Deviation t-shirts, one last time.
- mwm
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Same vendor, same setup, slightly better graphics. I've lowered the order goal, so they are a bit more expensive - but we only need a few to be ordered for them to print!
For those who didn't look at it last time, this is sort of like a kickstarter campaign. You place your order, and they will put in the advance transaction to make sure the card works. However, they won't actually charge you until the end of the campaign, which is late next month. if we don't get enough orders to print, you don't get charged. But the number needed is lower than the number ordered on either of the other two campaigns, so I'm hopeful I'll get my deviationTx shirt this time!
You can help - go to and order one now!
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My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- Epyon
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- grnd flyr
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You can expect your order to arrive by Nov 12!

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- mwm
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I've ordered t-shirt, and am thinking about adding a hoodie as well.
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- Thomas.Heiss
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for the non-native Englisch speakers: What is the difference betweeen the two first ones
- Hanes Tagless tee
- Teespring premium tee
What is Hanes vs Teespring?
Is it just the "premium" keyword for those shirts?
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- mwm
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Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- Thomas.Heiss
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So its just about "tagless"? Nice to hear.
How about different colours (e.g grey, black)?

Thanks for all your support / work Mike!
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- mwm
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The two shirts are from two different companies. You can find the detailed descriptions of the shirts on the teespring site:
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My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- robocog
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Got one this time

(3rd time lucky!)
Thanks for doing this

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- 944storm
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- mwm
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Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- mwm
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Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- blackmoon
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- mwm
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The only issue is that the sizes seem to be slightly larger than what I'm used to. But I can live with that!
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- justme
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Best regards,
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- mwm
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One proclaiming your status as a licensed drone pilot, with the deviation stylized quadcopter on the back:
And for those with slightly more - ahem - refined tastes, replace the quadcopter with the yacht image:
Rather than sticking with the "deviation blue" color, I chose two shirt options - the hanes tagless and their premium tee - with a variety of color options.
I won't be repeating this one lots of times here, as it's not quite so obviously a deviation tee.
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My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- robocog
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I ordered on each of the launches
(but had to wait for 3rd time lucky)
Mine arrived a couple of weeks ago but I had saved opening it for yesterday birthday:D
Very very happy with it - so thanks for organizing this
I wear it with pride and hopefully the front wont have to soak up the tears of too many failed flights

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- mwm
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To make it easy to find, they are at:
Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- robocog
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- fredskidoo
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BUT status of campaign remains unchanged? Perhaps I'm not looking in the right place . . . Fingers crossed.
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- Deviation t-shirts, one last time.