Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

12 Dec 2016 23:14 #56766 by plaisthos
Replied by plaisthos on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future
The X7 has the same CPU as the X9D, pin assignments are different. LCD is 128x64 monochrome. As some of the OpenTX have the schematics under NDA, some Deviation developer might also get them. Otherwise there is the opentx source (e.g. ). From a software hardware/perspective Overall the X7 is just a small Taranis X9D+. Also it has no extra flash (The Horus X12S in contrast has extra flash used by FrOS).

Communication to the internal radio is done via serial or pxx protocol (did not check). For adding an internal rf module via SPI, checking if there is a SPI free/or can be reused has to be checked.

Other option is to have a daughter board in the JR like a "normal" rf module with its own cpu and having a special communication protocol between the two cpus. This would basically give the user an alternative to OpenTX on the remote and also an alternative/different module than the DIY-Multiprotocol module.

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21 Jan 2017 23:23 #58293 by ceskquad
Replied by ceskquad on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future
Hello and thanks to the team developing this marvel!

I just stumbled on this thread, and wanted to add my two cents. After damaging my Devo 7e trying to change the MPU, I moved to 9XR Pro with erSky9X for 4-in-1 compatibility. I was a bit deceived, as the little Devo7e had a much faster (did not measure) bind on power on. The reason? The AVR (arduino) in the multimodule needs to boot before talking to both the transmitter and the modules. While this may not seem interesting for some, I feel it is preferable to have the transmitter MPU talk to the radio modules directly via SPI by the "cut the middle man" philosophy.

As per the program storage size, perhaps if the code could allow for ease of selection of protocols (i.e. I only have CC2500 and nrf24l01 needs), we could use a small platform like the new Turnigy transmitter. I do agree it will be best to have all the protocols on one device, but on the absence of any capable candidate, perhaps modularity could be an option to reduce the binary size.

I do agree, the new platform should be technically comparable to Devo 10, or similar, or better. This would allow room to grow. As size also is an important factor, something like the Devo 7e would be great.

On the sourcing ourselves vs getting a readily available platform, companies would have already spend resources on the R&D on a device, which we may not have. Being less than other geniuses here, I can certainly design a PCB board that would work with the code already existing to be dropped into an inexpensive but good transmitter (like me designing for a board to replace in my Devo 7e with the stm32f103c8t6 already installed): but it is almost impossible to compete price wise with corporations that have capacity for volume guarantee longevity... Even if the board is designed by us, electronic components discontinue as well, bringing us back to this conundrum.

In brief:
1- Chose a new platform already available to slow down obsolescence.
2- With SPI, to talk to the modules directly.
3- Size wise, like the Devo 7e, technical prowess like the Devo 10. TBS Tango looks great, so does the Taranis Q X7. Hopefully the MPU could run Deviation. Like the AT9 as well...


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28 Mar 2017 01:47 #60829 by CityZen
There may be some merit in porting to the Taranis/9XR-Pro/Sky9x/similar boards, for aside from those, there's also the AR9x and ARUni from
The ARUni is designed to be a replacement motherboard to upgrade any TX hardware with (or to build a custom TX).
In other words, this platform seems to be as close to a "universal TX open standard hardware platform" as there is now.

Having said that, the reason this thread caught my eye was because I was hoping to find alternative firmware for the i6s.

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28 Mar 2017 07:24 #60842 by mwm
There was a taranis port at one point, but it was abandoned because the RF module is unusable as is. The diy multi protocol module might be made to work, but you can use opentx with that hardware, so there not a lot of reason to go that way.

The and ARUni is interesting, but not really a lot more so than some of the dev boards that have been discussed. And it uses a SAM MCU instead of STM, and there is only partial support for those in libopencm3, so the port could be a lot harder than one to the stm-based dev boards.

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03 Nov 2017 15:35 #65464 by anthony7288
Replied by anthony7288 on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future
hello guys

can consider QX7 taranis ? it cheap and strong , right ?

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03 Nov 2017 15:47 #65466 by FDR
Why would one want deviation if he already has OpenTX?
Furthermore AFAIK Taranis doesn't control the RF modules directly through SPI, but uses PPM, but this info might be obsolete...

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03 Nov 2017 20:04 #65472 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future
For me PPM or PXX driving a transmitter module it is the only downside of Open TX. It is the old way....

It is really strong point of deviation that it can adress the RF link and control multiple modules, otherwise open tx with all his features and functions is a nice piece of software.

So for me open Tx basically not be truely open, Deviation is the most open TX.
Only reason I can think is, Open Tx is a kind of connected to Frsky, who have never opened up their RF link, so on purpose they keep their protocol undisclosed by using pxx/ppm.....

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06 Nov 2017 22:42 #65592 by sbstnp
I believe in the latest versions of Taranis and/or X7 the built in module is not PPM driven.

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire

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08 Nov 2017 00:07 #65626 by mwm

sbstnp wrote: I believe in the latest versions of Taranis and/or X7 the built in module is not PPM driven.

Yes, but if they just replaced PPM with something sane, it doesn't help much. I know the OpenTx guys were working on that for the external module so they could do protocol selection from the firmware, which would be a good thing. But all it does is give you a access to more of the functionality the firmware running in the RF module provides, like binding. Unless you can also change the firmware on the RF module, it won't really make the system more open.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

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04 Feb 2018 11:43 - 04 Feb 2018 11:59 #67385 by qba667
I was looking recently at FlySky I6X - and possibilities of porting DeviaitonTX.
First of all my congratulations to you guys - the firmware is very well written. Structure is also very extendable - much batter than OpenTX!
I know limitations of F0 MCU - but it should be able to handle basic functionality. The file system handling must be changed - because there is no external flash - configuration can be stored in build in EEPROM. There is few details to be handled in AFHDS2 protocol - but I have to analyze disassembly first.
Before I was working on I6 Firmware there everything fits into 64kB flash - the original firmware for I6X is just insane.
So maybe FlySky is not the replacement but DeviationTX is a new live for FlySky devices.
Last edit: 04 Feb 2018 11:59 by qba667.

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04 Feb 2018 13:19 - 04 Feb 2018 15:35 #67387 by Piedro
Well.....AFAIK OpenTX was based on Er9x/Ersky9x and developed by community members like Deviation is.
Taranis uses its own OpenTX version based on an older stable build just like Jumper and Irange use Deviation for their new transmitters.

After flashing a Taranis transmitter to the newest OpenTX version with multimodule support enabled all communication with the multimodule will be in serial mode.
Every model can be programmed with its own protocol settings just like in Deviation, go to minute 17 in this video:

So for me there is not much difference except for the differences in structure between Deviation and OpenTX. Both need some study of course...

With all the quality control issues with the new Jumper and Irange transmitters with Deviation I would go for a Taranis Q X7 and IRX4 module, plug and play,...
For a Deviation transmitter my hopes are still up for the new Jumper Plus with Hall gimbals...

The newer IRX4 Plus module has a usb connector for an easy firmware update whenever a new protocol gets out, but every protocol so far is already on it.

For now I use my TH9X transmitter flashed to Er9x which enables the use of the IRX4+ module in serial mode too, protocol stored with the model just like in OpenTX or Deviation.
The IRX4+ module will move to a Q X7 upgraded with Hall gimbals in the near future.

As long as I can store my models with the protocol I'm happy with Deviation, OpenTX or Er9X, all great software!
Last edit: 04 Feb 2018 15:35 by Piedro. Reason: typo

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04 Feb 2018 21:25 #67389 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future
Taranis still has some timing jitter/latency on the data, it would not surprice me if DeviationTX, has a better faster more stable control.

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27 May 2018 17:42 #69437 by Jon.m.barter
Replied by Jon.m.barter on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future
Hey everyone, i am speaking with walkera to see if it would be possible to get them to push out some devo 6s radios, shell and guts kits, or a newer improved devo 6s/8s style radios (i have a bias towards those two because deviation really shines on touchscreen).

Would help if you guys added your two cents to this thread:

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