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XK Protocol Question
- dc59
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- victzh
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- victzh
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- cewece
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- Babay
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- jimqjp
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Many, many thanks to you, and all others contributed to the project!!!!.victzh wrote: Check out Builds sub-forum, I put versions for Devo 7E and Devo 10 there.
May be I missed, I am not able to find source of the CC2500 module used in TX, can you please post again?
I have a BNF K110, waiting for a working radio.
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- victzh
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- jimqjp
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Babay wrote: Today I received CC2500 module, and will install it into Devo transmitter. It is unfortunate that Futaba S-FHSS protocol has not yet been implemented. Dear developers, please help to implement the protocol. This would allow to use of high-quality receivers through S.BUS. And many people will be able to tell: Thank you very much!
Can you please share the source and the picture in your TX?
Thank you!!!
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- jimqjp
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victzh wrote: eBay, Banggood, whatever is better for you. E.g. www.ebay.com/itm/CC2500-PCBA-2-4GHz-Wire...c:g:mt8AAOSwFNZWzB5M or www.ebay.com/itm/New-CC2500-PA-LNA-Romot...6:g:g8gAAOSwHPlWcXME . They both need an antenna, the second one has U.FL on it, the first one requires soldering.
Thank you victzh! The second one looks better, it has a shield. The first one has more Max TX power (22 vs. 17 dbm).
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- Babay
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Pictures, diagram and link for source present in my blog . Sorry, the text in Russian. But now, this module is not available.jimqjp wrote: Can you please share the source and the picture in your TX?
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- victzh
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It's just not true. I started hunting XK Alien X250 as soon as it was announced that it would be Futaba S-FHSS compatible, which later appeared not to be true. Only recently actual S-FHSS models with transmitter were available. When I learned of it, not from you, by the way, I immediately bought it with my own money, and also bought Orange S-FHSS receiver and started reversing it. So, I don't like this condescending tone.
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- jimqjp
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- jimqjp
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BG does not carry another kind, which has a few dbm more power, anymore.
This is a connection picture works for my 7E (step 1).
There are more info here for the installation.
Replaced a a7105 module in my 7E with this one, I have not played V911 for a long time anyway. Really wish I could have another spare pin for this one.
Thanks again for great contribution of Victzh and others, the protocol works smoothly.
Here are the channel info may help:
ch1 - AIL
ch2 - ELE
ch3 - THR
ch4 - RUD
chr5 - 6axel / 3D
ch6 - pitch
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- jimqjp
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I found that my 7E uses 180mA for all CC2500 settings but the very first one (0.3mW). Then I checked the code.
The power is set in this function:
void CC2500_SetPower(int power)
const unsigned char patable[8]=
0xC5, // -12dbm
0x97, // -10dbm
0x6E, // -8dbm
0x7F, // -6dbm
0xA9, // -4dbm
0xBB, // -2dbm
0xFE, // 0dbm
0xFF // 1.5dbm
if (power > 7)
power = 7;
CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_3E_PATABLE, patable[power]);
The power level we need should be
TXPOWER_100uW, -10 dbm
TXPOWER_300uW, -5.22 dbm
TXPOWER_1mW, 0 dbm
TXPOWER_3mW, 4.7 dbm
TXPOWER_10mW, 10 dbm
TXPOWER_30mW, 14.77 dbm
TXPOWER_100mW, 20 dbm
TXPOWER_150mW, 21.76 dbm
The amplifier of the module adds about 20dbm power. So the CC2500 setting should be about -30 dbm to 0dbm.
Based on the datasheet, the power table in this function should be like this:
const unsigned char patable[8]=
0x50, // -30dbm TXPOWER_100uW, -10 dbm
0xC0, // -26dbm TXPOWER_300uW, -5.22 dbm
0x46, // -20dbm TXPOWER_1mW, 0 dbm
0x55, // -16dbm TXPOWER_3mW, 4.7 dbm
0x97, // -10dbm TXPOWER_10mW, 10 dbm
0x7F, // -6dbm TXPOWER_30mW, 14.77 dbm
0xFE, // 0dbm TXPOWER_100mW, 20 dbm
0xFF // 1dbm TXPOWER_150mW, 21.76 dbm
Now my radio current changes from 120mA to 180mA with the power level settings.
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- john
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Can you try to read hex file from stm8 with a Stlink , dc59 ? Good luck
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- dc59
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john wrote: Can not believe rx sf700s is very simple and component cheap
Can you try to read hex file from stm8 with a Stlink , dc59 ? Good luck
How to wire my ST-Link to SF700S to read HEX file?

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- john
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- john
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Load firmware again , it work normal

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- dc59
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Dose pin order from left to right at bottom side Reset , vcc (3v3), gnd , swim correctly?
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- john
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dc59 wrote: I can't connect my SF700S to ST-Link and now I got problem, my SF700S can't work!
Dose pin order from left to right at bottom side Reset , vcc (3v3), gnd , swim correctly?
Omg , I'm sorry for this

Reset , gnd , vcc, Swim . Hope stm8 not burn .
If it bad , I will send you file bin to load firmware . But you have to replace new chip st8
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Protocol Development
- XK Protocol Question