loading ini file

21 Sep 2016 18:43 #54107 by hydro
loading ini file was created by hydro
How can i load an ini file into mij devo 12s?
Can someone spell it out for me please ?

How can i choose Predefined Model Templates?
I cannot find it in the transmitter menu . When i read the manuall i cannot repeat the steps.
The template map is there in the transmitter .What am i doing wrong?

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21 Sep 2016 18:54 - 21 Sep 2016 18:55 #54109 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic loading ini file
8.1 model setup: www.deviationtx.com/manuals/html-devo8/c...el-setup-std-adv-gui

File / load
File / template: 8.1.1 Predefined templates: www.deviationtx.com/manuals/html-devo8/pdfindex.html#id66

The button is called load / reset / template...you first have to switch it thru...
Last edit: 21 Sep 2016 18:55 by Thomas.Heiss.

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06 Oct 2016 12:06 #54652 by demon flyer
Replied by demon flyer on topic loading ini file
hello,how can I get ini files into my devo 7e? can I download them to the 7e, through the usb cable?im trying to control jjrc 1000 and its stuck to the ceiling a few times,when its binded to v202... also has no pitch.im new to this, so thanks greatly for any help...

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06 Oct 2016 16:47 #54661 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic loading ini file
Yes, USB, by pressing ENT button on transmitter startup - at least this is how it is done on Devo10.

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03 Mar 2017 15:34 - 03 Mar 2017 16:36 #59806 by Quadman
Replied by Quadman on topic Loading ini: flie. Easy to follow guide.
Hi until recently I too was struggling with this, got it figured out so in plain laymen's terms this is how to go about it.
Find the model ini you require.
Right click and save to your desktop.
Download notepad++ and open.
Click file ,choose new file.
Click file choose open.
Select model ini file from desktop, press enter.
Now click language, ini.
Your ini file will now be edited ready to load to Devo.
Now click file and save file to desktop.
Connect Devo to your computer, through usb port.
I use 7e so to connect turn on whilst holding enter, devo will now show in folders as a mass storage icon D, E, F etc.
Click on whichever one it is then open the folders and go to model menu, open and copy and save to desktop.
Open the copy file and choose which ini file you wish to use to load into your devo lets say for arguments sake 5.
This is assuming you have 4 files already loaded and 5 is the next available.
Delete model 5 in the copy menu, and drag and drop your new edited ini file from desktop into copy file, MAKING sure you have renamed it model 5.
Now reopen model menu for devo and drag and drop model 5 from copy file into devo model file.
As there is already an existing model in model 5 it will ask if you want to replace, press yes and your new model is loaded ready for you to use.
Or edit if you choose.
Doing it this way means you alway's have a backup of all your ini files on your Desktop.
There are no doubt different or easier way's to do it, this is the way I choose so I hope it explains things and makes life a little easier :)
Last edit: 03 Mar 2017 16:36 by Quadman. Reason: Altered some info

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03 Mar 2017 18:51 #59818 by mwm
Does Windows do something strange if you just drag-n-drop the file rather than edit it without changing it? If so, could you upload (or link to) an original file & what you get after you drag-n-drop it on a Tx? How about if you use the copy command in the CLI?

On my Unix boxes (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS) I just use the CLI copy command and it works fine. On the Mac, I've done drag and drop, but would rather avoid it because the Mac desktop suck ... uh, leaves little garbage files in the directories.

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03 Mar 2017 19:56 #59822 by Quadman
Replied by Quadman on topic Loading ini: flie. Easy to follow guide.
On windows ini files posted on the deviation forums need to be edited in Notepad ++.
They will not load to the TX in original format, as they open in normal notepad.
Devo TX cannot read.:(

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03 Mar 2017 20:10 #59823 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic loading ini file
I don't see why not.
There can be mistakes, like downloading the link as a HTML page, or copying a shortcut link instead of the actual file, but using the "Save link as..." or similar command in the context menu of different browsers let you save the file without converting it.

That said I don't use other's model.ini files, so take my comments with a grain of salt...

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03 Mar 2017 20:25 #59824 by Quadman
Replied by Quadman on topic loading ini file
I make my own ini's also and you may well be correct about how they are downloaded or opened, that's maybe why I have had problems in the past.
So if anyone has suffered the same problems, here they will find a solution.:woohoo:

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04 Mar 2017 20:24 #59849 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic loading ini file
I download ini files as well as make files for others to download. I always use the files direct from the forums when I download them, and have never had anyone need to use notepad to get them to load. But I don't use Windows.

It's known that Notepad creates files that have problems, so you need to use Notepad++ if you're going to edit them. But drag-n-drop should works fine on Unix/Linux/MacOS, so if it doesn't work that way on Windows, the issues is either Windows or something you're doing wrong. Given that notepad++ fixes it, I'd guess something was screwing up the line endings.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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