I have a Jumper T8SG V2 Plus from just before the V3 launched. When I first received it, I was able to bind to an
E011C quadcopter
using the Bayang protocol. The firmware is the stock shipped with the TX, t8sg_v2_plus_v5.0.0-e801244. However, the transmitter now seems to start the binding process but not complete. I have the following behavior with the stock toy transmitter the quadcopter comes with and the T8SG V2 Plus.
With E011C drone and stock toy transmitter:
1. Plug in battery
2. Blinks LEDs slowly
3. Turn on TX
4. Blinks rapidly for around 3 seconds, then LEDs go solid.
5. Drone responds to TX.
With E011C drone and Jumper T8SG V2 Plus:
1. Plug in battery
2. Blinks LEDs slowly
3. Turn on TX
4. Blinks rapidly and doesn't stop blinking rapidly.
5. Drone doesn't respond to TX.
I have tried the same T8SG TX with two different E011C drones, so the issue appears to be the Jumper transmitter. I have read that the crystal oscillator on the NRF24L01 transceiver may not have good stability, but I haven't found an example of someone successfully replacing it. Has anyone seen behavior like this before?