IrangeX I8X-IR8M use

27 Jul 2018 12:02 #69973 by Hainesyboy
IrangeX I8X-IR8M use was created by Hainesyboy

I am new to Deviation and am trying to get my head around how to use it.

I have purchased the IRangeX I8X-IR8M transmitter from Banggood along with a FRSky V8R4-II Rx. I am trying to get this to bind and have not had any luck. Would anybody be able to help me with this process?

When I check the "About Deviation" tab on the Tx says that the firmware version is IRX-IR8M 1.0.1. Should I be updating this to a different firmware option? I am not planning on doing any crazy development stuff, just want to hook up a Rx to the Tx. I am only used to using transmitters that come with a pre-bound Rx so am very new to all of this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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18 Aug 2018 14:25 #70326 by Psycho Roh
Replied by Psycho Roh on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Hi mate, did you manage to get your iRange to work, and figure out how to bind a frsky reciever to it? I'm having exactly the same problem trying to figure it out.. Also do you know what the reciever that comes with it is?
I'm totally lost and ready to smash the bloody thing with a hammer, so any help from you or anyone else would be great please..

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19 Aug 2018 08:08 #70340 by Hainesyboy
Replied by Hainesyboy on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
No I haven't got it working.

I don't know a lot about these things, but I believe the receiver included is a digital one for plugging into a drone or similar that has everything programmed in digitally, and the included receiver decodes the instructions for it. At least that is the best I understand it. I've only ever used units that have a specific receiver tagged to the transmitter so really am figuring it all out as I go.

I am only trying to operate a small rc ship so just needed a very small receiver as I am struggling to keep the weight down and need to save it anywhere I can.

I am thinking potentially ditching the unit for a taranis unit that is fr-sky specific.

I have tried looking at a number of youtube videos that show fr-sky units being connected to other deviation powered units and followed the same processes as those shown in the videos, but have not had any luck.

Hope you manage better than I.

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20 Aug 2018 05:45 #70351 by Psycho Roh
Replied by Psycho Roh on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Hi mate, thanks for replying.. It seems like you're having about as much luck as me..
I managed to get it to bind to a couple of my toy drones finally, but still not my good ones that I wanted it for.. I have a couple with frsky recievers and one with the reciever that comes with the remote, which I'm guessing is either devo, or frsky.. But they just don't want to bind..
I'm definitely thinking I should have just got a taranis remote now, but I'll keep trying to get this thing working for now..

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20 Aug 2018 10:08 #70353 by Hainesyboy
Replied by Hainesyboy on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Good luck with that. Keep us posted if you manage to get it sorted.

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08 Sep 2018 16:22 #70740 by pbeggs1
Replied by pbeggs1 on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M help
i just got one of those tx,.. it has deviation loaded on it and no manual is that standard or did banggood send me a used and returned tx?

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09 Sep 2018 08:27 #70757 by Hainesyboy
Replied by Hainesyboy on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M help
Best I can see from my research on these forums and a lot of googling, there is no manual for these. I have seen the Devo7E manual is the closest that exists that you can download from "User Manuals" section of the Deviation website.

I don't think yours would be a second hand/returned one as it should come with Deviation pre-installed.

Hope you have better luck getting it to work than I have so far

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09 Sep 2018 09:01 - 09 Sep 2018 09:08 #70758 by Psycho Roh
Replied by Psycho Roh on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M help
Hey guys, after lots of emails and crap, I finally managed to get a manual for ir8 from banggood..
It's a fairly big file tho, so I'm having trouble attaching it to this thread.. It was kinda helpful, but I haven't got my frsky recievers to bind still.. I have got a few others working tho..
If you want a copy and it isn't attached to this thread yet, feel free to email me and I'll send you the PDF.
Good luck everyone, please let me know if you have any luck..

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** yeah the file is just under 5mb, so I'm pretty sure it's too big to attach, so let me know if you want a copy.. Or maybe someone from admin or whatever can upload it somehow..
Last edit: 09 Sep 2018 09:08 by Psycho Roh.

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22 Sep 2018 06:08 #71008 by Hainesyboy
Replied by Hainesyboy on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M help
You had any more luck getting this thing to work?

I've started a discussion with BangGood so far asking if they can provide info for how to get the two units talking. Their best suggestion so far is to find someone else with an Rx or go to an RC shop and try binding other Rx's. That would be fine if I knew people that had any RC gear or lived in a big city with lots of shops that sell this type of stuff.

Be interesting to see what else they can suggest.

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22 Sep 2018 12:19 - 14 Oct 2018 11:31 #71010 by propnut
Replied by propnut on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M help

Whilst I do not have that transmitter I use the 4in1 module in my Devo 10 and have an iRangeX module in my Taranis and so can't see there being too much difference.

Binding to any FrSky receiver is NOT plug and play. You have to use the freq tuning option and then it is trial and error. You have two tuning options Coarse and Fine. Personally I have found fine to yield the best results. Simply put the option will start at 0 obviously and from there you should go up or down in increments of 5 or 10 (depending on how much patience you have - the more the better) and at each increment attempt a bind until such time as you receiver starts to flash showing that it has bound.

e.g. -10 -20 -30 and so on or +10 +20 +30

This is due to variation in oscillator accuracy in the IrangeX module

On my Devo 10 I have found that the following work

V8 mode = -47 fine
D8/16 Mode = -50 fine
X Mode = -60 Fine FCC or EU depending on your receiver software

I have edited this post because I previously wrote that the LBT code did not in my experience work. What I have subsequently discovered is that there was a third variant of FrSky receiver firmware that came out 2014/15 which was a middle step between FCC and LBT and was just called EU code. The receivers I was testing with were, unknown to me at the time, running that software. Having subsequently upgraded them to proper LBT the above setting work just fine. I have tested X8R, X6R and X4R

Hope this helps
Last edit: 14 Oct 2018 11:31 by propnut.

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28 Feb 2019 10:42 #73063 by dheku
Replied by dheku on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Hi.I use i8x-ir8m.

Today, I updated firmware to deviation-ir8m-v5.0.0-2455ad1.

Problem has occurred so it indicated alert as missing modules A7105.

I confirmed hadrware.ini but it was not incorrect that enable A7105.

I want to fix this problem.

The problem was solved after changing firmware to deviation-ir8m-v5.0.0-b08efa8.

Is this bug?

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04 Mar 2019 19:15 #73200 by BIllyU
Replied by BIllyU on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Hi. I cannot find ir8m-v5.0.0-b08efa8 firmware. Could you please send me a link? Thanks

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08 Mar 2019 15:30 #73269 by dheku
Replied by dheku on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Uploaded firmware.

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09 Mar 2019 20:21 #73289 by BIllyU
Replied by BIllyU on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Thanks for uploading. While waiting I follwed another advice and I formatted the radio seen as a USB disk by the PC.
Now the PC does not recognize it as a disk anymore and I cannot copy the files it needs.
FW flashing still works.
Can you help?

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10 Mar 2019 01:54 #73294 by dheku
Replied by dheku on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Is that slow format ?
Quick is bad way.
Have a nice day
Thank you.

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10 Mar 2019 07:02 #73296 by BIllyU
Replied by BIllyU on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Was quick format. Is there any way to restore the disk, now not even seen by the PC? When I connect the radio, PC beeps and on the eject tray it is shown as STM32 DFU. Nothing is shown in file manager. Thanks.

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20 Mar 2019 16:14 #73451 by dheku
Replied by dheku on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
Is that USBmode or DFUmode?

If it connect as USBmode (USB DISK), you can copy any files from backup files.

And safety disconnect.

So turn on the TX, it will work again.

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20 Mar 2019 23:01 #73455 by BIllyU
Replied by BIllyU on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
DFU MOde. I couldn't get into USB mode, but was my mistake. I found the way. Thanks

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21 Mar 2019 00:29 #73459 by dheku
Replied by dheku on topic IrangeX I8X-IR8M use
So good!

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