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WL Toys V911 with Devo 7E (Mode2)


here's a working (at least for me) config for the V911 and the Devo7E.

Credits to:

pfriedel in Devo 7e models

rototophe in WL Toys - V911

A working V911.BMP vor Devo7E is inside this forum. Just search :)

My setup is heavily inspired by the configs above. But i've made some modifications / changes, especially regaring the 7E (and some changes to the Reverse-Settings).


+ FMOD (0=Indoor/Beginner, 1=Agile)

+ Toggles on Main for HOLD/FMOD

+ Timer (360sec), Countdown at main screen @ THR. Maybe change it to 5Min (300sec). Depends on your batt :)

+ Security on THR

+ Quickpage1 (Long press UP+): Mixer

+ Quickpage2 (Long press DN-): Channel Monitor

CH1 (AIL): Reverse, -100/100, Complex, Expo, FMOD0 55%, FMOD1 95%

CH2 (ELE): Reverse, -100/100, Complex, Expo, FMOD0 55%, FMOD1 95%

CH3 (THR): -100/100, Safety=HOLD1, Safetyval -100

CH4 (RUD): -100/100, Complex, Expo, FMOD0 70%, FMOD1 95%

Trimsteps: 0.1,5,3,5

Trim: Massive Trim on this setup. Pls test, or reset to ZERO according to your v911. The heli needs trims… customized to your model.

:blink: My trim changes massively only after changing the battery. So → There is no setup which works w/o trimming out of the box (like a koax does). Fine-Trim the heli on every flight :)

Update on Trims/Timer (06.02.2016): The File model1_new has trims on ~0,0,0,0. I've adjusted the trim (for my v911) using subtrim settings inside the mixer. Subtrim (new): AIL +20 (+2.0@RC), ELE +140 (+14.0@RC), RUD +70 (+7.0@RC) Timer: 300sec (model1_new.ini), 360sec (model1.ini) Warning: This config works for me, you have to trim your V911. Every V911 is unique :) With this setup im able to hover my V911 absolutely stable w/o manual corrections on the sticks. At least after it's trimmed correctly :woohoo: USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. PLS TEST THIS SETUP CAREFULLY :evil: model1_new model1

model_config/wl_toys_v911_with_devo_7e_mode2.txt (117543 views) · Last modified: 2016/02/01 12:31 by zyta2k