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Anything update in déviation Devo 12S ?
- Noel
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Anything new / update in deviation for DEVO 12S ?
i use the 4.0.1 since 8 jan 2014
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- mwm
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Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- Noel
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Travelling all over the forum, i found several topics about the possible improvement of a DEVO (12S for my case) by adding the FrSky protocol to that Devo12S.
According to SeByDocKy www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t...581&highlight=cc2500 , i will follow this tuto and add/solder a CC2500 (bang good) + antenna to my Devo12S.
CC2500 has arrived, I expect the antenna.
I know his tuto is for a devo 7. But i ask him about it (he live very close to me in France) and he says that the protocol will be the same..
I hope to return soon to the forum i order to inform all "forumers" that would be interested or concerned.
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- jejeg
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Je viens d'installer les modules A7105 et NRF24L01 sur ma dévo 12S , le nrf... fonctionne parfaitement avec le quadri.( syma x8C) de mon fils , le A7... fonctionne mais me coupe le module principal (cyrf ) et a ce jour ,je n'ai pas de solution ,donc je les viré . J'utiise le "nighlty builds" (deviation-devo12-v4.0.1-97b55c0" , je viens de remarquer qu'il y en a un autre daté du 07/02 ,je ne sais pas se qu'il apportera de mieux ...
Je vais peut-etre me faire taper sur les doigts en parlant français sur ce forum . Bonne bricole ; A+
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- Noel
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One more problem in my attempt to update ma Devo12S. I would like to install the more recent 4.0.1,, appeared few days ago on the "nightly build" area..
I use the 4.0.1 since january 2014
My computer works on Seven 64 bits.
I need the use DfuseUSB uploader.
Walkera.com seems to be inaccessible ( NOT FOUND a.s.o.).
I found on google this link : drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6SupsT8...jTkZvTFpPU1MxTDRGTnc .
Whose seem to be products of Walkera store, with the proposal of several versions of Dfuse USB uploader.
None of them works : unables to recognize my Devo 12S.
That means i have tried all these versions, one after the other, with only one version installed at the same time on my computer.
I tried to, the 1.4 who suits with the "old" Win FX. Without any result.
My protocol was : openDfuse USB protocole with the devo 12S Off. Then Trainer switch ON and after that open Tx. The screen on the radio was as on the Tuto and nothing on the Dfuse interface.
Any idea ?
two questions : Does this link lead really to a real Walkera program ?
Does i need to upgrade my dEVO12S with the new 4.0.1 to take advantage of the change i project. The change is add /solder a CC2500 device to have a FrSky protocole on my devo 12S.
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- Noel
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Good afternoon everybody (France 03.30 PM)
I am quite desperate.
My computer use Win7 64 bits.
I would like to add the frSky protocol on my Devo12S.
For that i need to update my "old" deviation 4.0.1, the one of january 2014 ; for the more recent 4.0.1. of feb 2016. really does'i ?
If yes, i need to use the "devoDfuse USB upload". I have tried all the existents versions ; one after the other.
Whithout never succeed in my attempt to reach my Devo 12S using the Dfuse interface.
What i did : 1) open devoDfuse, then open Tx with TRN on => failure. More, With this protocole the Tx never appeared on the "ordinateur" window.
2) I did the same using the "enter" button. Same failure ; but the Tx has appeared in the "ordinateur" windows.
Does i need some (missing) driver ?
On the "gestionnaire de périphériques" area, but only with the second way of practice, the Tx appears and windows says "all OK".
Any help/idea is welcome
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Check for errors in the device manager. If there are some collisions, try an other USB slot, or remove the other device.
As a last chance you can try the deviation uploader v0.8:
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- Noel
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thanks for your answer.
wich driver are you talking about ?
i try your suggestion immediatly
But where find a tutorial ?
Regards once more
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Try to run the appropriate installer exe in that directory...
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- Noel
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More details please.
I know i am put out everybody for something due to / coming from Walkera.
May i remind to walkera that each of the new Tx is about 400$.
And that all buyer is depending of a little piece of program of 10 megas to upgrade its program.
The same for each buyer of anything "flying" selled by walkera.
But you seems to be the last hope.
So please a detailed tutorial will be welcome.
Once more, Regards.
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I'm not an expert of solving the USB issues either, because it has always worked for me.
It just worked on my XP, Vista x86 and 7 x64 as well...
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- Noel
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please (it's my last request)
could you send me the devofuse a.s.o.exe which works well for your Seven 64 bits and for XP to.
another question : all this noise to add a CC2500 for frSky protocol. Is it nessary to use the new 4.0.1 ?
many thanks
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It is the 4th folder on the Google drive:
If you're talking about the new Frsky D16 protocol, it is not yet implemented in deviation. But when it will be, you of course will need the latest deviation in order to use it...
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- Sero
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A day without flying can't be called a day.
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- Noel
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merci à vous deux.
many thanks for you two
I will try to morrow in the morning (mine, you will sleep, i hope so)
Really ; Regards
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- Anything update in déviation Devo 12S ?