Call for translations for upcoming release

30 Dec 2013 05:01 #17456 by PhracturedBlue
Call for translations for upcoming release was created by PhracturedBlue
I think we're finally at the end of the long road since the 3.0 release. I don't see any other major outstanding issues, and the documentation is making good progress. So if things go well, I expect to release the next Deviation version some time this week.

That means that if there is any remaining translation work that you think should make it into this release, now would be a good time to submit a patch or pull request.

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30 Dec 2013 05:48 - 30 Dec 2013 05:50 #17457 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Here is .ro translation. To be honest I think this will be my last effort to translate in Romanian as I've got zero feedback so far and I personally use Deviation in English. Could be I'm the only one using a Walkera TX around here hehe B)

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire
Last edit: 30 Dec 2013 05:50 by sbstnp.

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30 Dec 2013 06:06 #17458 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Who knows, I have not feedback from the Russian users, but I know that many people use the Russian interface.

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30 Dec 2013 06:45 #17459 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Call for translations for upcoming release

vlad_vy wrote: Who knows, I have not feedback from the Russian users, but I know that many people use the Russian interface.

Would be nice for people to drop by and say Hi! though :whistle:

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire

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30 Dec 2013 07:58 #17464 by billmester
Replied by billmester on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Anyone working on the Hungarian translation? I could help with that.

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30 Dec 2013 08:21 #17465 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
I think FDR owns that.

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire

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30 Dec 2013 09:02 #17467 by FDR
Yep, I used to do that.
I think the hungarian translation is pretty uptodate, but I will take a look anyway...

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30 Dec 2013 13:24 #17479 by RandMental
Replied by RandMental on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
I generated a pull request to update the Afrikaans Language file

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30 Dec 2013 14:02 - 30 Dec 2013 14:08 #17482 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Thanks everyone. Off topic, since sbstnp mentioned not getting any feedack on Romanian, it got me wondering. While we do have Chinese, I've never had anyone requests for Hindi, or Arabic, Japanese, or Portuguese (Arabic would be quite challenging as it is written right to left and would require some code to flip the screens), and the French and Spanish translations don't tend to be maintained much which indicates not a lot of users. At the same time, we have Hungarian, Romanian, Afrikaanas, and Dutch none of which have much of a world presence. While Deviation is obviously a niche market, and doesn't represent the RC community much less the world population, I do find the set of languages supported to be surprising.

But thanks again for all your work in maintaining these files. I am proud to be able to say that Deviation is used world-wide, and am glad you all think enough of it to translate into your your own languages.
Last edit: 30 Dec 2013 14:08 by PhracturedBlue. Reason: Wikipdia infomrs me that Nagai is written left-to-right

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30 Dec 2013 19:24 #17496 by FDR
Well, I think it more depends on the nationality of the contributors, then the users.
I know only a few people using deviation in Hungary, one of them using it in hungarian for sure, but I use english myself. :lol:

BTW the reputation of Walkera transmitters is quite low everywhere, while a lot of people use Turnigy 9x, which is even lower quality I think.

People still don't know about deviation. We should advertise... ;)

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30 Dec 2013 21:12 #17507 by billmester
Replied by billmester on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Come ooon :whistle:
LHS (local hobby stores i know only favor Futaba, Jeti... not even Spektrum :blink:
You think they care about a re-firmed Walkera??? :woohoo:
(btw, where are you, which town?)

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31 Dec 2013 17:44 #17587 by BitOne
Replied by BitOne on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Even as a french user, I tend to prefer using English version of software, as the language itself is more concise, so more clear without less abbreviation (which is even more important on smaller screen).

So I'm not sure that checking the liveliness of the translation is a good indicator of the liveliness of the community in the related country. But I'm not sure as well I'm a good sample of the French community :)

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31 Dec 2013 19:05 #17594 by RandMental
Replied by RandMental on topic Call for translations for upcoming release
Perhaps I should have posted my comments here rather than a new topic, anyway please see , it is related.

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