Devo 7E with XL7105-D03 and dipole antenna mounted external.
Devo 8S with XL7105-D03 and monopole antenna inside tx case.
Both Tx's using Deviation 5.0
I used a Flysky clone? 3 channel car receiver for the test connected to 4 x AA batteries and a servo.
Both Transmitters were placed on top of my plastic rubbish bin with the antenna pointing vertical. Receiver orientation was varied during the testing.
Devo 7E 100uw setting reached about 85mtr.
Devo 7E 10mw setting reached about 150mtr
Devo 8S 100mw setting reached about 60mtr.
Devo 8S 10mw setting reached about 100mtr.
The pictures show the receiver I carried and a map of the area the test was done with points where signal was ok and no signal (n/s).
Devo 7e A7105 NRF24L01 CC2500 2x3 way & voice, Devo 12e 4 in 1 & voice.
FFS (Forever Fixing Stuff)