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SYMA X5SC Explorer 2

Here is a .ini file i use for the SYMA X5SC Explorer 2 (that is what it says on the box anyway). I am nowhere near to beeing an expert in programming .ini files. I build it using 4 different files i found around in the forum (including one for JJRC H20). The combination of those files gave my quad all the abilities it should have. I share it for anyone who might want to try it too. I am using Nightly Builds and DEVO 10.

For the camera, pressing the throttle trim one time up takes a picture. Pressing it one time down starts recording.

The 3D mode is activated with the GEAR1 switch.

The Headless Mode is activated with the AIL DR1 switch (it takes a couple of seconds to activate).

The RUDD RD switch is HOLD. RUDD DR0 is good to go, RUDD DR1 is HOLD.

Finaly, the FMODE switch corresponds to three different D/Rs. FMODE0=60, FMODE1=80, FMODE2=100

You may change the switches to what you preffer.

Luckely this version of SYMA X5SC does not seem to suffer from the “wind bug” previous verson did, and flyes well in moderate winds.


model_config/syma_x5sc_explorer_2.txt (91494 views) · Last modified: 2016/01/20 23:12 by Fer