Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad

08 Apr 2013 08:59 #8737 by FDR
There is an interesting new Walkera product, the QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad , which according to the description can be controlled by WiFi OR any DEVO tx.
So are there two RF transceivers in it, or can the CYRF be used for a WiFi connection?

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09 Apr 2013 02:22 #8770 by rototophe
Replied by rototophe on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
Sounds like an interesting product as like you said it can be controlled with the Devo series Txs. Thing is it got me thinking, since I am a looser and I don't have an Ipad or an android tablet and no smartphone whatsoever (yeah yeah I know, I am living under a rock) I was wondering if there is a way to control the quad with a Devo Tx and access the FPV video feed via a local Wifi network (basic WIFI router) using a windows or linux laptop to watch/capture the feed?

If anyone can elaborate on this it would be much appreciated.

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09 Apr 2013 05:21 #8772 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
I am also interested in this (I own a smartphone at least ;) ). Maybe someone can examine what the app does? I am not sure if it would be necessary to use a real WLAN infrastructure (esp. with a complete ip stack on every [flying] device) or if an app can have access to lower areas of the wireless transmitting.
I have seen the quad at banggood for 119$ as preorder (and I was just a grain away from pressing enter...).

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02 Jul 2013 14:14 #11750 by burburx
Replied by burburx on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
Hi there,
There is a way to record by pc and control with devo transmitter.
you can receive the camera view by pc with vlc media player.
Walkera QR W100 video streaming to PC
When powered up the Quad will create a WiFi named WKxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is a random 8 digit number. Note that this is not a full fledged access-point – while multiple devices can connect to it, only the first one will get the video stream. So if you do not get any video, check your other devices.
Receiving with VLC
While in theory you could any WiFi capable device to receive the stream, Walkera unfortunately only has released an iOS app so far.
However as they are using a standard HTTP MJPEG for the video, one can use any video player, like VLC for receiving.
The address of the Quad is and the video is sent over port 7060, so the video URL is If you want to do FPV also make sure that you disable any buffering as it introduces latencies (1s by default in VLC)

You can also take pictures and record video with VLC – for this enable View -> Advanced Controls and the according buttons will appear in the UI
What is missing

Unfortunately VLC on android does not allow disabling network-caching or video recording, so you cant quite use the QR W100 with Android yet. Furthermore the iOS app also allows controlling the Quad over WiFi, which obviously requires more than a video player on the PC.
abstrackt from

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01 Dec 2013 23:35 - 01 Dec 2013 23:36 #16168 by btoschi
Replied by btoschi on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
I have reversed the entire WiFi thing of the W100S some time ago.

Video is simple HTTP multipart JPEG 640x480 streamed over port 7060.
Each frame starts with the delimiter item, which is
(thats also what the header tells us), so you can sync your own decoder on this, or, even faster, check the end of your input buffer for end-of-JPEG marker (FF D9).

I have a small python script which shows the live video, my method reduces lag a lot, even faster than on IPhone. I'll have to clean it up before I can post it - sorry, busy right now. It also has marginal control facilities (using sliders, *argh* - never finished that)

The control port is UDP port 60034, just send this data:
AA 55 60 01 7F 7F 7F 7F 01 01 01 5F
AA 55 6e tt rr ee aa gg tt 01 01 cc
first one is idle packet, next one with placeholders:
e = 1 -> enable wifi control (onboard LED should tell you its bound after sending this)
tt = throttle, 01 = min (off), ff = max (comes twice !)
rr = rudder, 01 = min, 7f = center, ff = max
ee = elevation
aa = aileron
gg = gyro (not to sure why I have named it this way - maybe WiFli has this ?)
cc = checksum

I have not played too much with this, control via Devo is much better - first thing I did with IPhone controls: Crashing hard into wall, requiring new motor arm as it broke apart (BAD Design, the Ladybird is MUCH more robost here).

Note that Walkera recently brought out the android app - w/o live video though. There is another android app including live video but you'll have to pay to enable all features. I abandoned the idea after crashing hard, but maybe I'll give the video decoding on android a try in the future.
Last edit: 01 Dec 2013 23:36 by btoschi. Reason: typo

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27 Feb 2014 21:11 - 27 Feb 2014 21:11 #20937 by thunderisr
Replied by thunderisr on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
If anyone is interested, thanks to btoschi I've built a program to control w100s from your PC's gamepad or joystick.
Last edit: 27 Feb 2014 21:11 by thunderisr.

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28 Feb 2014 02:44 #20944 by esklarski
Replied by esklarski on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
I'm interested, but more in how precise the controls are?

Does it compare to a normal Devo tx?

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28 Feb 2014 06:16 #20948 by thunderisr
Replied by thunderisr on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
I don't have a devo tx. The controls compared to controlling by phone are unbelievable.
It is very precise, very fast comparing to phone.

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01 Mar 2014 02:31 #21012 by marcoose
Replied by marcoose on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
I tried flying using my iPhone because I couldn't let it sit on the shelf waiting for my Devo to arrive, and it was a disaster. Response was pretty terrible IMO, which I kind of expected.

I just started playing with the model config from Tom Z and did a few tweaks to use the switches I wanted. Since I have never flown with a stock Devo transmitter, I'm wondering if somebody can confirm my impressions:

- when the throttle is killed, the props continue (powered) for about 1 - 1.5s. I assumed this was a WiFi lag issue with the iphone remote, but it does it with my Devo as well and I saw it mentioned in passing in an RC groups post

- with the 6-axis gyro on, it is "unflyably stable"... I checked the channel monitor and it is putting out 100% on ail/ele, but the quad only banks maybe 10 degrees or so. It is so tame I find it hard to fly as it barely reacts to your inputs

- in 3-axis gyro mode, it is twitchy as :evil: ... the "blue pill" is no comparison to the "red pill". With the blue light on, using a 40% max scalar I find it banks 45% or more and goes around like crazy... at 65% scalar on linear I can flip it over (or usually stand it on end and have it crash to the floor)

I've had very little flying experience with it so far, but it does not fly anything like my v222 or jxd385. One thing that blows me away in particular is the piro... it spins around like it has a tail rotor when you touch the rudder, whereas my other quads take more than a second to 360. Not sure I am a huge fan, but it is growing on me (at least in 3-axis mode).

Interested to know what other people think of the flying characteristics, or if maybe I have just messed up my model config really bad :)

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25 Apr 2014 19:17 #22721 by seankuay
Replied by seankuay on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
how to get hold?

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05 Aug 2014 19:19 - 05 Aug 2014 19:20 #25040 by uk
Hi @thunderisr, Would you mind sharing the PC based program? I'm looking to create a similar one for running off Rasberry PI.

BTW, I'm having trouble seeing the QR100S under the WiFi in iPad or iPhone. Did you experience such a problem ever? Are you aware of any switches or jumpers to flip on the receiver board to enable that?
Last edit: 05 Aug 2014 19:20 by uk.

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02 Sep 2014 12:35 - 02 Sep 2014 13:35 #25461 by Firb3c
Replied by Firb3c on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
Hi @uk,

If you are still interested in PC program (or anybody else of course), I can extract it from my solution and publish it here (there's a lot of other junk in there which is irrelevant for you guys, I think :) ). Thanks to btoschi's excellent work, I've managed to implement protocol layer and use it with HID device (gamepad/joystick). Code is written in C#, VS2013. I'm using it with my Futaba via trainer port. Controlling is way better than with phone or tablet, but still not the same as with rc transmitter.
Last edit: 02 Sep 2014 13:35 by Firb3c. Reason: mod

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03 Sep 2014 16:12 #25483 by uk
yes please!

Look forward to hearing from you soon :)

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08 Sep 2014 18:32 - 08 Sep 2014 18:42 #25555 by Firb3c
Replied by Firb3c on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad

Sorry for delay, I'm quite busy over here...

I've managed to extract needed stuff into separate project. Program is simple C# console application (created with VS 2013) which uses 2 external libraries (I'm using them in my project, so I left them here) - AForge.NET (used for MJPEG streaming) and SharpDX (used for joystick/gamepad controller manipulation). Application runs form application in separate window for video streaming. You will need .NET Framework 4.5 to run executables.

I think that code is self explaining and there is no need to write additional informations in here. I didn't spent a lot of time for this application, so don't blame me for bad code - it could be better :whistle: .

I hope that it will help someone/somehow.

And don't forget, you are using it at your own risk ;)
Last edit: 08 Sep 2014 18:42 by Firb3c.

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09 Sep 2014 22:39 #25594 by uk
Np, thank you very much!

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08 Oct 2014 16:17 - 08 Oct 2014 16:21 #26009 by nanobot9000
Replied by nanobot9000 on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
I stumbled upon the replacement module for this product here WalkeraHelicopterSupply
and would like to add it to a DIY quad. I am assuming that I could either use the Walkera App but it has the controls overlaying the image or I could use another IP camera app on my iPhone to view the output?

Also, I think I know the answer, but would this work with a Ladybird? I am guessing the app requires a different type of receiver?

Has anyone tried using another iphone App to stream the video. I have a few I use for IP cameras at home.

Thanks for any input!
Last edit: 08 Oct 2014 16:21 by nanobot9000. Reason: not finished

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10 Oct 2014 08:34 - 10 Oct 2014 08:35 #26023 by btoschi
Replied by btoschi on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
Video is just http streamed MJPEG, thus it is handled by many app (e.g. VLC), problem is to minimize latency, which can be achieved (only?) with custom app - but never tested if that's really possible on iPhone/Droid, keeping up with 30fps JPEG decoding is not that easy to achieve on a mobile.

For controlling the receiver of the quad must accept control input via serial input in the very same (QR W100S) format as its send via UDP - I don't think that any other stock receiver does support that.

Could be possible on V2x2 based quadcopter (or derivates) with custom firmware (bradwii variant for ARM) adding support for serial input, which means extending the firmware source code plus some embedded debugging.
I don't know if the firmware works on V212/V222, smaller ones won't carry the WiFi Board, but if I'd enough time for that I'd give it a try :P
Last edit: 10 Oct 2014 08:35 by btoschi.

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16 Oct 2015 18:21 - 24 Oct 2015 12:31 #38931 by doctor
Replied by doctor on topic Walkera QR W100 WiFi controlled FPV quad
In case there is a need for deeper analysis HERE are decompiled (mostly readable, but the code is horrific) and posted above sources from WK-REMOTE android app and WK-iRemote (both compilable, but do crash) the only custom native library included - libmux which operates other libraries which are publicly available: libffmpeg.so, libmp3lame.so and libx264.so .

Android app ecompilation performed using retdec.com/
libmux.so decompilation performed using www.decompileandroid.com/ and www.javadecompilers.com/apk

Video stream for QR w100s can be accessed via (login: admin, pasw: admin123 )
Infact HERE Russian enthusiasts explain how to raise video resolution to at least 800x600
Last edit: 24 Oct 2015 12:31 by doctor.

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