Using a Devo10 with Flywoo Explorer LR

01 Nov 2021 04:47 #77609 by jamiedg
Someone may find these notes useful;
I've been using DeviationTx with my Devo10 for many years and have loads of planes, quads and helis all flying off the Devo10. To give me more protocol options I fitted the A7105 module some years ago, its great just have one Tx to fly all my models :)
I used to fly the large TBS Discovery Quadcopter and I'm a big fan of FPV, but with the move to smaller sub 250g in the UK the Disco had to go. Recently I watched a video of the Flywoo Explorer LR and with a Banggood flash sale I pressed a button and started a new journey into the joys of serial communication. All my previous Devo models used PWM where each channel has its own seperate connection. After I bought the Flywoo I discovered that PWM was not an option, the Flywoo Flight Computer (FC) has one serial connection for all channels so I had to find a compatible Serial Reciever. I initially thought I could use a PWM to Sbus converter but the Flywoo is so tiny that a serial receiver was the only way forward. I came across the Flysky FS-A8S and thought maybe the A7105 module might come in useful :) The FS-A8S uses the AFHDS2A protocol and I scanned this forum to see if Deviation had this covered. I upgraded my Devo10 to the latest version but the AFHDS2A was not listed. But this forum post helped me find an older build that should bind with the FS-A8S:
The build I used as mentioned was:
After setting up a test A7105 model I managed to bind to the FS-A8S receiver so things were looking good. I've always been fan of RSSI, so it was great to find the below articule on howto flash the receiver and add RSSI.
The FS-A8S is one way and not able to send the RSSI back to the Devo but the value is sent to a receiver channel that can then be seen in your FPV goggles.
I started to connect and configure my Flywoo but could not see any channel movement in Betaflight. The tiny receiver uses only three connections +ve, -ve and Sbus and I made a stupid mistake. When connecting to the Flywoo FC you dont use the Sbus wire and connect the receiver Sbus to the Flywoo Rx1 (perfectly obvious) and everything is now working fine. Another point is that Flysky use iBus and that has to be configured inside Betaflight. The A7105 is limited to just 50mw so I may use a small booster amp to give me some more range but I dont plan to fly out far with this setup.
Hope to maiden the Flywoo soon and will share more if anyone is interested.

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