dsm2 question

31 Jul 2013 02:27 - 31 Jul 2013 02:30 #12632 by dawsonmobley
dsm2 question was created by dawsonmobley
I have a 8s with deviation on it and got my new quad today (flip) with a dsm2 rx on it. I plug in the quad and the rx light blinks rapidly, then I turn on my tx, go to the menu and click bind and the rx light goes out, comes back on blinking slowly and then goes solid....so I assume at this point the rx and tx are bound correct?

Now, how do I get the esc's to arm? Is there a secret to it? or is something not working correctly? I'm not getting any motor movement at all no matter what I do with the sticks.

thanks :)

(I am only familiar with walkera radios, I have a nine eagles plane that I fly with the 8s but that one just binds and works with no issues, everything else is either devo or 2801 walkera rx's.)
Last edit: 31 Jul 2013 02:30 by dawsonmobley.

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31 Jul 2013 05:19 #12635 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic dsm2 question
It depends on the flight controller and the motor controllers.
If you have a flight controller which needs arming or something similar it will have a special mode to learn the curves. But this should be written in the manual.
If not (means control signal is directly given to the motor controllers) most ESC learn the throttle min/max values like this: turn rx off, push throttle to max, turn rx on and wait until the motors beep, pull throttle down to min. The ESC will store those two values and use this range.
Be careful, esp. if you are not sure what the motors will do: remove the blades.

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31 Jul 2013 15:10 #12648 by stevecox
Replied by stevecox on topic dsm2 question
Also it looks like it is using cppm from a DSM2 satellite receiver. I am pretty sure think your tx needs output of +125/-125 to arm the board correctly. At least with a Multiwii board it does and it seems that board is similar. Also check you model setup is correct, also like rbe2012 mentioned remove the blades until you are sure.


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13 Aug 2013 02:58 #12937 by dawsonmobley
Replied by dawsonmobley on topic dsm2 question
Thanks for the help....After a suggestion, I discovered that the usb cable I was using (to connect the multiwii)was bad. Once I replaced it I was able to run the software for programming the multiwi controller and figure out the channel mapping between the dsm2 rx and 8s. Once I did that I was able to arm the motors and get flying :) . It has worked great so far aside from my rudder controll seeming to not work for a few seconds a couple times. I'de be giving it some rudder and the flip won't turn at all and then it's like it suddenly gets the signal after a 2 second delay and turns...not sure if that's a deviation/dsm2 communication problem or a flip controller problem?

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