal? I recall when my devo10 died, it also does this kind of thing to its file, does it mean the TX is trying to mess up with this tx.ini? Is there anything I shall know in order to keep this TX running? Loving deviation and I dont want to break another TX.

Please help. Appreciate it !

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21 Jul 2013 06:30 - 21 Jul 2013 06:31 #12392 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic devo7e tx.ini issue
If you have not any additional RF modules, it's normal. If you did the diode mod for internal RF module, you need change option 'has_pa-cyrf6936 = 1', to enable power amplifier control.
Last edit: 21 Jul 2013 06:31 by vlad_vy.

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