After upgraded my pre-owned Devo 7e to 4/13/2016 nightly, I re-enabled the selection of of Tx Power level by setting "has_pa_cyrf6936 = 1". After that whenever I power on my Devo 7e, I got a message saying that "Missing CYRF6936". I have to hit ENT key for Tx to continue the power up process. Devo 7e could not bind to RX2442.
If I set "has_pa_cyrf6936 = 0", this message wouldn't be display during power up. However, I loss the Tx Power level selection then. It only set to 150mW as default. Binding to Rx2442 was not consistent. It could bind sometimes and failed other times. My FP helicopter crash a couple times due to loss of binding. Loss of binding sometimes happened on bench too.
Any thought about this issue ?
Ching-Ho Cheng