I just got an
iDrone i3
RCGroups thread
I've taken apart the transmitter and on the board there's the lettering "iDrone i6". I've googled for that and found a Yi Zhan iDrone 6, but no mention of Yi Zhan appears anywhere on my box, quadcopter or transmitter. There seems to be a relation, though, since the transmitter looks
very alike, and the shape is not common enough for it to be a plausible coincidence.
I tried the protocol/module I use normally for my Yi Zhan Tarantula X6 (WLToys V202, same as the XK X250), but no dice.
High-res pictures of the transmitter
, including what I think is the radio module. Unfortunately the main chip has no markings.
Any ideas if the protocol is already supported, and what it might be? If it's using a known one I'll come up with a module for the quad and post it here.